Foods that speed healing

It's common knowledge that when you are sick or laid up, you should drink as many glasses of water, juice or drinks containing electrolytes as possible. At least eight cups a day--helps the body rid itself of toxins and other waste products. The human body is, after all, made up of 75 percent water.
A well-balanced diet is one key to keeping your body strong and healthy. Whether you are fighting cancer, depression or heart disease, or if you're trying to ward off these kinds of illnesses, a diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and other healing food will provide your body with the nutrition it needs to fight disease and keep everything in working order.
It's also true that certain foods feed your body powerful vitamins and nutrients that can help you feel better faster.
Alzheimer’s disease eat strawberries contain a nutrient that might be able to protect the brain from Alzheimer’s and even improve memory. Strawberries contain the nutrient fistein, which is high in antioxidants that can help protect the brain from both oxidation and the degeneration. Protect the brain and nervous system from degenerative disease — is edible plants.
Cleanse the liver performs the vital function of cleansing toxins from the body's blood. When high toxin levels cause the liver to overwork, the liver can slow down and become congested. Liver congestion impairs the detoxification process. Foods to eat are cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, Leafy green vegetables, including kale, spinach and arugula. Root vegetables, particularly carrots and beets, are rich in beta carotene and flavonoids. Citrus fruits, lemons and limes also aid the liver in breaking down toxins. Apples, whole grains, walnuts and garlic.
Heart disease, angina, a chest pain that is a symptom of heart disease, occurs when the blood flow to your heart diminishes. There are steps you can take to ease the pain and blunt the attacks.
Add vegetables and whole-grain foods. Some options include oatmeal, peaches, bananas, toast crackers, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, blueberries and brown rice. Look for labels that say "whole grain" as opposed to just "wheat" on breads and pastas. The fiber in whole grain foods can ease the symptoms of heart disease.
Limit foods that are high in fat, such as red meat, cheese and many desserts. Standard treatment for angina can include cutting the calories from fat in your diet to around 10 percent. If you do eat red meat, trim all the excess fat.
Consider supplements. Your doctor can recommend the correct amounts and particular brands. Vitamin E, selenium and magnesium have been beneficial in the treatment of angina and other problems related to heart disease. You also can buy a fiber supplement.Hot Peppers are an excellent nasal decongestant. Capsaicin is found in peppers and naturally thins mucus and clears stuffy nose.
The use of herbs and spices in foods is for well-being. Garlic is one example of a food used for centuries for its inherent anti-fungal and antibiotic properties to aid in illness, injury and disease. Other spices used for healing properties include red pepper, turmeric and cinnamon.
Irritable bowel syndrome take two 850g capsules of Wild Yam Root, after a meal, use dill weed as a seasoning on whatever dish you prefer. Dill weed contains vanadium, magnesium, and calcium, all which are very good for your digestive system.
Take one 480g capsule of Fennel Seed, after a meal. Fennel contains vitamin c, potassium, quercetin, isoflavanoids, molybdenum, folic acid, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, sulfur, and vitamin A.
Fennel is very good for the reproductive system, stomach, spleen, liver, kidneys, digestive system, and nervous system. Fennel can also be taken by lactacting mothers to encourage their babies to nurse more. Fennel aids digestion, relives vomiting, cramping, and abdominal pains.
Have a bowl of tomato bisque basil soup. Basil contains megnesium, polyphenols, phystosterols, monoterpenes, antioxidants, and calcium. It is good for the intestines, digestive system, nervous system, and is used to releive nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Kidney disease food would be soybeans, royal jelly and Eicosapentaenoic acid, found in Sardines.
Rheumatoid Arthritis foods are black sesame seeds, fish, Black sesame seeds, Black soya beans. Grapes, cauliflower, shallots, papaya, onion, leek, celery, asparagus, flaxseeds, cucumber, apple, banana, prunes, watercress, strawberries, lemon, cabbage, chives, vinegar, melon, beets, green beans, chestnuts, raspberries, bell pepper, blueberries, tomato and mulberries.
Prostate health possess cancer-fighting properties, antioxidants, omega three fatty acids, or selenium. Onions, garlic, broccoli and cabbage are natural cancer fighters, and tomatoes contain lycopene, an important antioxidant. Fish like salmon and tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids, and Brazil nuts, tuna, cod and turkey offer selenium. Cultures that consume more soy show a lower incidence of prostate cancer. Vitamin D may cut your prostate cancer risk, and is available in supplement form. You can take a fish oil supplement to obtain omega-3 fatty acids.
Protein-rich foods such as nuts and certain fruits were as healing foods. Among the valued nuts were almonds, which contain good oils and proteins. The high protein content in figs was believed beneficial in promoting tissue growth and healing from injuries.
Roots and root vegetables have long been associated with good health. Ginger is a root for a digestive aid. It is known for healing properties that help calm upset stomachs and aid in digestion. Ginger can be chewed raw or used in teas and drinks.
Soup is a food that does double duty --- it hydrates and nourishes and it's generally easy to digest if nausea is present. Certain studies suggest that chicken soup, in particular, contains healing properties that help fight infections. Choose broth-based soups over cream-based ones.
Yogurt or Kefir are probiotics are a front-line defense for the immune system and yogurt and kefir are loaded with probiotics, also known as good bacteria. This good bacteria lives in the intestinal tract and fights off bad germs, helping to increase your body's white blood cell count. An advantage kefir has over regular yogurt is that it can colonize in the intestinal tract, maintaining that defensive line and warding off any relapses once you recover.
Vegetables and fruits are super foods. They are loaded with vitamins that your body needs to not only maintain optimum well-being, but also to build your body back to health. Vitamin C is linked to helping you get and remain healthy and can be found in oranges, strawberries and potatoes. Carrots, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes are filled with beta carotene. When you or a loved one is sick, it's a good time to indulge in the "whatever tastes good" philosophy. So if mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes will spur an appetite, or if roasted carrots drizzled with a little maple syrup or butter and brown sugar will entice someone to eat, indulge.
Natural Healing Whole Foods allow you to throw away your medicines, and all the side effects that go with them!

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