Young Spirit

The crown of my head is slowly turning silver (wisdom is finally coming through); and my speed is slowing down.
But my spirit is soaring higher and higher reaching holier ground.
My strength is getting weaker with each approaching day, I must exercise my mind and body to keep it functioning as I can go about my way.
Where I am weak He is strong so I keep pressing in to draw from the Holy of Holies.
My eyes seem to grow dimmer but I seem to see deeper than before, for I leave reality at heavens open door.
My feet are getting old and tired to carry this body around. But they have kept me on the straight and narrow and not allowed me to be blown around.
My hands seem to be all wrinkled and veins are poking out, but they can still hold a love one and comfort the broken hearted soul, and lift up in praise of our L-rd.
Some days breathing seems to be a chore, but everyday that we take another breath we must remember to thank the L-rd. For then we know our mission on this side is not finished yet and we can still be a servant to the L-rd.
Getting old just means you have ran the race, developing wisdom as you have traveled life’s weary road.
Run, crawl or be carried towards the mark and receive your heavenly reward.
My spirit has not seem to caught up with my body, for it appears to be as a young spirit with exciting energy to seek out the next assignment from the Father.
What a day that will be when we see can look face to face with our Creator and He says “come up here”.
Live will then just begin and death will be no more.

Unprofitable Talk

[Job 15:2] Should a wise man utter vain knowledge, and fill his belly with the east wind?
[3] Should he reason with unprofitable talk? or with speeches wherewith he can do no good?
Should a man talk disrespectfully of his Maker, or speak to Him without reverence? And should he suppose that he has proved any thing, when he has uttered words of little meaning, and used sound instead of sense?
Unprofitable Talk:
1. That there is in the world a great deal of vain knowledge, science falsely so called, that is useless, and therefore worthless.
2. That this is the knowledge that puffs up, with which men swell in a fond conceit of their own accomplishments.
3. That, whatever vain knowledge a man may have in his head, if he would be thought a wise man he must not utter it, but let it die with himself as it deserves.
4. Unprofitable talk is evil talk. We must give an account in the great day not only for wicked words, but also for idle words. Speeches therefore which do no good, which do no service either to G-d or our neighbor, or no justice to ourselves, which are no way to the use of edifying, were better unspoken.
Those words which are as wind, light and empty, especially which are as the east wind, hurtful and harmful, it will be destructive to fill either ourselves or others with, for they will pass very ill in the account.
5. Vain knowledge or unprofitable talk ought to be reproved and checked, especially in a wise man, whom it worst becomes and who does most hurt by the bad example of it.
6. People use many words, but often say nothing of real importance.
Have you noticed the world talks a lot and says very little of importance they seem to speak a valium of words before they get to the point of the conversation.
[5] For thy mouth uttereth thine iniquity, and thou choosest the tongue of the crafty.
Thy mouth
- teaches it, so the word is. "You teach others to have the same hard thoughts of
G-d and religion that you yourself have."
If we ever thought evil, let us lay our hand upon our mouth to suppress the evil thought (Prov. 30:32), and let us by no means utter it; that is putting an imprimatur to it, publishing it with allowance, to the dishonor of G-d and the damage of others. The mouth of iniquity could not do so much mischief as it does without the tongue of the crafty.
Uttereth - Thy words discover the naughtiness of your heart. The sophistry of your own speeches proves your guilt. In attempting to justify yourself, you have added iniquity to sin, and have endeavored to impute blame to your Maker.
The tongue of the crafty - You speak wickedly, and craftily: you coverest your impious principles with fair pretences of piety. You have varnished your own conduct, and used sophistical arguments to defend yourself. You resembles those cunning persons, arumim, who derive their skill and dexterity from the old serpent, "the nachash, who was arum, subtle, or crafty, beyond all the beasts of the field;" Gen. 3:1. Your wisdom is not from above, but from beneath.
[6] Thine own mouth condemneth thee, and not I: yea, thine own lips testify against thee.
No pious man would utter such sentiments. Those are most effectually condemned that are condemned by themselves, Titus 3:11, Lk. 19:22. Many a man needs no more to sink him than for his own tongue to fall upon him.
Bottom line:
I know gossip and tongue waggling is very popular. But here is a saying for you:
‘Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail – SET THE EXAMPLE! Maybe you’ll get lucky and some one will follow your leading.
Watch your mouth for one day you will have to be held accountable for every word spoken, and for every jester, or action you have done. Repent nightly, placing everything under the blood that may have slipped out.
Remember that old children’s rhyme? ‘Sticks and stone will break your bones but words will always hurt you.’ Be sensitive to others feelings – sometimes the best thing to say is nothing – but then nothing says a lot in its self.
We are here to love our neighbors AS our self’s, encourage and build each other up, let the world be the one to tare down.
Walk softly but carry a big stick.

Consolations of G-d

[Job 15:11] Are the consolations of God small with thee? is there any secret thing with thee?
those comforts, which we have propounded to you on condition of your repentance, small and contemptible in your eyes?
Consolations - the revelation one gives you. We are apt to think that great and considerable which we ourselves say, when others perhaps with good reason think it small and trifling.
Secret – “Have you talked everything over with the Father first, before you acted?”
“Or have you any secret and peculiar way of comfort that is unknown to us, and to all others?”
‘Have you some secret wisdom and source of consolation, which makes you disregard those suggested by me or others, that was treated by you as valueless?”
"Are then the mercies of G-d of no account with you?" or, "the addresses of kindness before you?"
"Can it be a difficult thing for G-d to comfort you? But you hind this by your intemperate speeches."
"Remove from you the threatening reproaches of G-d, and speak tranquilly with your own spirit."
"You have been scourged lightly for the sins which you have committed; and you have spoken greatly beyond measure; or, with excessive insolence."
"Do you not regard the threatening of G-d; or, has there been any thing darkly revealed to you."
"Are not the consolations of G-d small to you? And does a word (or thing) lie hidden with you?"
"Have you been so unfaithful to G-d, that He has withdrawn His consolations from your heart? And is there any secret thing, any bosom sin, which you will not give up, that has thus provoked your Maker?"
Chastisement comes because G-d love you so much that He consulates with you.
1. The consolations of G-d are not in themselves small.
2. Divine comforts are great things, that is, the comfort that is from G-d, especially the comfort that is in G-d.
3. The consolations of G-d not being small in themselves, it is very lamentable if they were small with us.
4. It is a great affront to G-d, and an evidence of a degenerate depraved mind, to disesteem and undervalue spiritual delights and despise the pleasant land.
Bottom line:
In our relationship with the Father, we seek His consolations, to know His will and desires for our live. In our communication with our Maker we would not walk into sin innocently for we have seek His guidance, but we were given free choices – and may choose to sin willfully, and trusting only our own counsel for the flesh appears more drawing than our spirit.
The consolations were not small with Job, and all Scripture is for there for our learning – praise or pay the piper - what chooses do you have to make and who are you lessoning to?

