Renewing your mind

The entire human brain is called the cerebrum or the telencephalon which is the name for a large region within the brain. Scientists say the right hemisphere of the brain appears to control emotional expressions, visual imagination and nonverbal processing, while the left side controls verbal, analytical, sequential thinking and logical processing. Within the hemispheres there are four general parts including the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe. Each lobe has different features and functions and they are all very important. The frontal lobe is located in the front of the brain next to the parietal lobe. People have said that the frontal lobe plays a part in impulse control, judgment, language production, working memory, motor function, problem solving, sexual behavior, socialization and spontaneity. It also helps in planning, coordinating, controlling and executing behavior. Those are some functions that make the frontal lobe a very important part of the brain. Then there's the parietal lobe which is the part of the brain that is behind the frontal lobe and above temporal lobe. It is capable in putting together sensory information from different parts of the body including vision, hearing, memory, and motor and in the manipulation of objects. Much less is known about this lobe compared to the other three. After, it is the temporal lobe. The Temporal lobe is the one that is under the frontal lobe and the parietal lobe. It is the lobe that involves in auditory processing and is home to the primary auditory cortex which is the responsible for processing of sound information. It is also involved in speech and vision. The temporal lobe includes the hippocampus and is therefore it involves in memory formation as well, making the temporal lobe a very important part of the brain. The last lobe is the occipital lobe. This lobe allows humans to see and it can be found behind the temporal lobe and the parietal lobe. It is the smallest lobe out of the four but it is still very important.Your brain is a thinking organ that learns and grows by interacting with the world through perception and action. Mental stimulation improves brain function and actually protects against cognitive decline, as does physical exercise. The human brain is able to continually adapt and rewire itself. It is the tendency of the brain to shape itself according to experience. The average human brain weighs about 3 pounds. The brain has three main parts: the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem (medulla).
Controlling toxic thoughts and emotions; what we think, what gets stuck in our brain jams so much of our body, dams the literal release of the healing potential and possibilities and we release toxins that poison us in so many ways, the negative aspects.
What the memories look like in your brain is pretty much like trees. In building a memory, your brain literally grows branches to hold the words spoken. So it is a physical positioning or place where the information is stored and that is an electro chemical reaction. You have electricity, you have chemicals, and you have a building process occurring. Now those chemicals that help to build the memory are called "the biochemicals of the body," these various different ones but for the sake of understanding it and making it simple we call them all "the biochemicals of the body." You cannot build a memory without the chemicals. Those chemicals are often referred to or now referred to in the current neuro science research as being "molecules of emotion." The very things that we build our memories with actually are carriers of emotion, and they move through your entire body, in your bloodstream. Your whole body contains memories of what's going on in your head, what's happening is that as you are building a memory you're having this electrical chemical reaction. Now there are two types of emotion, you get your fear-based emotions and you get faith-based emotions -- only two types. Out of the fear-based emotions come all of the anger, hate, bitterness, fear, unforgiveness, anxiety, worry. And out of the faith-based emotion comes love, joy, peace, patience, happiness and they are completely distinct in the signs, these different chemicals. , there is a very scientific link between how we think and the chemicals that our body produces. What happens is that they found that the fear-based chemicals, those things are toxic. Our body is made up of all of these chemical feedback loops, all these loops that get us going, all these electrical chemical feedback loops, a mass of them. And as these fear-based chemicals are released, those kind of clog up and block up the natural flow of the good chemicals. So that they kind of distorts the whole pattern and our bodies get reduced to simple feedback loops that actually disrupt the thinking pattern in the mind. It starts with a thought. It comes from what you're thinking in your mind, and if you think of what you're thinking in your mind, you've got all of these memories from birth to the age that you are at now, everything that you've been exposed to, even in the womb is stored in these memory trees of the mind that look like trees. What happens there is that these memory trees build and they live forever, they're controlling. You can actually build a memory that becomes a stronghold and it can dominate your thought life and every time you think of it, it releases certain chemicals in your body that will then go to the weak area, creating a hole, spreading over the positive areas. You build memories related to knowledge to incidents, and if they are negative-based or fear-based memories they're going to have fear-based chemicals flowing. Those chemicals flow through your entire body. They carry that message, if you were hurt when you were a child, your body built up a memory of the pain of that time.
