Denial of Self

Holiness, denial of self, sacrifice, and the crucified life. Why do you not seek them? They are the true path to happiness. You fight to protect those things you hold tight and call it My work. You walk without power because you have not made Me your source of power. You are ineffective by My standards, but your search to fulfill your personal needs blinds you from seeing how barren your life really is. In doing your work and calling it Mine, you have become angry, fearful and in need of changing your world. How foolish, How vain.
I am seeking those who cherish holiness unto Me. I will us those who turn from this world and its ways. Despise those things which stop you from giving up your life completely to Me.
"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter_- when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?"  Isaiah 58:6-7
From The Father's Heart
With constant joy, spontaneous prayer and thanksgiving, people who had little delightfully gave to those who had less. Love was more important than pride; integrity before the L-rd dove out the stench of serving self, while the gratefulness of what Y'Shua had done for them directed all their activities.
In 1997 I started talking to my heavenly Father -  "I am so ashamed, my Father! What I have seen makes me know how wrong I have lived -  how I have missed, even taken for granted, Your great gifts to me. I consumed what You have given me upon myself, thinking it was Ok. I'm sorry, my L-rd. Forgive me, for I have deeply sinned against You and against all those You have put in my life to see Y'Shua in me. I don't know what to do from here, but I surrender to You to change me." The winds of change had begun to blow on my life…change that would impact my life forever. These were only the beginning breezes that would lead to hurricane forces that would impact, and sometimes uncomfortably disrupt, those lives I would touch."

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