The 23 Channal

The TV is my shepard, I shall not want for entertainment.
It maketh me to lie down on the sofa.
It leadeth me away from Scriptures.
It destroyeth my soul.
It leadeth me in the path of sex and violence for the sponsor's sake.
Yea, though I walk in the shadow of my Christian responsibilities,
There will be no interruption,
For the TV is with me, its cable and remote, they control me.
It prepareth a commercial before me in the presence of worldliness;
It anointeth my head with humanism,
My coveting runneth over.
Surely laziness and ignorance shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I shall dwell in the house watching TV forever.
Author Unknown
This was an email sent to me.

Snow Fleas

Snow fleas are decomposers and eat decaying organic matter as well as bacteria, fungi, algae, pollen, roundworms and rotifers.After mating in the spring, females lay eggs in the soil. The emerging nymphs undergo several moltings; by winter they show all adult features, if you look closer, those tiny black dots are moving. If you get down even closer, say with a magnifying glass, you'd notice those dots have legs and can jump.
Sometimes so many snow fleas appear that the snow seems carpeted with ashes. Approach them, and the entire mass rises in a dark cloud, swirling chaotically before descending to coat the surface again. When there are fewer snow fleas, you might see only tiny black dots that suddenly vanish in your presence. The scene can be so strange you might think you're hallucinating.Catch one if you can, and check it out. Under strong magnification, you will see a lumpy and segmented body with bluish reflective scales. The snow flea, only one-sixteenth of an inch long, lacks wings, but it has three pairs of legs. It also has two antennae and two clusters of eyes, 16 in each.Turn the snow flea over, and you will see something really unusual. Beneath its abdomen is one of the most extraordinary devices found in the animal world: a lever-like appendage held under tension by a two-hook clasp. It's this appendage that gives the snow flea its incredible jumping ability.To understand how it works, think of a common spring-loaded mousetrap. Touch the trigger holding the peanut butter, and the wire bar slams shut. Now gently place the cocked mousetrap upside down on the floor. Tap it with a pencil, and the trap snaps and springs into the air. Finally, imagine tens of thousands of mousetraps flying in the air. That approximates what happens when you approach a bunch of snow fleas.Undisturbed, the snow flea walks on snow or ground pleasantly feeding and going about its business. When you arrive, it leaps hundreds of times its own body length (think of a human jumping over the Empire State Building), followed by just about every other snow flea in the area.Your arrival was just detected by a snow flea's eyes or antennae, and a nerve impulse was sent to the clasp, which instantly released the appendage that catapulted the little creature out of danger.After landing, the clasp will quickly grab and hold the appendage while internal (hydrostatic) fluid pressure builds up until the lever again becomes a cocked spring.The spring-like mechanism is not the only unusual feature on the underside of a snow flea. The tiny creature has a tubular peg used for "drinking" and taking in oxygen. Rapid absorption of moisture is necessary to rebuild that hydrostatic pressure in the lever.
For snow fleas during much of the year it's a relatively uneventful scene down at ground level. Like other springtails, snow fleas spend most of their time feeding on soil bacteria, fungi, algae, pollen and organic material. Sometimes they devour microscopic animals like rotifers and nematode roundworms. (During their brief appearances on snow, they mostly eat pollen and algal cells that have settled out of the air.)In spring, like many creatures, they mate. The reproductive process isn't dramatic: Males and females are seemingly oblivious of each other. Males deposit stalked droplets of sperm on the ground, and a wandering female picks up a droplet by chance and whisks it into her genital opening. Fertilization occurs, and eggs are laid in the soil.In a matter of days, tiny nymphs appear as simpler, smaller versions of the adults, and they begin their generally unnoticed lives – until winter when they impress a human visitor with their circus acts in the snow.
Scientists in Illinois and Pennsylvania are reporting development of a way to make the antifreeze protein that enables billions of Canadian snow fleas to survive frigid winter temperatures. Their laboratory-produced first-of-a-kind proteins could have practical uses in extending the storage life of donor organs and tissues for human transplantation, according to new research. "Our most significant advance was the use of the two mirror image forms of the protein to determine the previously unknown crystal structure of this unique protein. That is a first in the history of protein X-ray crystallography." Snow fleas know how to ward off cold. They have natural antifreeze in their bodies that keeps ice from forming it might also be developed to help increase frost resistance in plants or inhibit crystallization in frozen foods. If you've been skiing or snowshoeing you may have noticed a host of tiny black dots in your tracks.


