Handmaids of the L-rd

(What kind of women does the L-rd pick for His service?)
Eve stands as an original of womanhood. She is an early warning to every woman to follow the path of obedience and a resounding note of hope for women when they fail; she encountered G-d’s justice, but she also experienced His grace.
Sarah undoubtedly had beauty, brilliance, and creativity, and unique and unequivocal devotion toward her husband. She shared not only his challenges and heartaches but also his dreams and blessings. She did not waver; she stood by his side through good choices and bad decisions, adversities and blessings, in youth and old age. She is a fine example of a woman who loved her husband unconditionally. She is the only wife named in the heroes of faith. Her mothering experience fluctuated from emotions of skepticism, embarrassment, envy, and cruel accusation to intense excitement and joy. She stands to teach women two supreme characteristics of godly womanhood; humble submission to their husbands in marriage and eager commitment to nurturing the next generation.
Remember Lots wife:
1. As a constant warning against disobedience to a specific command of G-d.
2. She stood as a silent reminder to selfishness and undisciplined.
3. Not to look back, but to Him, and keep moving forward as He leads.
4. She is a memorable example of the resentment and wrath overtakes the ones who linger and disobey.
5. Relinquish everything, rather then lose your soul.
Marrying one who is not equally yoke with you has consequences.
What we know on Rebekah:
1. She’s the wife of Isaac
2. Abraham’s great niece
3. Pick up by Abraham’s trusting servant
4. Childless for 20 years
5. Had twin sons (Esau and Jacob)
6. Favored by Jacob
7. She was the mastermind in deceptions
8. Sent Jacob off to save his life to her brother, Laban
9. She died, never to see Jacob again
Leah is kept under a veil, as she typified the upper world, which is veiled and undisclosed to man…She symbolizes the world that is absolutely concealed. Leah personified for every woman the crucial need to live primarily for G-d and His glory. Though she may have started out unloved, unwanted, and even despised, G-d saw in her an inner beauty that equipped her to carry out His plan. She could not change her husband, but she could change herself and recognize G-d’s hand in her life. She did not let the attitudes of others distract her from the task G-d had given to her.
Miriam assisted Moses in leading their people out of Egyptian bondage. When the Hebrews had crossed the Red Sea Miriam sang her song of thanksgiving unto the L-rd. During the years of wandering in the wilderness Miriam was afflicted with leprosy in punishment of her offense against G-d and Moses. She was forgiven and healed but it was not granted her to see the promise land; she died in the wilderness. But as long as her song is sung Miriam will continue to live in the hearts of all who revere the Scriptures.
Rachel symbolizes the world that is disclosed, our manifest world, the created world, and the lower world. Her name means Ewe. She was beautiful and well favored, envying her sister for being able to have children. Her sister was in the possession of mandrakes which is a narcotic, Europe herb, fork-root fancied to resemble the human form. A lettuce like plant of dark green color with purple flowers and fruit. They were used in: portions, and makes conception faster. Rachel begs her sister for the strange love charms but she refuses her request until she agrees to relinquish her rights to their husband for the night. Rachel steals her family idols, because who ever had these idols when the head of the house dies, would inherit everything he owns. She finally bears two sons after a difficult labor.
Diana was probably thirteen to fifteen years of age, the ordinary period of marriage in the East. She was raped then arranged for an intermarriage that her brothers did not favor. They were bent upon revenge, demanded, as a condition of the proposed union, the circumcision of the all the towns men. They assented, and the third day, when the men were disabled, two of her brothers killed them all and took away their sister. Dina probably continued unmarried and went with her father into Egypt. When the curiosity about the world can pull us into situations in which we suffer at the hands of the ungodly around us, we must remember Dinah.
Tamar was a woman not to be satisfied with halfway measures, unfulfilling promises, or compromises. Her plans for marriage and family frustrated, she went directly to the source of the problem, Judah himself. She was extolled for her righteousness: she saw justice being undone and saw how it could be restored. She understood the Law and its Spirit. Rather than embarrass Judah before a court of justice, she found a woman’s way and, trusting in his righteousness as well, fulfilled the Law’s intent. Tamar had a worthy goal, to continue the line of Judah; but she did not trust G-d to fulfill His promises and decided to move ahead with her own plans. Even is our motivation is pure and our goal worthy, we do not please G-d by disobedience.
