Birthing Pains

This was given to me well in a trance:
“Your past is becoming further and further away from memory. Once in a while an image will come into focus but it will quickly fade away as you are mastering control of your mind.
I am putting a concrete wall between you and your past; your past can no longer hurt you if you do not allow it. This wall is high enough that you can not get over it, wide enough that you can not go around it, and deep enough that you can not get under it. The past is no more but a faded memory and when images arise there will be no more pain connected with it.
You are now in birthing pangs and I will send one to you to assist temporally but when the pains get intense you well be alone. I have you in a sanctified place, a safe place to call on Me to reassure you, for I alone will see you through this birthing.
I tell you what is inside you is something you already desire and love so hang in there for it will be over soon, the pain is worth the blessing.
I will teach you a new way of living. For I am faithful and true, believe on Me, lean on Me. I will never let you down nor forsake you.
You will not side with people anymore but will side with Me. You will hear My voice for I am opening up your ears.
The trials you have been going through are all for your purification to reach maturity taking the focus off of yourself to help others coming into the kingdom.
Step out – just do it! Don’t wait for a position, don’t wait for a title. Just do it and allow Me to flow through you.
Go! You are to do and to speak for Me – be bold! You are loved and belong to the family of G-d.”

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