Divorce is harder to take than having one’s spouse dying, for then they did not choose to leave you. The marriage vows for many are a tongue-in-cheek recital, “release me and let me love again” syndrome. The most valuable things in life are often the most vulnerable.
For those who have lost a wife or husband because of unfaithfulness, G-d understands like you wouldn’t believe. He too had that problem, as He admits in the books of Hosea, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. G-d didn’t just send condolences, rather, He solemnly declared that He Himself was reluctantly filing divorce charges against Israel for her idolatry. G-d Himself had to get a divorce because of His beloved’s unfaithfulness! So He has personally suffered the same tragedy of a love one that wanted to go their own way. He fully understands every family distress and upheaval, so no distressed couple or bereft individual needs to approach Him as though He were above such human problems and without sympathetic understanding. He is not just a censorious judge; He is also a compassionate friend. G-d is in the business of helping people were they hurt, and we need to be about our Father’s business.
G-d’s purpose in instituting marriage between a man and a woman was found in Gen. 1:28 of being fruitful and multiply, but it was also promoting personality growth and grace. That purpose is to develop and mature two different personalities in a relationship of mutual fellowship and responsibilities. Conforming each other more and more into the image of Him
(2 Pet. 1:4-11). In a sense, it is dying to self, but rising together with your partner in a new ‘one-flesh’ marital union. It takes both partners to want to accomplish this; it sometimes falls flat and doesn’t deliver when one gets the worldly disease. An ungluing process can easily set in that separates first the affections and finally the entire marriage, and believers are by no means immune to the disease.
Tailor-made mates who fulfill all one’s matrimonial dreams are just not on the market. ‘Play-Doh’ personalities or mates without individual desires and convictions do not have the resilient qualities of which good marriages are made. Adjustments in give-and-take compromises are to be expected in a well-ordered relationship, as long as it does not relinquish one’s morals.
One must begin these adjustments with themselves, not with the spouse. The Bible instructs the husband to attend to his own responsibility of loving his wife, not to be the dean of education for her instruction. He is not told to require submission of his wife, nor is the wife told to demand his love (Eph. 5:21). Charity begins at home, so charitable understanding towards one’s G-d given mate is the place to start. Each is to evaluate his own responsibilities and fulfill them. We were made with free choose, if one choose not to make a go of it and wishes to leave we need to cut them loose.
When a divorce becomes necessary for a moral cause, Moses actually provided the woman involved with a degree of protection by requiring its review and legal action. It also served to remind the husband that he would lose her forever when he got a divorce. From this OT legislation it is to be noted that G-d did recognize divorce, even though the union was designed to be permanent. Moses even spoke in Deut. 24:2-3, of the woman becoming ‘another man’s wife’.
G-d hates divorce (Mal. 2:16), there is something He hates even more. That is the causes for which He allows divorcement:
1. Fornication, immorality, unchasity, adultery referring to all types of illicit sexual intercourse all severed the union by the breach of faithfulness and new physical union. For the innocent party there may be times when divorce (or at least separation) is the will of G-d, it is more of a sin to continue to live with that one than to separate. To be submissive to such an arrangement by condoning it is to be a party to it.
2. Desertion is proper ground for divorce by the other.
3. Inequality yoke situations, the saved partner can not leave, but is not bound to chase after the unbelieving partner is he or she leaves, for the separation is not of the believer’s making.
(1 Cor. 7:15).
Marriage is a great institution, but who what’s to be in an institution? They say marriage was made in Heaven, but then so was thunder and lighting. The chooses we make --.
The loneliness and trauma of marital separation affects the constitution of any individual, to be divorced is to lose a part of yourself. The gnawing desire for a fulfilled union is often even more pronounced after the divorce. The lost of companionship and the need for sympathetic understanding tend to heighten the desire to give the marriage game a rerun. This is natural since G-d designed marriages for this life in Matt. 22:30. G-d knew the woman had to become a member of another family to survive socially or economically, which meant remarriage to another (in the time and culture). The option today of remarrying may not be just a right; it may be a responsibility, remarriage to the proper fulfilling of several basic needs in a normal human being, (1 Cor. 7:2, 9) to fulfill their
G-d given sexual needs (Gen. 2:18).
In remarriage constitutes a new life for scrambled eggs cannot be unscrambled but the ones that remarry can be dedicated to G-d, for a new start on life. G-d’s grace has as its unique feature the ability to overwhelm the disaster of sin and salvage trophies out of tragedies. He can bring restoration and harmony out of marital chaos is an example of that grace. His Savior-hood extends to homes as well as to hearts, and that should be a part of the gospel we preach. He is the wonderful Counselor for broken marriages as well as broken lives, and we are to recognize the completeness of the healing He provides. The imparting of that grace to married couples is but a parable of His grace to us who are to be His eternal bride. That coming marriage of Y’Shua should never be lost sight of as we seek to restore and perfect the ideals of human marriage,
G-d’s portrait of His grace.

Thank G-d for nothing!

I knew that would get your attention
Nothing is 225 times in Scripture, so here is a few;
1 Kgs. 22:16 tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the L-RD
2 Cor. 13:8 For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.
Job 26:7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.
Jer. 32: 17 Ah L-rd G-D! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:
Gen. 11:6 nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do
Matt. 17:20 nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Num. 22:16 Let nothing, I pray thee, hinder thee from coming unto me:
Deut. 2:7 thou hast lacked nothing.
Josh. 11:15 left nothing undone of all that the L-RD commanded
1 Sam. 3:11 hid nothing from him.
Matt. 4:22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.
1 Sam. 20:2 my father will do nothing either great or small, but that he will shew it me
Acts 20:20 I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house
Jer. 42:4 I will declare it unto you; I will keep nothing back from you
1 Sam. 27:1 nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape
1 Sam. 30:19 there was nothing lacking
1 Kgs. 4:27 every man in his month: they lacked nothing.
Neh, 9:21 they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet swelled not.
Ps. 49;17 For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away
1 Tim. 6:7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
Ps. 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
Prov. 8:8 All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.
Joe 2:3 nothing shall escape them.
Gen. 26:29 done unto thee nothing but good, and have sent thee away in peace: thou art now the blessed of the L-RD.
Matt. 10:26 there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
Lk. 16:35 hoping for nothing again
Lk. 10:19 nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Lk. 23:15 nothing worthy of death is done unto him.
Jhn. 3:27 A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.
1 Cor. 13:2 I am nothing.
1 Tim. 4:4 For every creature of G-d is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
1 Cor. 13:3 not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
2 Cor. 6:10 having nothing, and yet possessing all things.
Phil. 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
Phil. 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto G-d.
What does it say about the Messiah:
Jhn. 5:19 The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do
Jhn. 8:28 I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me,
Jhn. 6:39 Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing
Jhn. 8:54 Y’Shua answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me;
Jhn. 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
Jhn. 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
1 Cor. 4:5 judge nothing
1 Cor. 4:4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the L-rd.
Noticed everything Y’Shua did or thought was always pointed back to His Father – this is what we are suppose to be doing – holding the Father up.
Bottom line:
1 Cor. 9:16 For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!
Thank G-d for nothing! Out of nothing He has made something.
When nothing disastrous has happen to you or yours - Thank G-d for nothing!
When you are healthy - Thank G-d for nothing!
Nothing is really something for our Father watches over us every minute, we need to do our part and leave the rest in His hands. Giving Him all the praise and glory for the big nothings in our live.
Nothing becomes something in His eyes!

