Under His Wings

“Do not worry about being single for I am your Father and husband and I will be your head covering. Walk in My ways, keeping your foot on the Rock as you continually grow into spiritual maturity. You will become all you were meant to be in My army.
I am you husband and I will provide for My bride, come to Me with all your problems and needs. Work on our intimacy for this is preparation of the bride you were meant to be, I am a jealous G-d and want this time to be first, for us to get to know each other. What more can I say to you but to be still – take refuge in My arms. I will protect you from the fiery darts that are headed your way.
Trust My judgments on your life – I will not fail you nor let you down for I am a good husband and I love you and have always loved you. Let your femininity blossom, unfolding like a rose that gives off sweet fragrance. You were made tough to serve in the wilderness but now it is time to soften in My arms of protection.
I have been rocking you in that great rocking chair in the sky, singing lullabies softly into your ears, smoothing out the worries, pains and disappointments. Come to me and climb into My lap under the shelter of My wings, I will always be here to welcome you for you are My bride.”

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