Tips on Juicing

You have a choice sickness or health with daily juicing and becoming disease free. The first thing you need to do is detoxify yourself, but you still must eat a little bit of fiber. Fiber is essential, it exercises the gums, and it helps escalate and cleans the colon out from excess bacteria. It is the juice that is in the fiber that is important and has to be released to feed you.
There are four basic food groups:
1. Animal products (fish, beef, pork, chicken).
2. Dairy products (milk, cheese, eggs). The cow gets its calcium from grass; parsley with carat will give you 10 times more than what is in the milk.
1/4 of a glass with greens, adding 1/4 with celery and top off with carat.
Another great drink for calcium is handful spearmint leaves with 1-2 apples that is delicious.
All sprouts are chuck full of calcium.
3. Fruit and vegetables.
4. Nuts, seeds and grain.
The first two groups are “dead food groups” that are starting to spoil at 102 degrees F, and totally destroyed at 126 degrees F. Dead food or cook food in the body puts a burden on pancreas for now the pancreas has to try to produce the enzymes that is lacking and starts to swell up 3-4 times its original size. Now it can not function in its original job and starts pulling in other organs to help, which tare then down and you start aging faster. Cooked food ages us prematurely and you can not revive the human body with something that is dead. Live food gives a live body with cells and tissues.
The last two groups are “live food groups”, which eating only these kinds of food will give you a long healthy life. Live foods are foods that have enzymes, you may freeze them but they are only destroyed by heat.
When eating raw food you need to chew every mouth full at least 20 times and the reason for this is to mix your saliva evenly with the vegetation which then will break the carbohydrates down to starches and sugars, now the body has to prepare it and break it down. Your body is working like a juice distracter trying to separate the juice from the fiber to digest it. The fiber has to travel all the way through your body to go out the rectum; it is the juice of the fiber that feeds you.
When you juice you separate the juice from the fiber and drink it you get 100% of the food value and it goes into your blood stream in a matter of minuets and the body did not exert any energy and everything is pre-digested.
When you first start juicing, swish the first two mouthfuls of juice around for 20-30seconds to stimulate the taste buds and glands to produce the enzymes to break down the carbohydrates, sugars and starches.
A - All vitamins are good for you but the most important is A for it is for reproduction, normal growth, skin, complexion, and so on, plus it fights infections. Carat juice mix 50/50 with apple juice is the best drink of all. Apricots and cantaloupes juiced with the skin and all is a great source of A.
B 1 – you can get from alfalfa sprouts and any leafy greens. Wheat grass has a lot of vitamin Bs.
B 12 – prevents nerve cell degeneration, you can get it out of sea weed, and barley green.
C – is only 1/5 of the vitamin c family, the other 4/5 are the P, K, K 3 that are in the white pulping matter of all citrus.
E – in vegetables, seeds and nuts. Excellent in healing any scar tissues, and wounds, found in carrots, beets, celery and all leafy greens.
Protein – comes from grass, alfalfa, hay, grains. Plant life contains proteins; we get it from the same source as animal life does.
You can not overdose on any vitamins in vegetation as you can in eating fish oils, livers or animal types.
Apple juice – has vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats known if the food category. The sugar provides a great source of energy and its acid stimulates saliva. Chew good will start it to digestion to break the starches and sugars and carbohydrate down. Mixes in all with other juices are a plus.
Berries juice - are blood purifiers.
Beet juice – is a liver mover, 1/2 of a beet with 4 apples makes about a pint of juice. This will dissolve the pus, the fat and the cholesterol one of the best de-toxicant. Drink as a diuretic - 1/4 glass of beets, 1/4 glass of cucumbers and 1/2 glass of carrots gives you the best cleansers for the kidneys and the bladder and the ureic.
Carat juice - gives you the basic tan with out even being in the sun for it has beta trifling (vitamin A) that protects you from skin cancer.
Cantaloupe - Body cleansers. And number one fruit that is equal to caves livers that have vitamin A and helps you fight and reduce cancer. It is the number one amount of digestive enzymes. Juice it with the skin on for the peeling has lot of value, and it enhances the cantaloupe flavor.
Cabbage juice – great for stomach ulcers, 1 quart per day for two weeks can be cured.
If it is a bitter head you can mix it with carrots and apples.
Celery juice – gives you energy, vitamin A, B, C and E. One stalk of celery and 2 apples is the greatest drink for potassium and sodium balance that will keep you from muscle cramping, or being fatigue, stress out, tension, can’t sleep. If you live in a heavy polluted area it eliminates an excess amount of carbonized from the system.
Citrus juice – if you have arthritis you should stay away from all citrus except grapefruit mix with pineapple takes the swelling pain out of the joint. Peel orange, grapefruit and the tangerine but leave the white on to juice, cutting into sections. What comes out is thick, creamy and fibreless that gives you 100% of the food value.
Cranberry juice – fight virus and any kind of flu overnight.
Greens – lung cleansers for it has chlorophyll, the liquid part that comes out of that fiber wall. Always mix carrots with it, may add a little bit of celery. If you have bitter greens add an apple to the juice.
Honey Dew Melon – is rated number 2, right behind the cantaloupe. Never mix melons together for they have different enzymes.
Lemon and the Lime juice – you can use the skin in juice. Lemon builds up the capillary walls.
Add 1/4 of a lemon to 4 apples makes one pint the greatest lemon juice. This is also a diacritic.
Lettuce juice – made with leafy green lettuce is great for the cells and tissues of the nervous and muscular structures of the body. Lettuce will heal and purify the lungs, even bring heavy smokers to 60 % less chance of lung cancer.
If you have bitter lettuce, mix it with carrot, celery, parsley and an apple. It is a cleanser.
Parsley juice – is a diuretic and cleanser of the kidneys and the bladder and the urea. It also reduces high blood pressure, 1/4 parsley with 3/4 glass of carrot juice.
Pear juice – mix with apples forms an acid to move the bowls and a delicious drink.
Pineapple juice - has a pineapple and coconut taste that helps break down the mineral acids
Spinach juice – raw spinach is the king of the greens. Carrots and spinach moves the bowls in cases of constipation or congestion.
Strawberry juice - cleans the lungs 70-80 % from breathing in smoke. This juice is also known to dissolve certain kinds of tumors.
String Bean juice – add Brussels sprouts which are the baby cabbages is magnificent to restructure and reconstitute the cells of the pancreas. Add a little carrot, parsley and an apple to it to get a better taste. This is great for a diabetic.
Watermelon juice – juice it with the skin on to get its full value, when eating chew the seeds, or make watermelon tea. It is a great diuretic that has zinc, and potassium, and great thirst quencher, and a good cleanser of the kidney, prostrate and the bladder. It is rated number 3 in the melons.
All these foods are G-d’s foods that have been cooked by the sun that are full of energy that give life back to our bodies.

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