Death-bed conscience

[Job 14:10] But man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?
Death will come, and that its hour is already fixed. Now here he shows, man has no such prospect of a return to life. The vegetable life is a cheap and easy thing: the scent of water will recover it. The animal life, in some insects and fowls, is so: the heat of the sun retrieves it. But the rational soul, when once retired, is too great, too noble, a thing to be recalled by any of the powers of nature; it is out of the reach of sun or rain, and cannot be restored but by the immediate operations of Omnipotence itself; Man is a dying creature. He is here described by what occurs,
1. Before death: he wastes away; he is continually wasting, dying daily, spending upon the quick stock of life. Sickness and old age are wasting things to the flesh, the strength, and the beauty.
2. In death: he gives up the ghost; the soul leaves the body, and returns to G-d who gave it, the Father of spirits.
3. After death: It has gone to the world of spirits, gone into eternity, gone to return no more to this world.
[12] So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.
Revelation clearly teaching that the souls of believers go to heaven when they die (2 Cor. 5:1, 6, 8; Phil. 1:21, 23.) This doesgive us a divinely inspired insight into the heart of Job as he searched and longed for such knowledge.
That yet there will be a return of man to life again in another world, at the end of time, they shall awake and be raised out of their sleep. The resurrection of the dead was doubtless an article of Job's creed.
[13] O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!
Hide me in the grave! - The grave is not only a resting-place, but also a hiding-place, to the people of G-d. G-d has the key of the grave, to let in now and to let out at the resurrection. Hide me, not only from the storms and troubles of this life, but for the bliss and glory of a better life
Until thy wrath be past - As long as the bodies of the saints lie in the grave, so long there are some remains of that wrath which they were by nature children of, so long they are under some of the effects of sin; but, when the body is raised, it is wholly past - death, the last enemy, will then be totally destroyed.
My being remembered - The bodies of the saints shall not be forgotten in the grave. There is a time appointed, a time set, for their being enquired after. We cannot be sure that we shall look through the darkness of our present troubles but we may with an eye of faith look through the darkness of that, as Job here, and see better days on the other side of it, in a better world.
[14] If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.
He believed in a future resurrection and restoration. See also 19:25-27, a holy resolution patiently to attend the will of G-d both in his death and his resurrection.
My appointed time - literally, "warfare, hard service"; implying the hardship of being shut out from the realms of life, light, and G-d for the time he shall be in the grave.
I wait, till my change come - Job's friends proving miserable comforters, he set himself to be the more his own comforter. The release, as a soldier at his post released from duty by the relieving guard. The time of life is an appointed time; that time is to be reckoned by days; and those days are to be spent in waiting for our change. That is, First, We must expect that it will come, and think much of it. Secondly, We must desire that it would come, as those that long to be with G-d. Thirdly, We must be willing to tarry until it does come, as those that believe G-d's time to be the best. Fourthly, We must give diligence to get ready against it comes, that it may be a blessed change to us.
[15] Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee: thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands.
Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee - Then, that is, at the resurrection, "Thou shalt call me out of the grave, by the voice of the archangel, and I will answer and come at the call." The body is the work of G-d's hands, and He will have a desire to that, having prepared a glory for it.
The work of Thy hands - Thou hast mercy in store for me, not only as made by Thy providence, but new-made by Thy grace;" otherwise He that made them will not save them. Grace in the soul is the work of G-d's own hands, and therefore He will not forsake it in this world (Psalms 138:8), but will have a desire to it, to perfect it in the other, and to crown it with endless glory.
It is objected that if Job knew of a future retribution, he would make it the leading topic in solving the problem of the permitted afflictions of the righteous. But, he did not intend to exceed the limits of what was clearly revealed; the doctrine was then in a vague form only; and the doctrine of G-d's moral government in this life, even independently of the future, needed vindication.]
[16] For now thou numberest my steps: dost thou not watch over my sin?
Numbered my steps – that is, minutely attend to them, that they may not wander (1Sam. 2:9; Ps 37:23).
Watch over my sin - old scores are called over, every infirmity is animadverted upon, every word, deed and gesture is to be accounted for if it was not repented of and put under the blood.[17] My transgression is sealed up in a bag, and thou sewest up mine iniquity.
Sealed up - Is shut up in eternal oblivion, that is, G-d thenceforth will think no more of my former sins. To cover sins is to completely forgive them (Ps 32:1; 85:2
Sewest up - rather, "coverest"; akin to an Arabic word, "to color over," to forget wholly.
G-d does indeed seal and sew up, against the day of wrath, the transgression of the impenitent, but the repented sins of His people He blots out as a cloud.
[20] Thou prevailest for ever against him, and he passeth: thou changest his countenance, and sendest him away.
Prevailest for ever against him - Man is an unequal match for G-d. Whom G-d contends with he will certainly prevail against. The stroke of death is irresistible; it is to no purpose to dispute its summons.
Changest his countenance - Death changes the countenance, the countenance, which was majestic and awful, becomes mean and despicable - that was lovely and amiable becomes ghastly and frightful.
Sendest him away - out of this world, gives us one dismission hence, never to return.
[21] His sons come to honour, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low, but he perceiveth it not of them.
When he is in the hands of the harbingers of death, how little one is concerned in the affairs of their family, which once lay so near their heart. One is going to that world where they will be a perfect stranger to all those things which here filled and affected them. The consideration of this should moderate our cares concerning our children and families. G-d will know what comes of them when we are gone. To Him therefore let us commit them, with Him let us leave them, and not burden ourselves with needless fruitless cares concerning them.
[22] But his flesh upon him shall have pain, and his soul within him shall mourn.
"Flesh" and "soul" describe the whole man
The body one is so loth to lay down: it shall have pain; and while their soul is within them, that is, the spirit we is so loth to resign, it shall mourn. Note, Dying work is hard work; dying pangs are, commonly, sore pangs. It is folly therefore for men to defer their repentance to a death-bed, and to have that to do which is the one thing needful when they are really unfit to do any thing: but it is true wisdom by making our peace with G-d and keeping a good conscience, to treasure up comforts which will support and relieve us against the pains and sorrows of a dying hour.
People panic when one talks about death, but I say “oh death were is thy sting, oh grave were is thy victory! To be out of the body is to be present with the Father! May I go peacefully with a good conscience.”

