Stay out of darkness

Stay out of dark places; studing under TD Jakes.
In-between praise and pain comes your message to bring deep healing in your soul. Depression is a killer; it creates pressure and brings on restriction. Look at Elijah in 1 Kings 18 & 19; he had just confronted four-hundred and fifty prophets of Baal to prove that the G-d of Israel was the only G-d. Then Jezebel sends him a message that she would take his life at the same time the next day; one lonely woman scares him with a treat and he runs away. What are you running from? What scares you into the darkness of depression? What threats have you heard in your life that did more damage than any punch you may have received?
When Elijah run scared into the wilderness, went and sat down under a juniper tree and requested for himself that he might die, depression set in. The pressure comes in how you think about your situation. If you can’t get your mind to work with you, you can’t think straight or see things clearly. When you are tired and weary you will think things are dead when they are not dead. Do not make decisions when you are tired, or your emotions are tired for you will see things as dead when they are only asleep; your perception and discernment are off when you are tired. You write the books that you read into your life and walk in the reality of your own thinking. Do you bounce ideas off someone who speaks in the language that you're accustomed to based on your own personal dysfunction, or do you leave a hole in your soul. The hole needs to be filled with encouragement and hope. Elijah had a hole; even people in high leadership had holes that drive them to greatness.
G-d sends an angel when life does not give you your due. Are you waiting for your angel to show up or running ahead of Him? Stand still and wait!!
Elijah is laying waiting for death to show up, but an angel shows up cooking for him. For what ever is taking you down G-d is cooking up something just for you.
Notice Elijah had to arise and eat, feeding himself after resting. You need to take care of yourself getting plenty of rest and nourishment before you can help another. You can’t help others if you go down physically and mentally yourself. Feed your self on His Word, daily renewing your mind.
Twice he did eat and rested, but it was the second meal that was to get him ready for where he was going. As soon as you get over what you have been through G-d, has something else for you to do. All tribulation is for your edification and promotion to the next level.
Stay out of the darkness of depression or issues that are lurking. Don’t dress up the depression, but get delivered from it. Walk into the light of His anointing, for it will destroy the yoke of the enemy. Everything is not broken through prayer alone, but thanks to G-d for faith and works together can get the victory in your life.
G-d created you to be happy, healthy and enjoy life!


Anonymous said...

Came just when needed!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the timely message.