Zipporah takes her place among the other life-giving and life-preserving women of Exodus. It is through her actions that Moses lives to lead Israel. Zipporah acts as mediator, as a neutral – since she was a Hebrew (descendent from Abraham and Keturah) and does not have to be circumcised herself – she persuades Yahweh to reprieve her husband.
The women, in defense of their objection, go on to remind Moses: “ Why should their father’s name be lost? In that generation, the women built up the fences, which the men broke down. Refusing to go along with the actions of the men, when it went against G-d. The text speaks of the men, not of the women, for the men had revealed their unwillingness to enter the Promised Land, were as the women, drew near to ask for an inheritance. The daughters were concern for future generations; this concern for the land given by Yahweh should be shown by women. They will carry the next generation in their wombs. They are symbols of the fertility of the land and its people.
RAHAB Joshua’s first step in the plan is to send two spies on a mission. The place they happen to choose to spend the night belongs to a woman on whom the whole success of their mission will hinge – a prostitute. There are two conflicting traditions regarding Rahab’s actual profession. Some content that she was not really a prostitute, but rather an innkeeper. When the Israelites left Egypt, Rahab was ten years old, and it is said that she played the harlot the whole of the forty years that the Israelites spent in the wilderness (perhaps accounting for her worldliness, her ability to interpret right action from wrong.) The contrast between Rahab at the bottom of the social scale and the king and nobles of Jericho at the top illustrates well what Y’Shua said: “Harlots go into the kingdom of G-d before you”. Rahab is a role model for making the right decisions and standing firm, even when it means going against your own peers.
Deborah She was the only woman in Scripture elevated to high political power by the common consent of her peers; she described herself as a mother in Israel before she became a judge. Deborah was first a counselor and a delivered of her people in time of war. She did not join the drive to raise an army but also suggested their strategy. Long before Deborah exercised her uncommon leadership and decision-making skills to save her nation in a time of trouble, she was a homemaker-a wife and mother in Israel. She arose to make herself available, and she was victorious, as she herself trusted G-d, and then inspired others within her sphere of influence with that same trust. It is interesting to note that Deborah, another one of the seven prophetesses, inspired and instructed her uneducated husband also in the performance of a simple good deed-carrying candles to the Holy Temple and was also rewarded with a gift of prophecy that would be heeded throughout Israel.
MANOAH’S WIFE The disappointment of barrenness was transformed into the joy of motherhood. Though grateful for son of such unusual strength, this humble mother must also have grieved over her son’s selfishness and disobedience to G-d. Certainly his mother’s prayers and nurturing played a part in the contribution that her son made as a deliverer of his people. This unnamed woman will be remembered as a believing woman who left her testimony: every woman must not only listen for G-d’s direction but also obey Him even in the tiniest details.
Naomi’s husband abandoned his fellows in a time of despair and runs from them taking his family with him. She felt the hand of the L-rd had struck out against her. Returning to her homeland penniless, in clothes of rags and sickly from hunger. She helps her daughter-in-law to see the right way to reconstruct the family that had been broken with the departure of her own family from Israel and the succeeding deaths of her husband and sons. Naomi is a fine example of the older women teaching the younger.
Ruth lives in history as a model of womanhood, willing in joy and confidence to break from her past on the basis of G-d’s revelation taught to her by a loving mother-in-law.
G-d uses the faithfulness of ordinary women to accomplish His extraordinary plans: He provided bread for two widows through Ruth’s gleaning; He provided security for the young widow Ruth through her marriage to Boaz; He provided posterity for Naomi through Obed, the son born to Ruth and Boaz; G-d provided a great king for Israel and even the Messiah through this Gentile, Moabite princess.
Hannah’s name means graciousness or favor. She lived in the town in the hill country of Ephraim. Locked inside her many unhappy days as a taunted, barren woman, she did not know that she would go down in the Rabbinic annals as one of the seven named prophetesses of the Scriptures. In time, she would bear a son who would lead the Israelites towards the establishment of the first Jewish kingdom, a child who would hear the word of G-d in an age when, Scripture tells, vision and prophecy was extremely rare.
Michal was David’s first wife, and Saul’s youngest daughter, who was infatuated with the young hero who had, slew the giant Goliath. David and Michael’s relationship began as a fairy tale – she, the lovely young princess, he, the handsome hero with a very promising future as King. Michal is always referred to as the daughter of Saul, not the wife of David. Not finding their expectations fulfilled, they become disappointed and bitter within themselves. Michal ended her days childless, without the love and companionship of a husband, raising her dead sister’s five children, all of whom were eventually beheaded.
