The Glory

Who gets all the Glory?
Have you ever questioned G-d about the trials you are going though? I certainly have, after all could He not prevent it from happening?
Now I believe everything that happens has a purpose and a reason, we think in part where He sees the whole picture. Its all about the training and equipping us to be all we were meant to be, and who will get the glory for it.
Then I realized that the Father doesn’t get the glory out of what doesn’t happen. He gets the glory when you see how close He hovers over you and protects you from what could have happened.
G-d is to get the glory out of everything we do, so you might as well turn a negative into a positive and give Him all the praise. He wouldn’t get the glory by just not allowing things to happen, but when your pain goes public and everyone can see how close you came to total destruction, He steps into the situation that could have been avoided. But He allowed it to happen to teach us a lesson and to get the glory for it.
When everybody sees you down, then sees His touch on you and how He brings you back up to stand straight and tall – He gets all the glory!
So when you are in some kind of trouble and it seems like everyone is talking against you or taking sides, G-d said before this is over He is going to get the glory, so hang in there.
You may be in convicted, you may be uncomfortable, you may be overwhelmed and embarrassed, but by the word of your testimony He will get all the glory! He has to take you through a test to prove that you are now ready to go to the next level. You don’t have to do what you used to do just show up for He will never take you back through what you just went through if you passed the test. Because it was never about you, He allowed that to happen to you so He could get the glory.
So my friend, count all your trials and tribulation as a blessing for they all are to go to His Glory!!
We learn the hard way sometimes but we learn or have to retake the test all over.


Anonymous said...

And often we have to take the test many times in different ways before we learn.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we miss giving God the glory because we see things from a negative stand point. Case in point: Trixie (my 11 year old dog) has cancer and I have to put her to sleep. Not even 2 years after losing Hillary to cancer. I was feeling like maybe I was 'cursed' or something and asking "why me?". Then my sister said, "I think God knew you would love and take good care of her so he gave her to you". She's right and I felt so stupid for seeing things so darkly, with total lack of trust in God that He knows what He is doing, and does it with love. God is so unlike everything we know in this world and if we aren't careful we start to see Him as part of the world and He definately is not. Only through His word can we learn of Him and know Him as He truly is. That's why most folks in the world don't understand our love and devotion to Him. They can only see Him as part of their world. It is not until we are born again, when God touches us personally and we catch a glimpse of who He really is--only then can we begin to see and understand Him. I don't know of any bible verse that tells me Trixie is going to heaven but I know the God who created her, a loving, creative, beautiful God, and I believe He will take care of her. The bible says 'taste and see that the Lord is good' and we do that by our daily walk and trust in Him. He gets no glory if we blame Him for our problems or neglect seeing His hand working in our times of trouble. We please God by our faith in Him--in everything, everyday.