
I went with a lady from our town to a church meeting in another town, at a so called ‘house church’ were Viola was speaking, a speaker from a different state. The message was for married couples, he even brought couples with him to give testimony, on how sins of the pass can affect today’s marriages.
Those that wanted prayer afterwards went down stairs; the lady I rode with went down, so I went to be there for her.
Everyone he prayed for he seen demons (that should have been a sign for me - but I was slow).
I do believe in demons, but not that everyone has them.
A lady I knew was there and came down stairs, and said how great he was in praying for her, he told her things only G-d knew (although it was things she already had been told many times). She pushed me forward for prayer (of course I could have walked away, so it is my fault for allowing it).
I went up for prayer for my back and knee, which he disregarded totally, and went in a different direction, stating first you have to get rid of the demons before being heal.
Before I left my home, the Holy Spirit told me to take my recorder, it was a good thing. I taped the conversation - you decide and let me know what you think. I told him I could not do a repeat after me that he had asked everyone else to do, for I usually can't talk when being prayed for, I usually cry or hyperventilate. He took it as a negative and publicly refused to pray for me 3 times, saying I was working with him.
I said I have been through forgiveness, and he answered that it was only a ritual not sincere. He indicated I had NO relationship with the Father because I was filled with spirits of hate, therefore I could not have a relationship with G-d.
He did call out to the two people he had seen me talking to, and said if they truly loved me to tell the truth – one remained quite. He did not even pause to give anyone a chance but the lady I road in with, spoke out, so he tried again to cast out what he thought was in me. He stated he heard it growl at him then quickly dismissed me again, for I told him I really do not believe I have any demons living in me, my Father would have shown me, and I was not the one that growl.
I played the tape over and over his group was standing behind me and beside me agreeing with him, saying “aha aha.”
I left totally humiliated, embarrassed, and defected, not worthy to get prayer for my back and knee. The lady I road with said that was pride, that I was upset because he did it openly. Many people think everything a speaker says is directly from the mouth of G-d, not using discernment.
This is one time I am asking for help and discernment. If I am wrong, then it needs to be corrected.
Please responde.


Anonymous said...

I didn't hear much of what was said over you. I heard about the vows you took needed to be taken back, (never to allow being hurt again.) When he was speaking over you, I was praying. When the lady spoke up, I had nothing to say. Whatever was spoken take it to God. He came to heal the broken-hearted & set the captives free.

Anonymous said...

I believe we all have demons that we struggle with; in regards to what viola said scripturally it is not correct in making a public spectacle of anyone. That is not how Jesus ministered; His motivation was love and restoration not assault and humiliation. I know you have been hurt in your past, but I do not believe you carry that with you, you might feel tenderness in some areas, but that can also help to minister to others who need compassion and understanding. I heard him in the past and did not feel compelled to hear him again.
I did not hear the tape and don’t feel I need to. Remember prophetic words are given to encourage, comfort, and exhort. I fail to see that in anything he told you. Remember also you are a child of the king, how should someone bring correction to royalty. So take things with a grain of salt. Ask your Daddy how He feels about what was said and pray for him because he is accountable for every word spoken.

Anonymous said...

You need to stay away from there! I know you and that is not true, it is and lie! Sounds like showmanship displaying to others his authority. You asked for prayer for your back and knee, and he totally ignored you and went his own way for showmanship. He is going to stand accountable for his words! He definitely did more harm than good! God will not hurt you, nor humiliate you, nor dismiss you as he did. You are one of the strongest woman of God I know, chin up you have not fallen out of favor with God.
There was a sort of growing but it seem to have come from the side of you or behind you.
Do not waste any tears over this, dust off your feet and move on, he is not worth it; he is there to sell his product and make a name for himself.

Anonymous said...

I have had this speaker at my house and refuse to have him again for people got hurt. He did not minister in love, and I felt it was just too much showmanship.
As part of the body I ask you for your forgiveness and break off any words spoken over you. He was totaly out of line in his proformance.
Pray for the man for he will be held accountable for his actions.

Anonymous said...

IF I had know you were going there, I would have warned you. People do not seem to have any discernment these days!!!!!!!!!!!!! Believe me he is making his way around our area BIG TIME!!

Anonymous said...

Grilfriend, you have been left out to hang and dry!! What kind of friends are these to not come to your side? Are we not to protect our brothers and sisters in the lord? Does the bible say 'every man for himself?' I think not.
It was a shame what you went through and had to do so all alone, I will pray for you to find better friends to come along side of you.

Anonymous said...

Listened to the tape. Now I heard!! Jesus would NEVER hurt you or humiliate/embarrass you. He is full of compassion . He would lift you up, not tear you down. You know G-d's voice and you know how tender He has ALWAYS been with you. He would NEVER rebuke you openly like that!!! You are G-d's treasure, a pearl of great price, His beautiful bride, His delight, you are the apple of His eye and He has found favor with you. Must have grieved His heart deeply!!! Wished I would have heard, didn't understand what was going on. So glad you took your recorder. Climb into Abba's lap, rest in Him , knowing that He loves you with an everlasting love and His arms enfold you. Let Him comfort you. You have been wounded Seasoned Warrior, now get up, and recall the beautiful, encouraging words He has spoken to you. You are His BELOVED!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! As I was reading through this I was reminded of the time there was a conference at Community Church. Leo Bailey of Generations Church brought in this pastor from over Eau Claire way, named Nathan something. He was sure a lady was filled with demons and proceeded to try casting them out of her in front of enough people for it to be embarrassing. Finally Doug intervened. It was messy. Your situation sounds similar. I'm really sorry you had to go through that, but isn't it good to remember that the Lord never leaves or forsakes you? Stand on His promises and tell the devil to take a hike! He will continue to accuse you as long as you allow it.
Remember me saying that Greg Violi didn't turn me on? Now I know for sure that I won't ever take my time to spend under his lack of gifting!
If it's any consolation, I have been hearing reports from all over the country that the people of God are going through all variety's of hell in the past weeks. Hopefully, once Atonement comes it will be over! I'll be waiting.

Anonymous said...

Just a note to say I’m out of town until Sunday . I’m sorry about what was said to you and I realize how much that hurts, if you need to talk things through call my cell it will not cost anything I have a nationwide plan and I’m here for you.

Anonymous said...

Holy Spirit I pray the peace that passes all understanding over my sister, remove the careless bruises she was mercilessly inflicted. Forgive them that did not come to her side, and the one who spoke over her, for he knew not what he was doing. People can choke when serving bones.

Anonymous said...

According to the web searches, this guy worked with Todd Bently, earlier this year, and last year.
Makes we wonder what really went on. Do some research before you are drawn to listen to strangers, or have them lay hands on you. Test the spirit!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you had to suffer such anguish over someone praying????? for you. That is the time we learn to reach out and call someone we know will understand and have compassion for us. You cannot rely on God to take care of all our human frailties. That is why he gave us brains and the ability to rationalize. I do hope it was partly a healing, or growing experience as well as a disastrous one. You know your love of Jesus/God and should not worry about the rest of the world thinks. It should bring you peace and understanding within. Remember, Satan can use the speaker for distraction also.
You are growing by leaps and bounds and this is probably the path God has intended for you all along in your internet ministry. No way is better than the path God intended for us. When we are at peace within and serene, God is guiding us, when in turmoil, we are back in the drivers seat, go back and find were or what made you loss your peace. May God Bless you and Keep you!!

Anonymous said...

I love you and never see or saw you full of demons!! I only kept my mouth closed as to not cause any further damage. I love you and accept the every thing in you. I am again sorry that harm was caused to you in this instance!