Abigail; Although many women are in unhappy marriages by their own choices, Abigail probably entered the union with such a difficult man through no choice of her own, since parents arranged most marriages in her day. This woman of faith acted humbly and wisely in giving David and his men food to save the lives of her household, and ends up marring David.
Rizpah is a type of intercessor. Though she could no longer petition G-d on behalf of her sons who were now dead, she maintained a vigil, doing what she could to ward off the enemy. She humbled herself before G-d until His judgment came to an end and He was entreated for the land.
Jezebel was no ordinary woman. Savage and relentless, she carried out her wicked schemes. She was influential, domineering, and talented. Not content with establishing idol worship in her own country, she tried to convert Israel to Baal worship and tried to drive out the true prophets of G-d. Jezebel not only submitted herself to Baal, but also used her own power to manipulate people and situations. Today it is known as “the Jezebel spirit”, liken onto witchcraft.
THE SHUNAMMITE A wealthy woman that urged Elisha to have a meal ….” As it happen, the prophet Elisha made it his practice to always visit this particular woman’s home and to be refreshed there with a meal before continuing on his way. One day, the woman urges her husband to build an enclosed chamber with a bed, a chair, and a lamp for the prophet’s use. She does nothing more. So why is she lauded by the Sages? – For her perception and her willingness to act upon it.
It is Huldah, alone, that the messengers choose to consult, feeling that the greater compassion of a woman would be an asset. She would be more willing to intercede with G-d on the king’s behalf. The Sages derive the teaching that Woman was endowed by
G-d with greater understanding than was man. Her name means ‘weasel.’ In the Talmud, a certain “Gate of Huldah” is mentioned in relation to the Temple. The Rabbis teach that this had previously been the gate, which led to Huldah’s school! Scripture writes that Huldah was married whom the Rabbis teach was a noble and compassionate man, and keeper of the royal wardrobe. Everyday he would carry a pitcher of water outside the city limits and offer each and every passing traveler a drink. It was as a reward for his deeds that his wife was granted the ability to prophecy…
Esther was a displaced, orphaned Jewess, who had been reared by Mordecai, (from the tribe of Benjamin), her older relative. Who had entered her into a beauty contest for virgins, and she was chosen solely on the basis of her beauty and appeal to the king. The word Esther means in Hebrew Hadassah means Mertal tree and in Persian it means Star that was hidden. Her mother died at birth, and she was one of the seven prophetesses. Esther has continued to be discussed and taught, particularly among women, as Purim approaches every year; among adult women as well as girls, she is regarded as one of the greatest of Jewish heroines.
SYRO-PHOENICIAN This women was a Greek, who had a possessed daughter that she was seeking deliverance from Y’Shua. When He further denied her by telling her that it wasn’t fitting to take the children’s bread and feed the dogs, she kept pleading. For she had not asked for a whole loaf of bread but only the crumbs that fall to the floor. Not of the children? True. A dog? True also: Yet the dogs under the table are allowed to eat of the children's crumbs - the droppings from their master's full table: Give me that, and I am content: One crumb of power and grace from Thy table shall cast the devil out of my daughter." The persistence of the Syro-Phoenician woman shows us our part. We are to seek Him, step out in faith as we make our requests, and persist in claiming His Word until our requests are fulfilled.
Salome’s highest fulfillment was to give her two sons to Y’Shua, and the influence of a godly mother is certainly evident in these sons. She failed to grasp the essence of greatness-true humility. She teaches us the importance of imitating.
Mary the maiden from Galilean town of Nazareth illuminates for all time the basic nature of womanhood; entrusting to the next generation the message of G-d’s faithfulness through spiritual nurturing that extends beyond the family circle.
Widow with two mites:
This was the last event of Y’Shua’s public teaching. The act of this humble, needy widow seems to summarize all His teaching. She was not meeting a great need but rather she was recognizing that everything belongs to G-d. Because she was in His hands, she could willingly and joyously offer all she had to Him.
Elizabeth could have faced her old age with a sense of failure and waning faith, but her liveliness of spirit serves as a reminder that G-d watches over every woman with loving care. Elizabeth trusted and G-d rewarded her. She shared herself liberally as a mentor to her niece, and undoubtedly she trained her son in the L-rd as she lived out her faith before him.
