Cleansing Going On

Cleansing, cleansing there is a cleansing going on a washing, scraping and scrubbing until the infection is gone.
“I am cleansing the wounds of your soul, allowing it to be mended and make you whole.
I am cleansing your feet from undirected paths taken, setting you on the straight and narrow path.
I am cleansing your knees from bending in all the wrong places.
I am cleansing your torso from ungodly soul-ties.
I am cleansing your arms that they may hold the broken hearted sent your way.
I am cleansing your hands to flow and serve at My commission.
I am cleansing your back that you may stand straight and tall.
I am cleansing your mouth to call forth holiness and righteousness.
I am cleansing your nose that it does not get stuck in other people’s way.
I am cleansing your eyes that you may see far beyond.
I am cleansing your mind, renewing it with fresh revelations as we come together through out the day.
Cleansing can be hard and painful at times. But after the cleansing there is a clean, fresh smell to the air.
Can you feel your soul lifting and floating from the burden of care?
The weights are gone, no pressure holding you down for you have far to go.
How is it that you have carried this baggage so long and not let go?
Would you show others for they have been soaking far to long. It is time to scrub-a-dub and get out of the tub to greet My early dawn.
Yes, there is a cleansing going on. Wouldn’t you jump in for it will not last for long. Your time and season has come due – how far you want to travel in My service is all up to you.”

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