
I was inspired from a Sid Roth program, that brought back memories of the past.
I remember in the 1970’s G-d said to get your house in order, but not all people listened. Some people needed more, bigger and better, never being satisfied. Even to the point many wives had to go to work to afford all the new toys and vacations and now it has become a way of life, passed down from generation to generation.
In 2009 we find ourselves in an economy collapse, we could blame the government but have we ourselves, contributed to our own collapse?
This collapse is just laying the ground work for the world wide collapse, though there will be a short season of time of prosperity to allow Believers to get out of dedt and get their house in order. One more opportunity to heed His warning, or find yourself so bound up you will not see the Light. You do not want to be known as ‘deadbeat parents that sold your family into slavery!’
Whoever or whatever you look towards as your source of provision is your god! For example if you depend on credit cards to dig you out, they become your god.
Many Believers have gone astray in hard times by not seeking G-d’s wisdom and trusting in His provision. Biblical prosperity is that you have everything you need to be most effective to fulfill G-d’s purpose for your life and enough to be a blessing to another. There are no shortages with G-d! But because of sin, controlling, hording and politics, and the things going on behind the scene, there are shortages down here, even if they're contrived.
Debt comes on gradually; step by step you sink lower. Then you have to borrow off a charge card to pay off a different one, all the while the interest gets higher and higher.
All you are doing is sinking into slavery where you bury yourself and your family, blemishing your good family name. It is only material things that can be stolen, destroyed in a flood or hurricane at anytime, so why do we put so much value on keeping up with the Joneses?
We are not bound to the ups and downs of our economy; if we stay within our means and pay cash, we will not become slaves to whom we owe. The first step is to repent for not trusting Him to provide for your needs. Then take the responsibility for your own bad choices. Seek the wisdom of the Father on what you need to get rid off to get dedt free, for most of us have much more than we need already.
Even Evangelists and churches teach falsely, encouraging you to make a pledge and trust G-d to pay it off. G-d says, “No more! You did not wait for My provision and Scripture has already warned you not to be borrowers nor lenders. It was your choice to make the decision to sell yourself.”
I know Believers that have lost their jobs and in desperation they have paid their bills, gone on vacations, even put their divorce on charge cards, or borrowed from family and friends. I have even heard many manipulating sad stories from Believers to acquire money from sympathetic ears who don’t use discernment before giving.
One may say “if only I had more money, I could buy this or that, or give this or that.” They are looking at money as the answer to their problems instead of G-d. That makes money their idol.
G-d said; “You can not serve money and Me, you will love one and hate the other.”
Who do you look to?
How do you spend money, wisely or foolishly?
Does money give you the sense of value?
Do you buy what you cannot afford?
Do you buy now and pay whenever?
Do you have holes in your pockets?
Do you own what you bought or does it own you?
Do you give through sacrifice or obedience?
G-d will not keep funding your fleshly desires. Character is left out of tithing, offerings and alms. G-d said to obey ALL the Commandments and He will bless you.
Paul said to be content in all things whether you have much or little.
Your bailout from slavery comes from changing your spending and lifestyle. People, you do not know what really hard times are yet – but they are coming sooner than you think.
To be able to even stand you must get financially free!


Anonymous said...

thanks, that was good.

Anonymous said...