Anna in lifetime of prayer and fasting made her comments worth reporting, confirmed
G-d’s gift of redemption, and her words resonated with all who looked for salvation.
Anna personified in her day those who serve the living and true G-d, and wait for His Son from heaven. She is a model for us; like her, women are to live soberly, righteously, and godly. She thanked G-d that she had been allowed to live long enough to see that day.
SINNER AT SIMON’S HOUSE Luke simply refers to this nameless woman as a sinner. The self-righteous Pharisees despised this public woman; no proper woman would enter such a gathering in the house of a prominent Pharisee uninvited. She knelt at Y’Shuha’s feet and began to cry, and then she undid her hair, a public act considered disgraceful for a woman of her day. With her long hair, she wiped His dusty feet, washing them, and kissing them. Around her neck dangled an alabaster flask of perfume, she removed the flask and poured the costly, fragranced oil on His freshly cleansed feet. This was an act of worship. Simon the host denounced Y’Shua and questioned the Prophet’s integrity for allowing a woman of such disreputable reputation to touch and disgrace Him. While the Pharisees looked only at the woman’s outward actions, Y’Shua saw her heart, a loving heart that honored Him as L-rd and sought forgiveness for a sinful, wasted life. To the men’s astonishment, Y’Shua defended the woman, reminding them that this woman had performed the common courtesies due any invited guest. Simon had neglected to wash Y’Shua’s feet, to offer a welcoming kiss, or to anoint His head with oil, appropriate gesture of hospitality. The woman, humbly and graciously, offered to Him all these welcoming acts.
THE SAMARITAN WOMAN The woman Y’Shua met was not only an enemy of the Jews, but she was also poor, evidenced in the fact that she was there drawing water. And a Jewish Rabbi to speak to a woman in public was also unheard of. The local people avoided this woman because of her reputation, which explains why she came at noon while other women were home fixing lunch. Usually you filled the water jars at sunrise and sunset. Yet here he
condescends to teach a single person, a woman, a poor woman, a stranger, a Samaritan, and to teach his followers to do likewise, as those that know what a glorious achievement it is to help to save, though but one soul, from death. The water that Y’Shua offered was not for her physical need, but was a source of quenching spiritual thirst. It was to her that He revealed the only basis for acceptable worship, but also the truth of His Messiahship. Her response was to drop everything and run to tell others the good news to drink of Him, and experience salvation and all it implies. She drank from His cup of living water, ran back to town to the very ones who despised her, to proclaim the arrival of the promised Messiah. Through her the people responded to Y’Shua, and He challenged His disciples to witness in Samaria.
MARY OF BETHANY Mary stands as a role model for every devoted disciple of Y’Shua. She was apparently unmarried, living with her older sister and brother. More than any other in the New Testament, she is associated with sitting at Y’Shua’s feet, a testimony to her hunger for spiritual truth and understanding. In those days, one sat at a teachers feet to learn. She not only sat at His feet; she also served Him by anointing Him with costly ointment to show her desire to meet practical needs as well as to seek spiritual blessing. Mary’s example demonstrates her strong decision-making capability. She chose, to listen to Him, and later her gift of ointment poured out in preparation for His burial was a premeditated act of worship. She was thoughtful and sensitive, not given to verbal expression. True to Y’Shua’s prophecy, Mary has lived in history as one personifying commitment. A woman characterized by spiritual insight and readiness to act upon her faith, was thus commended by Y’Shua.
Martha: Y’Shua, as well as countless others, needed the physical refreshment of
Martha’s warm hospitality. She obviously loved her home and counted it joy to pour her energies into the efficient management of her household. Martha is a poignant reminder to every woman of the balance between fellowship with the family and the work necessary to meet their mundane needs.
MARY OF MAGDALENE She is said to be a widow, and so not being bound to a husband, was at leisure to follow Messiah, out of whom went seven devils. Mary became an important leader among the ministering women. Scripture mentions her fourteen times. She proved to be a passionate follower who gave her time, energy, and wealth to the L-rd’s work. She faithfully followed Y’Shua throughout His ministry. The Father chose a faithful woman, Mary of Magdalena, to proclaim to the disciples and to the world of the resurrection of the Messiah. She personifies the many women for whom Y’Shua had demonstrated His depth of mercy and forgiveness.