Healing Memories

Pain/ Stress/ Offences/ Anxiety
Examples give from long-lived and tormenting trauma memories including:
Adversary, what was done, the affects it took, and your reaction.
Testimony: I have lived in this realm for 62 years. I had several memories of trauma experiences at home, work and personal life associated with various places and times. I tried not to look at it because it triggered the wound. But if it helps another I will pass through this door. Many of my memories are contaminated by associations with pain or failure and are robbing me of my joy and stealing my dreams and large portions of my history as well as my future. My past and my memories of pain, shame and failure are holding me back. This is probably another way of saying that I had ungodly ties to time, people or land at each of the trauma points in my life. I can cut the ungodly ties to the dimensions but how do I deal with the memories?
Parents - lacked nurturing, one can not give what they did not possess. This resulted in low self teem for me, it leaves one hiding behind many mask they now put on. My reaction many years later was to remove the mask one by one, and found myself lost, for I could play any part assign to me and lost to whom I was meant to be. I am still searching.
Discipline went beyond spanking to beatings that drew first blood. This leaves one harden to survive and dreaming of drawing the second blood. I killed all emotions in my body and stop crying at the age of seven, no matter what happen I did not react – I was invisible and did not exists. There was no one home behind those dark sunken eyes. This went on until I turn 40 and ran into a brick wall call menopause. G-d open up the water fountain and forgot to turn it off.
When D day came, (pay back time) I struggled for I seemed to have good and evil sitting on my shoulders – which one to choose – this time I choose right and let offender live.
In 2007 I had ran out of blood (literally) and only bled water – enough was enough!
Locked in close areas for hours on end makes one claustrophobic, and afraid of their own shadow, let along the buggy man who dwelled in the closet. One may become submissive to prevent it from happing or defiant, I choose the latter and made peace with the surrounding darkness, for I went through a life time of hiding.
Verbal abuse is much harder than physical for physical will heal but verbal goes into the brain and if heard enough times you accept it as truth. Developing extreme low self teem, unworthiness, one gets tired of accomplishing the un-acceptable. My reaction as of now is to rewire my brain from a negative point of view to a positive. Undoing the thinking pattern that had been developed into checking every thought that passes through and rejecting the harmful ones.
Sexual abuse started with step-father, and then spread to trafficking until I decided to traffic myself, then I was in control and called the shots. Effects are to numerous to say, for it affected every area of my life. Love was a four letter word to me and did not apply, I could love but not receive affection, for I was told I was unlovable by my mother.
Sex was only a performance; one could have the body but not the soul, noboby realy wanted to know me, but then I did not even know myself. It was the only thing I was told I did well and everyone likes to be praised for something.
Nightmares never seem to cease and scars ran deep. My reaction came to “game over” – I had nothing to prove to anyone and I was tired of being used, abuse and cast aside. I seek one who wanted my mind as well as the body – I did not find any and stop looking.
Friends – I carry a very small circle and surround myself with only ‘save’ people. One does not know who their friends are until the going gets rough and then are surprise with whom went the distance with you.
Christians – can hurt you more than anyone for you do not expect offenses from them. It took me a lot of hard knocks to learn that they are just human beings that will make mistakes, even on my behalf, and grace was lacking in me. Not all believers are true Christians, even a drunk on the street well say he is one – I start examining the fruit and approach with collusion, or stayed as ‘the long ranger’. Now I am trying to show myself friendlier and see them through G-d’s eyes. G-d suggested that I could revisit those places and bless them and intercede for them. I have return to many places and walked the land, brushing off the residue and replacing the old with a new thought, praying for the release of the gifts, doing some identification repentance for the iniquity on the land, asking G-d to heal the spot of accumulated trauma.
Bottom line – I am removing anything that causes stress or pain from my life, which can include family, this old body can not endure any more. Over the years I could endure high leaves of pain, I had physical strength that was unbeatable, but life has taken its toil.
I was a victim, then a survivor, but now I am a thriver and running the race to the finish line. There are days I seem to be crawling and days I must be carried but never the less I am pushing forward and praying the latter part of my life to be filled with happyness and joy.
May I find true piece that passes all understanding the accept the true meaning of love when given. A broken hearted soul to be restored from what the cancer worm has eaten.
I am received deep healing and realignment of spirit, soul and body as my memories are brought into divine alignment.
Mat 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.
I know that doing this will actually benefit the person who makes this prayer as much as it benefits prayee, I have seen it happen first hand.