What happens is that as the chemicals are released according to the fear or faith-based emotion that you're feeling, fear is a spiritual force, it is the opposite of faith, which is a spiritual force. Out of that spiritual force of fear will come all of the reactions, which you would have experienced maybe anxiety or worry or depression or whatever, or any of those things. Each of those in itself has its own bunch of chemicals that are released. So eventually your body is bathed in these chemicals that are being traveled, and your body goes into stress. So as you have fear, your body shifts into stress. Stress releases chemicals. These three levels of stress -- the first level is a good level, it's the one that alerts you, sharpens you, and focuses you. But then the second level is where the problems start. The third level is where we've got real serious problems. Now what can happen is that as those chemicals flow, those stress chemicals flow; they flow first to your heart. The life is in the blood. In your heart you have a little mini brain of 40,000 neurons, nerve cells and that little heart brain is a checking station. It checks for accuracy, for truth, for congruence, it is a small quiet voice, it is a gentleman, and it is the conscience. So literally, on a physical level it is described as your checking station, scientifically, and on a spiritual level, it would be where the Holy Spirit would speak to you because it is where your conscience is.
Now all the things from your mind as you formulate thoughts and whatever, it would pass through your conscience. And if we haven't got control of our thought life the conscience will alert you that something is wrong but you may not have a coping strategy in place to actually deal with that emotion. Those chemicals will flow to your heart and if possible, the heart will be choked first because the life is in the blood. Then the chemicals all flow through to the immune system, which is your defense system. So think of it now, your life has been choked and if you have a genetic weakness in your heart, one of those heart problems can start to develop. If however, you don't have a genetic weakness there, you will experience heart palpitations or fluttering of the heart or whatever, then it will shift over to the immune system and the immune system covers a huge amount of -- as things go wrong in the immune system. What will happen there is the immune system or defense system will be attacked. If there is a weakness somewhere there, you will start getting symptoms, physical symptoms.
When the stress chemicals flow, it is a bit like battery acid because if you can imagine that that's your nerve selling your brain and you have about a 100 trillion of them in your brain. What happens is they're covered with like a little fatty sheathe called the myelin sheath and as those stress chemicals flow, they flow through your brain and they actually start physically eating into that myelin sheath. That then will affect the impulse's ability to flow and the chemicals or the peptides to actually flow and carry the information, which will cause depression, fatigue, anxiety, lack of clarity of thought, all kinds of any -- depending on how bad, where it is. Sometimes it forms, the chemicals can almost coagulate and form like a chewing gum blob and the impulse can literally get stuck so you lose attention, you lose focus, you lose concentration. Your fear, the fear chemicals block your ability to think, block your creativity, block your joy, block your hope. Now joy and hope, laughter, those things immediately start releasing chemicals that help to rebuild again. You can go for years, we can stay in that stage for 20, 40, 60 years because one will go in and out, in and out but eventually, the damage becomes quite severe and can become quite permanent.
The emotional memories causes’ psychosomatic illness and damage to the brain for what you are thinking can have a negative effect or can reverse to the positive. What's happening, when you have things stored inside like anger and unforgiveness, the person you're angry with, you're the one that's suffering. You may hold it against them but it is putting toxins in your body. You're actually the one who suffers more. One needs to release that and forgive the person because as you are holding unforgiveness and bitterness which is from the fear line, what happens is you are picking up the wrong chemicals.
If you don’t release the negative emotions what will happen is those little memories, the painful chemicals, the toxic chemicals kind of form little thorns on the memory so it becomes painful. Think of it like a weed that is growing through a garden, and through a field, a really strong wild weed that is weeding out all of the good stuff, eventually, it chokes the good memories and it will dominate. And every time you go and walk through there you hurt yourself, there is pain being released. You can be absent from the situation but experience the same feeling of pain because those molecules then literally pop out of the little thorn, flow through your body, remind your body because you get cellular memory and you actually re-experience the pain. So it is more real than what we actually think. Now forgiveness, you cannot build a new memory over the old memory until you have forgiven because chemically, that new memory can't bond when those chemicals, it is almost like soapy, that's a simple way of explaining it. You can't grow something on to it. You can only add on to the same thing, like unto like. So you can only build the same kind of negative memory on top of it. But if one day you decide to start forgiving and you don't just forgive with your mouth, but you forgive with your heart because your brain has to have your body and your brain has to have congruence, it has to not be oh, I forgive them. You have to really forgive them.
Free will was a gift to us from the Father, once we have accepted Him, our gift to Him is to have His will. And since He wants only good for us, every thought must be decided with “is this good for me”, if not though it away and don’t feed into it.Our environment, teachings, hurts and pains can damage our way of thinking and responding bringing every thought received as negative causing more stress to the mind and body. But since the brain can rewire itself we can choose to override the black stress into positive thoughts by truly taking every thought captive; “I’ll keep this – I’ll disregard that” until we make it a habit to think positive and protect what flows through our brain and body. I find this fascinating for I new how to renew the mind in His Word, but allowed festering situations replay until the body started to react.
What a powerful tool He has given us – now to use it wisely and make our changes!


Anonymous said...

Your have a captive audiance here! I am trying to rewire my brain also, thanks for the teaching!!

Anonymous said...

Your brain message really touched my heart and I'll never forget it. I cryed and could have sobbed to a great degree in watching your teaching.

Anonymous said...

I hope you know I did cry and I'm the one who fully filled out the brain graff.