Music to my ears

Your Word Father is so bedded in me that when I think of your glories wonders it brings tears streaming down my cheeks.
How can one not feel those Holy Words burning inside of them?
My hearts desire Father, is for others to love Your Word too, can they not hear the music?
Do they walk with a different drummer?
Why do they allow the adversary to clutter up their lives with all the cares of this world, that they have no time to squeeze You in?
Even Your people are rushing to and fro ---supposable all in Your name, that they don’t take the time to rest in Your arms and enjoy Your creation.
I can hear the music in the wind and the rustling of flying paper.
Even the birds are singing love songs to You and the heavenly host.
Church leaders do not understand prostrating before the king of Kings, not enough anyway to explain it to their congregation.
They say we are not to scare away the new believers.
Why must the mature in You be muzzled from their growth?
Will there not always be babies among us?
If so when and who should grow if intimacy?
Do not babies follow their leaders and are we not to be leading them into more and more intimacy with You?
Did you not set this as a sign and a wonder?

“No rock will take your place, My child. For you have fined tuned your ears to hear all nature sing My praises. Now hear as the heavenly host joins in song.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of all things.
Sing well there is yet time.
Do not be concern with how others feel about your worship to Me. It is Me you are to please not mankind.
I have called you to intimacy and you came when many others turned away.
Darkness has tried to take you out several times, but you keep pressing in.
You were willing to sacrifice it all to be in My grace.
I have become your shining light in the dark places.
Life has not passed you by – I have been there the whole time, training and equipping you to be a general in My army.
Relax and enjoy for all I have promised will come to pass.
I have started sending you like minded people so you don’t have to walk alone any more.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been hearing creation sing too.