I am a human being

I will fail, but I am not a failure.
There is good and bad in the world.
I will do bad things, but I am not a bad person.
I will also do good things, but it does not always appear good to others.
There are right and wrong answers.
I will give a wrong answer, but I am not always wrong.
I will give a right answer, but it may not be right for others.
I am a collection of ideas, impressions and experiences. I act upon that collection that was installed into my childhood.
We may act differently – that is okay, for we were created as individuals.
My failure may be your success.
My good deed may be your wrong deed.
My bad deed may be your good deed.
My right answer may be your wrong answer.
My wrong answerer may be your right answer.
It is okay if we are different; different is not always a bad thing. For the Father has us all on different callings and paths we must travel.
I am responsible for one human being to stay on the salvation road and that is me.
I know only one collection of thoughts and that is my own, but that can be developed with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Who I am depends on me, and that is no one else’s fault. For once I am of age it is up to me to change what needs to be changed to make life more pleasant for me and those around me.


Anonymous said...

I love this...had to run it off to show everybody. Posted one on my refrigerator for all to see. Thank you for ALL the work you do to bring joy to others. May you be BLESSED!!!! Luv Ya...

Anonymous said...

Heartfelt and to be passed on to many others.

Anonymous said...

Very good!