Life is in the blood

On August 14 of 2008 I went to a doctor for I was having hard time breathing, became very tired and weak. I had noticed I did not bleed red blood anymore, water came out instead. I had taken too many over the counter pain killers over the years.
He took x-rays then sent me to the hospital to have them read. They immediately admitted me, said I look like a ghost. I had 3.2 blood left in my body, telling me I should have been in the Morag with only that amount.
They did an upper and lower GI finding a very large hiatal hernia and pumped more blood into me until I had 7.2 to be sent home.
Lev. 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood.
It is a mystery of life how or why I was still alive, I’m guessing He is not done with me yet. But it reminded me how precious blood is, and what His shedding of blood did for us. We all have some part of His DNA in us, I had prayed to take all mine away and fill me with all His DNA – well I didn’t mean it quite that way.
Notice John. 19:34 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.
First He lost all His blood then the water flowed out. I was down to the water – the clock was ticking. I was ready to check out and go Home to be with my Savior. This experience taught me that I was being selfish, for there were still responsibilities left and I still had not finished my calling.
We see in part, He sees the whole picture.
His timing is not necessary our timing.
We are to keep on pressing forward to run the race.


Anonymous said...

How are you doing now?
You are important to me.
I care about you!!

Anonymous said...

I want to say a special Thanks to you for all the time, patience and things you do. I can really see God working in you with your giving of yourself and time. I see you reaching out to others and trying new things in your life. I am proud of you! It is not an easy task to learn new things as we get older but worth the giving 10 fold. I know there where times it was very difficult but you hung in there. The best blessings/gifts we receive in this life are gotten through giving and caring for others. Walk proud! God is smiling.

Anonymous said...

I think of you so very often, especially when I read about the high priests. I don't honor you enough, you are His teacher. I really don't know how to act toward people of the Cloth, so to speak..... I respect you but don't know how to honor you, I wish I could do a better job. You deserve to be honored by all the things you do for our Lord.

Anonymous said...

Your gifting is unique, one the Lord must have a tremendous outlet for; else you wouldn't be going through so much for it to come forth. Don't give up hope and don't compare yourself to others. Keep your focus on Him and remember that praise breaks the yokes. To rejoice is a choice!

Anonymous said...

Wow girl!!!!! You are a walking miracle!!!! God is surely with you! This whole thing is rather say the least! We pray that God will see to it that your blood will be restored to you as new and pure as it was from the beginning. You have much to do for His people...teach them and show them the Grace of God in your life. Praise God for the doctors that they were able to find out what was going on. Can't write anymore...tears filling my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Bubbie what would it be like if I had lost you? It is a scary thought! For if I had lost you I would have lost part of myself and I would never be the same again. For instead of my happiness I would be angry and sorrowful for missing my teacher.
If I had lost you – I would have lost my best friend!
If I had lost you – I would have lost my favorite grandmother!
If I had lost you – I wouldn’t be able to confide in you again!
If I had lost you – I wouldn’t know who I am!
And most important, if I had lost you I would have lost someone I truly loved and trusted!
But I did not lose you and I can still hold you near for a while longer.
I couldn’t bear losing someone like you who has always been there for me and guiding me along the way.
Loving you always,AJ
Teen Warrior

Anonymous said...

I love spending time with you. I really do I feel that every minute that I spend time with you is very special. I have chosen you as my hero because you are always there for me and always understanding, no matter what.
And you are so much fun to be with and there is never a dull moment when you are around. You're so energetic it's so hard not to catch it.
By you being in my life I am a better person than I might of been for you taught me how to see other people's troubles and try to help them.
You've looked out for Josh and me and kept us out of trouble and when I grow up I would like to be like you and always be there for the ones I love. You are and amazing person! This is why you are my hero. You’re forever there and anyone who needs you are always there, no matter the cost. You've always been there and I appreciate it!
No matter what you are you will always going to be my hero.
I love you very much maybe more than you know.
Love always your little girl.
Krystal Rose

Anonymous said...

Life is in the Blood.
As I just stated, there is more to our life processes than the brain. Our blood circulates through the body, supplying life-giving nutrients to each part. Through the circulatory or cardiovascular system, blood is provided to the organs of the body from cell to cell, which helps stabilize our body temperature. The heart, lungs and blood vessels, which include arteries, veins and capillaries, all work together with about five liters of blood (in the average adult body) to create this circle of life flow. This blood does more than just supply physical life. Leviticus 17:11 says, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood . the blood makes atonement for the soul." We can already see that blood takes on a spiritual significance for our very soul. But there is still more. Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." Without taking this verse out of context, we can see that the heart is associated with-if not the controller of-our thought processes.. Obviously the brain is where our knowledge is stored. And yet this verse indicates that it is not the brain thinking but the heart! If the heart is thinking, that means it is involving both our developed belief system as well as information that we have accumulated and categorized in our brain. And if that is the case, then our cardiovascular system-which cycles blood to and from the heart-is responsible for the transportation of our thoughts. So when the heart is pumping blood it is carrying a thought system throughout your entire body. In essence, all of your organs are responding to the way your heart thinks.
Chuck Pierce