Shining in His Glory

In the seventies I went to a church and noticed the people’s face shone and I wondered if they all used the same kind of soap and if so what brand it was. As time moved on and I learn to dwell in His presents, only He and I seem to be there; upon arriving home my husband ask me what kind of soap was I using for my face shone – I ran to the mirror but could not see what he saw.
Years have pass and a friend started talking about ‘the shining ones’, I had forgotten for I had not seen shining faces for a long time. Why don’t your believers shine L-rd? And how do we get there or return there?
This brought me to re-examing the Scriptures for the hunger to shine once again grew in me.
What is the shine you ask – it is His glory all over you as you loose yourself in Him.
In no conical order here is what I found, I used mostly the OT to show that it was from the beginning:
Proverbs 4:18 - But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
Luke 11:36 - If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give you light.
Exodus 33:18 - beseech Thee, shew me Thy glory. (We must seek it).
Exodus 40:34 - Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the L-RD filled the Tabernacle. (His glory should be filling our dwelling).
Leviticus 9:6 - And Moses said, This is the thing which the L-RD commanded that you should do: and the glory of the L-RD shall appear unto you.
Leviticus 9:23 - .. the glory of the L-RD appeared unto all the people. (Not just a few but ALL)
Numbers 16:19 - … the glory of the L-RD appeared unto all the congregation. (All that seek Him).
Deuteronomy 5:24 - …Behold, the L-RD our G-d hath shewed us His glory and His greatness, and we have heard His voice out of the midst of the fire: we have seen this day that G-d doth talk with man, and He liveth. (All things are possible through him that loves Him).
1 Chronicles 16:9-11 - Sing unto Him, sing psalms unto Him, talk ye of all His wondrous works. Glory ye in His holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the L-RD. Seek the
L-RD and His strength, seek His face continually. (Those that seek shall find!)
Psalm 3:3 - But Thou, O L-RD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
Psalm 24:7 - Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
Psalm 57:5 - Be thou exalted, O G-d, above the heavens; let Thy glory be above all the earth.
Proverbs 4:9 - She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. (look for it and expect it to be given to you)
Proverbs 16:31 - The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness. (Hoary means gray - It has no age boundary, only calls to be found in righteousness).
Isaiah 58:8 - Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the L-RD shall be thy reward.
Isaiah 60:1 - Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the L-RD is risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:2 - For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the L-RD shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you. (Don’t worry about circumstances)
Isaiah 62:3 – You shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the L-RD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your G-d.
May we see more shining faces once again, may we see His presence dwelling in our mist! May His glories shining be seen on Me!

