Twelve Oils of Ancient

Aloes – Jn. 19:39
Cassia – Ps. 45:8
Cedarwood –Lev. 14:4 Cedar was an integral part of two biblical purification rituals – one for lepers and another for those who were impure from touching a dead body. Cedar was noted for its incorruptibility; and in ancient times, clothing was anointed with cedar to protect if from humidity.
Cypress – Isa. 44:14 Cypress influences, strengthens, and helps ease the feeling of loss. It creates a feeling of security, grounding, and helps heal emotional trauma.
Frankincense – S.O.S 3:6 symbolizes divinity
Galbanum – Ex. 30:34 poor circulation and strengthening the body.
Hyssop – Ps. 51:7 was used during the exodus from Egypt to dab the Hebrews’ doorposts with lamb’s blood, protecting them from the plague of death. It is beneficial for anxiety and may also aid concentration and alertness by stimulating and clearing the mind.
Myrrh – Prov. 7:17 it was used in preparing the body for burial. Used for a variety of skin conditions, supports immune system.
Myrtle – Neh. 8:15 symbolic of peace and justice (Isa. 55:13). Used for prostate decongestant, hemorrhoids, hormonal imbalances, support immune system and has a soothing effects on the respiratory system.
Onycha – Ex. 30:34 Used for Arthritis, gout, asthma, bronchitis, but Traditionally known for its comforting and soothing properties for nervous tension and stress.
Rose of Sharon – S.O.S 2:1 In ancient times, the gum that exudes from this plant was collected from the hair of goats that had browsed among the bushes. Used for cell regeneration, anti-hemorrhaging agent helps reduce inflammation, also help quiet the nerves and calm the insomniac.
Spikenard – Mk. 14:3 Spikenard was transported to the Holy Land in sealed alabaster boxes all the way from the Himalayan Mountains. Used in the burial of their dead (v. 8), and this oil is known for helping the treatment of allergic skin reactions, insomnia, menstrual difficulties, migraine, it strengthens the heart and circulatory system and is Relaxing and soothing to the mind.
The most suppressed, ignored and misunderstand healing substance on the face of the earth are the power of G-d’s plants based essential oils, which He has already provided for us in nature. To really understand the importance and significance of G-d’s self-made medicine, you don’t have to look any further than the Bible, They are considered to be the very first medicines of the human race. If you look at all of God’s medicine used since the beginning of time, it comes from plants and the essential oil, being the bloodline of the plant, performs diverse duties. The oil provides plant protection by giving immunity to ward off undesirable bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and insects just like our blood does.


Anonymous said...

What great info, always took it very seriously about not duplicating the "recipe" for the annointing oil and never saw annointing oil used until the mid 90's when I mixed with other religious groups and meetings.

Anonymous said...

good info, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You've done your homework