Conscious Forgiveness

Offenders have been guilty and what they have done has been in despicable.
I am only accountable for my actions and must release them to be totally free.

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I make a conscious decision, to forgive every person that has ever hurt me.
Everyone that has ever done me wrong.
That had lied against me.
That have ever hurt one of my family members.
G-d if I have ever felt You have let me down I even release and forgive You.
I forgive myself for making wrong decisions.
I release the past and I let it go.
I make a decision right now to receive forgiveness for having un-forgiveness.
I want to walk closer to you Father.
I receive restoration and the power from Heaven that is released when forgiven.
Father, I thank You that You are touching these people that I have now turned over to You.
Any tormenting spirit, any physical pain, mental stress, anxiety, fear, your power has been broken and you can no longer live in this body!
These people have not been restored back to the Father until I released my un-forgiveness.
I now place them in Your hands, Father. And I walk into my freedom being released from all the adversary has placed on me, in Y'Shua's name."

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