What we have learned from life-giving and life-preserving women:
From emotions of disbelief, embarrassment, envy, convincing, and cruel accusation to intense exhilaration and joy as a homemaker-a wife and mother. Daughters were concern for future generations; carry the next generation in their wombs. They are symbols of the fertility of the land and its people in the mother’s prayers and nurturing. She trains her children in the L-rd as she lived out her faith before him.
We seen women with resentment and wrath; mastermind in deceptions; taking narcotics; stealing; idol worshiping; being a prostitute; dealing in witchcraft and worldliness. Sinners that even were possess of seven devils, being savage and relentless. Including being raped victims, a lesser class citizen, living in a man made world. From the top to the bottom of the social scale.
We have women who were childless; unloved, unwanted, and even despised. Penniless, in clothes of rags and sickly from hunger. Married, unmarried, virgins and widows with many unhappy days. Displaced, orphaned, and being persistence who refusing to go along with the actions of the men, when it went against G-d. Making the right decisions and standing firm, even when it means going against your own peers.
We found women who were kept under a veil, absolutely concealed. That were inquisitiveness about the world and pulled into situations in which they suffer at the hands of the ungodly.
Women that did not trust G-d to fulfill His promises and decided to move ahead with their own plans.
Women that felt the hand of the L-rd had struck out against her.
Women that help their daughter-in-laws to see the right way to reconstruct the family that had been broken.
Women not finding their expectations fulfilled, they become disappointed and bitter within themselves.
Women who submitted themselves to idols, and also used their own power to manipulate people and situations.
Women who failed to grasp the essence of greatness-true humility.
We have seen women in humble submission to their husbands and fervent commitment to nurturing the next generation, who will persuades Yahweh to pardon their husband. Even inspired and instructed of a uneducated husband, humbly.
Women that did not let the attitudes of others distract her.
Women who saw justice being undone and saw how it could be restored, and that understood the Law and its Spirit.
We have learned that marrying one who is not equally yoke with you has consequences.
Woman not to be satisfied with halfway measures, unfulfilling promises, or compromises.
We see women with their perception and their willingness to act upon it.
Women not meeting a great need but rather recognizing that everything belongs to G-d. Because they were in His hands, they could willingly and joyously offer all they had to Him.
Woman in Scripture elevated to high political power as judges, prophetesses, counselors, intercessors, as she humbled herself before G-d in an act of worship. Even if our motivation is pure and our goal worthy, we do not please G- by disobedience, so following His leading in answering His call on your live.
One’s personnel commitment in develop their hunger for spiritual truth and understanding, having strong decision-making capability, having spiritual insight and readiness to act upon their faith. Becoming a passionate follower who gives her time, energy, and wealth to the L-rd’s labor. Willingly, sharing ourselves liberally as a mentor, the older women teaching the younger as we arise to make ourselves available.
Attributes to learn:
1. Not to look back, lingering in our past, but to Him, and keep moving forward as He leads.
2. Recognize G-d’s hand in our life.
3. Act as a mediator, as a neutral, as a peacemaker.
4. Inspired others within our sphere of influence with that same trust in the L-rd we have.
5. Every woman must not only listen for G-d’s direction but also obey Him even in the tiniest details.
6. Woman of faith acted humbly and wisely.
7. Doing what we could to ward off the enemy.
8. Seek Him, step out in faith as we make our requests, and persist in claiming His Word until our requests are fulfilled.
9. Entrusting to the next generation the message of G-d’s faithfulness through spiritual nurturing that extends beyond the family circle.
10. Making a lifetime of prayer and fasting which make our comments worth reporting.
11. We are to live soberly, righteously, and godly.
12. Thoughtful and sensitive, not given to verbal expression, or gossiping.
13. Warm hospitality performing the common courtesies due any invited guest.
14. The balance between fellowship with the family and the work necessary to meet their mundane needs.
15. Women who counted it joy to pour our energies into the efficient management of our household.
G-d uses the faithfulness of ordinary women to accomplish His extraordinary plans.
The greater compassion of a woman would be an asset, in kingdom building.
Woman were gifted by G-d with greater understanding than most men.
G-d watches over every woman with loving care.
G-d used all types of women for His glory to carry out His will.
An encounter with the Messiah changes a life forever, old pass away and all things become new as you continue your walk with the Father.
Walk in the fullness of your calling!
And learn from generations past reviled in the Holy Scriptures – For G-d’s word is sweet!

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