Diamond Dust

Diamond dust is our lives that shine through the reflection of the Father’s radiance.
The realities we experience here and the greater eternal perspectives to which our assumptions that we take for granted. Like our ‘golden years’ would be prospers and healthy. Aging is not for the weak hearted! Why does the body seem to be falling apart causing suffering?
Recognizing that aging is inevitable in all our lives, and that while it can destroy us, it often serves to make us stronger, good can come out of our darkest hours.
During this time we can learn more about Y’Shua, and the experience, if we allow it to, can help us grow. Aging will also give us empathy and understanding for others who walk similar paths.
Throughout life one experiences various kinds of pain whether it is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Illnesses affect our relationships, our mental well-being and our emotional state. All this is preparing us for aging and growing fragile and weak that we may glorify the Father.
A lot of us are innocent victims of somebody else’s choices. It is our failure to accept responsibility, to need something to blame for bad things that happen. A sense of entitlement has taken the place of a sense of responsibility.
Unfortunately, a lot of our aging is the consequence of our own mistakes. In our youth maybe we did not take as good of care of our own bodies as we should have, exercise often, eat right and get enough rest. We made the wrong choices and we reap what we sow and have to pay its consequences. And example in my own life is the most difficult physical suffering was when I had surgery in my golden years. I had surgery for a very large hiatal hernil on top of my stomach. I was in excruciating pain. The very word excruciating derives from ‘crucify,’ the most horrifying kind of pain. This pain was agonizing for me for they couldn’t do much because if they gave me medicine for the pain, my lungs may stop functioning due to years of smoking.
We are to be like Y’Shua in ALL ways, we just don’t think of His ‘suffering part’. Many have suffered for His cause, and may G-d enable those who suffer in the will of G-d to allow Him to have the first and last word in all we are called to suffer.
Sometimes what we’re facing with aging can be so overwhelming and discouraging that we almost forget we’re not alone. During this time we should be clinging to G-d more, seeking His wisdom, trusting Him not to waste any experience but to somehow use it for some good and lasting purpose.
The aging we feel is not for nothing. The tears we shed are not wasted. The losses we know will be redeemed and our mourning will be turned to laughter, if we just hang in there.
Isn’t it foolish when we stumble attempting to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders instead of casting our cares on Him because He cares for Us? Aging was all in His glorious plan, we need to stop complaining and learn to flow with it gracefully!
G-d works through all things for the good of those who love Him, according to His purposes.
We were promised a great Comforter, and He has come to use every pain, failure, and setback and lost for our ultimate and eternal good.
All things we go through in our live time are like diamond dust that floats towards heaven. Little sparkles of our lives that shine for His glory, that were chipped away to His perfection. Aging can be beautiful with the promise of eternal life after we have ran the race.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!