Winter Wonderland

Job 37:6 For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth.
In the original it is, be thou earth: hence one of the Rabbis formed a notion, that the earth was created from snow under the throne of glory. This is one of the great and incomprehensible things of G-d. What is the cause of it, how it is generated, what gives it its exceeding whiteness and its form?There are some things relative to snow not easy to be accounted for: as that it should be generated in the lower region of the air, so near us, and yet be so cold. And be so cold in its own nature, yet be like a blanket warming to the earth; and that being so cold, it should fall in hot countries, and though so easily melted, yet lies continually upon the top of a burning mountain.G-d has His treasures of it, and He brings it forth from thence; it is at His command, it goes at a word speaking; it is one of the things that fulfill His word, (Psalms 148:8).Snow never falls upon the high seas or Main Ocean, the expression here is, with great exactness and politeness, be thou on the earth. However, this is certain, that to the earth only it is useful, warming, refreshing, and fructifying; it has a wonderful virtue in it to fatten the earth. In the northern countries, where it falls in great plenty, the fields are more fruitful than any others are, and sooner put forth their fruits and increase than other fields prepared and cultivated with the greatest labor and industry. They are often obliged to drive off the cattle from them, lest they should eat too much and burst, the fields and meadows becoming so luxurious by it; and frequently they mow off the tops of herbs and grass with their sweep, to prevent their growing too thick. The word of G-d, as for its purity, so for its warming, refreshing, and fructifying nature, is compared unto it, (Isaiah 55:10, 11).
Job 9:30 If I wash myself with snow water, and make my hands never so clean;
Snow water - thought to be more cleansing than common water, owing to the whiteness of snow (Ps. 51:7; Isa 1:18). If we be ever so industrious to justify ourselves before men, and to preserve our credit with them. If we keep our hands ever so clean from the pollutions of gross sin, which fall under the eye of the world. Yet G-d, who knows our hearts, can charge us with so much secret sin as will for ever take off all our pretensions to purity and innocence, and make us see ourselves odious in the sight of the holy G-d. Never so clean - Better, to answer to the parallelism of the first clause which expresses the cleansing material, "lye:" the Arabs used alkali mixed with oil, as soap (Ps. 73:13; Jer 2:22).
Job 38:22 Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail?
The vapors rose, and clouds formed in the atmosphere, which is the storehouse of those meteors; and may be called treasures, because hidden in the clouds, and not seen by man until the fall of them. They are in the keeping and command and direction of the Father, the administrator of them. Rich and enriching, especially snow, and because of the abundance thereof which it sometimes falls.Sometimes they come so opportunely, to serve the purposes of Providence, in G-d’s fighting for His people and against His and their enemies, that one would think they were laid up as stores of arms, ammunition, and provisions, against the time of trouble. The day of battle and war, when G-d will either contend with the world in general when the windows of heaven were opened, and the waters fetched out of these treasures to drown a wicked world that waged war with Heaven. G-d can fight as effectually with snow and hail, if He pleases, as with thunder and lightning or the sword of an angel!
Ps. 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
He prays that G-d would cleanse him from his sins and the defilement he had contracted by them (Psalms 51:7). Hyssop did not procure remission of sins, but has a mystical signification, and refers to what was meant by the sprinkling of the blood of the Passover; and then he says, thoroughly clean; for the blood sprinkled on the heart by the spirit clears it from an evil conscience, purges the conscience from dead works, and cleanses from all sin. One who was black with original corruption, and actual transgressions needs a washing not only the conversation garments white that are washed in it; but even crimson and scarlet sins as white as snow, and the persons of the saints without spot or blemish, (Rev. 7:14; Isa. 1:18; Eph 5:25-27.If this blood of the Messiah, which cleanses from all sin, cleanse us from our sin, then we shall be clean indeed, Hebrews 10:2. If we be washed in this fountain opened, we shall be whiter than snow, not only acquitted but also accepted; so those are that are justified. Isaiah 1:18, though your sins have been as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.
Ps. 147:16 He giveth snow like wool: he scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes.
Like wool for the softness and warmth of it falls silently. See how G-d can work by contraries, and bring meat out of the eater, can warm the earth with cold snow. He scatters the hoar-frost, which is dew congealed, as the snow and hail are rain congealed. This looks like ashes scattered upon the grass. He casts forth his ice like morsels, which may be understood either of large hail-stones, which are as ice in the air, or of the ice which covers the face of the waters, and when it is broken, though naturally it was as drops of drink, it is as morsels of meat, or crusts of bread. When we see the frost, and snow, and ice, we feel it in the air: Who can stand before His cold? Therefore we must bear it patiently, and be thankful for warm houses, and clothes, and beds, to relieve us against the rigor of the season, and must give Him the glory of His wisdom and sovereignty, His power and faithfulness, which shall not cease any more than summer, Genesis 8:22. And let us also infer from it, if we cannot stand before the cold of His frosts, how can we stand before the heat of His wrath? Hard weather does not always continue; it would be sad if it should. He does not contend for ever, but renews the face of the earth. Converting grace, like the thaw, softens the heart that was hard, moistens it, and melts it into tears of repentance; it warms good affections, and makes them to flow, which, before, were chilled and stopped up. The change which the thaw makes is universal and yet gradual; it is very evident, and yet how it is done is unaccountable: such is the change wrought in the conversion of a soul, when G-d's word and Spirit are sent to melt it and restore it to itself as in Prov. 25:13.
Conclusion:G-d commissions’ snow, He commands it, He appoints it, where it shall light and how long it shall lie. It is sin and folly to contend with G-d's providence in the weather; if He send the snow or rain, can we hinder them? Or shall we be angry at them? It is as absurd to quarrel with any other disposal of Providence concerning ourselves or ours. The effect of the extremity of the winter-weather is that it obliges both men and beasts to retire, making it uncomfortable and unsafe for them to go abroad.
1. Men retire to their houses from their labors in the field, and keep within doors (Job 37:7): He seals up the hand of every man. In frost and snow, husbandmen cannot follow their business, or some tradesmen, or travelers, when the weather is extreme.The plough is laid by, the shipping laid up; nothing is to be done, nothing to be got, that man, being taken off from his own work. Now they may know His work, and contemplate that, and give Him the glory of that, and, by the consideration of that work of His in the weather which seals up their hands, be led to celebrate His other great and marvellous works.Note, When we are, upon any account, disabled from following our worldly business, and taken off from it, we should spend our time rather in the exercises of piety and devotion (in acquainting ourselves with the works of G-d and praising Him in them) than in foolish idle sports and recreations. When our hands are sealed up our hearts should be thus opened, and the less we have at any time to do in the world the more we should thereby be driven to our Bibles and our knees.
2. The beasts also retire to their dens and remain in their close places, Job 37:8. It is meant of the wild beasts, which, being wild, must seek a shelter for themselves, to which by instinct they are directed, while the tame beasts, which are serviceable to man, are housed and protected by his care, as Exodus 9:20. The ass has no den but his master's crib, and thither he goes, not only to be safe and warm, but to be fed. Nature directs all creatures to shelter themselves from a storm; and shall man alone be un-provided with an ark?

Blessing from Heaven

I still hear the songs of your worshiping
I still see the lights of My glory shining through you
I still feel your love radiating towards My people

I still share your hopes and all of your cares
I’ll even remind you to please say your prayers.

I just want to tell you that you still make Me proud
You stand head and shoulders above all the crowd

Keep trying each moment to stay in My grace
I came before you to help set your place

You don’t have to be perfect all of the time
I forgive you the slip if you continue the climb

To My friends, please be thankful today
I’m still close beside you in a new special way

I love you all dearly and will wipe away any tears
Cause I’m spending My time with the Father, watching you this year

Y'Shua HaMashiach


Who is your role model?
Try it without looking at answers
1) Pick your favorite number between 1-9
2) Multiply by 3
3) Add 3, then again Multiply by 3 (I'll wait while you get the calculator....)
4) 4) You'll get a 2 or 3 digit number....
5) 5) Add the digits together
Now Scroll down

Keep going

Almost there
Now with that number see who your ROLE MODEL is from the list below
1. Hillary Clinton
2. Nelson Mandela
3. Your Parents
4. Oprah Winfrey
5. Bill Gates
6. Gandhi
7. Brad Pitt
8. Hitler
9. Seasoned Warrior
10. Barack Obama

I know....I just have that effect on day you too can be like me.... :-) Believe it!
P.S. Stop picking different numbers. I AM YOUR ROLE MODEL, JUST DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!

Two questions asked

1. Does God pray?
Jewish writings says: “pray as if everything depended upon G-d, but act as if everything depended upon ourselves.”
Isaiah (56:7). The prophet offers a universal vision of foreigners, not just Jews, coming to worship at G-d’s holy mountain. G-d says: “I will let them rejoice in My house of prayer.” In Hebrew, though, that last phrase, “My house of prayer,” literally reads, “the house of My prayer.” In other words, the Temple may be viewed, not only as the place where G-d is worshiped, but also as G-d’s very own synagogue, where G-d goes to pray.
G-d prays: ‘May it be My will that My mercy may suppress My anger, . . . so that I may deal with My children in the attribute of mercy and, on their behalf, stop short of the limit of strict justice.’ In the Talmud story of having entered the Holy of Holies, the most sacred enclosure of the ancient Temple, on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year. There, the Rabbi sees G-d, enthroned on High, crowned in glory. G-d appeals to the High Priest: “‘Bless Me, My son.’ Rabbi then blesses the L-rd with the same words of G-d’s own prayer: ‘May it be Thy will that Thy mercy may suppress Thy anger, . . . so that Thou may deal with Thy children according to the attribute of mercy and may, on their behalf, stop short of the limit of strict justice!’ Rabbi further asserts that, after the blessing, G-d nodded to him, approving of the prayer!
This teaching is profound, for it suggests that the prayerful words of a human being may have a profound effect on
G-d. Our prayers do matter to G-d. Our petitions may move the L-rd to action. Indeed, our supplications may inspire G-d to pray, just as we pray. Perhaps G-d can bring water to parched fields, can find a way to mend a broken bridge, can work to rebuild a ruined city. At the very least, G-d may add Divine prayers to ours, with faith that our thirst will be slaked, our spirits will be healed, our nations may find peace, in our time of distress, G-d lovingly picks us up, and kisses us.
May we ever pray with faith. May we live with trust in the L-rd, Who loves us, cares for us, and only wants goodness for us. Let us not see our misfortunes as evidence that G-d does not exist, or is callous to our needs. Instead, through each of our trials and tribulations, may we hear G-d’s prayer for us. And may G-d hear our prayers for G-d.
2. Are we to pray 'in the name of' the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
Now that is a trick question - if you are a 'Jesus only' you would say 'that is the name' but Scripture says otherwise: "From the rising of the sun to its setting," says the prophet Malachi (1:11) in an oracle of the L-rd, "My name is great among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to My name, and a pure offering; for My name is great among the nations, says the L-RD of hosts." For almost 2,000 years, at least some Christian thinkers have taken Malachi’s oracle to mean that wherever genuine sacrifice is offered, it is made to YHWH, the one true
In everything Y'Shua did He pointed back to the Father. All songs were sang to the Father and prayers directed to Him for there is only one G-d (Deut. 6:4-9). Jn. 10:25 ...the works that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness of Me.
But it also says to ask in Y'Shua's name, since He is the only son of G-d and our advocator: Jn. 15:16 ...that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, He may give it you.
Bottom line: I personally pray to the Father and end it "in Y'Shua's name."

New Year

A Message For The New Year
Dear one, I am the Alpha and the Omega, and I exist in all times at once. I have seen you and I know all that will transpire in your life from the time that you were born until the day that you die. I have already seen every choice that you will make. I have heard all that you will say and I know all that you will do. I know the good and the bad. I know your stands of faith, your acts of obedience, and I also know every failure you will make. And knowing all of this, I have a great love for you and nothing can separate you from My love. Yes, dear one, you are completely and totally known—and you are loved.
The enemy of your soul would tell you lies to condemn you, to make you feel small and to make you feel that you have somehow disqualified yourself from My love. He does this to torment you and to keep you from walking out the fullness of your destiny. But he is a liar and the truth is not in him. Do not listen to the things that he whispers in your ear. He does this in hopes that he can cause you to distance yourself from Me.
Instead, draw close and believe Me when I tell you that you are completely and totally known and loved. Do not start this new year under the shackles of the enemy's lies and condemnation. Instead let it be a year of liberty and breakthrough for you. Know that My desire for you is that you walk in liberty and in victory, and in deep intimacy with Me.
Today is a day that, in the thinking of man, signifies a new start. Dear one, let us make this day a new start in your thinking as well, that you might draw closer to Me without hesitation, knowing that I will not reject you or push you away. Come to Me with an expectation that I will include you in My plans, that I will release My power and My anointing into your life, and that I will bring breakthrough and victory into your situation.
Let us walk together this year in the light of My great love for you. Put aside the things that hold you back and step into My victory—for I have ordained you to be an overcoming one.
It comes from

Numbered Days

[Job 14:5] Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee, thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass;
[Days are determined - The general term of human life is fixed by G-d Himself; in vain are all attempts to prolong it beyond this term. Nor can death be avoided, dust thou art, and unto dust thou shall return, is the Law.
With Thee - In His power and disposal, for Thou hast appointed a certain end of ones days, beyond which he cannot prolong his life.
Appointed bounds -although man cannot pass his appointed bounds, yet he may so live as never to reach them. For folly and wickedness abridge the term of human life; and therefore the psalmist says, Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out HALF their days, Psalms 55:23, for by laziness, overindulgence, and disorderly passions, the life of man is shortened.
Three things we are here assured of:
1. That our life will come to an end; our days upon earth are not numberless, are not endless, no, they are numbered, and will soon be finished, Daniel 5:26.
2. That it is determined, in the counsel and decree of G-d, how long we shall live and when we shall die. The number of our months is with G-d, at the disposal of His power, which cannot be controlled, and under the view of His omniscience, which cannot be deceived. It is certain that G-d's providence has the ordering of the period of our lives; our times are in His hand. The powers of nature depend upon Him, and act under Him. In Him we live and move. Diseases are His servants; He kills and makes alive. Nothing comes to pass by chance; everything has to be Father-filtered first. It is therefore certain that G-d's insight has determined it before; for known unto G-d are all His works. Whatever He does He determined, yet with a regard partly to the settled course of nature (the end and the means are determined together) and to the settled rules of moral government, punishing evil and rewarding good in this life.
3. That the bounds G-d has fixed, so make the best of the time you got.]
[6] Turn from him, that he may rest, till he shall accomplish, as an hireling, his day.
[It is appointed to me once to die; let that one day suffice me, and let me not then be continually dying, dying a thousand deaths. I will make the best of the common hardships of human life, the burden and heat of the day; but let me not feel those uncommon tortures, let not my life be as the day of a malefactor, all execution-day.I have come to the period of my life, which Thou has allotted to me, as a man appoints a set time to a hired servant. Let it suffice that my life, at best, is as the day of a hireling, a day of toil and labor. I am content to accomplish that, thus may we find some relief under great troubles by recommending ourselves to the compassion of that G-d who knows our frame and will consider it and our being out of frame too.]