The True Church Leadership

We are just the beginning of a great harvest, the greatest there has ever been. However, the fasted way for us to depart from the highway  that is being built to prepare the way for the L-rd is to become proud of the grace we have been given.
There is a true and false church, both of which are prophesied in the Scriptures. There is true and false with almost everything: true and false apostles, true and false prophets. We are warned about 'false brethren.' The wheat and tares are mixed together now and will not be separated until the end., they both look alike until both have matured. Only then will the difference really be seen.
The main purpose of the true church is to be the temple of the L-rd, so the main thing that we should look for in the church is the presence of the L-rd. When the L-rd is in His Temple it does not matter what the temple looks like If the temple is receiving all of the attention then it can only be because the L-rd is not in it. The way we find the true church is not by looking for the church, but by looking for the L-rd.
The L-rd will bless many things He will not inhabit. The mature have learned to look beyond just what He may be blessing to what He is inhabiting. It is one thing to be in a congregation where there is a good teaching, worship, and ministry, but it is something else when you feel the L-rd moving among people, and where He is the true focus of attention.
Many worship the things of G-d instead of the G-d of all things. Some worship His truth more than Him. Some even worship, worship. This is some times just immaturity, but there is a difference when the teaching, preaching, worship, and ministry all come out of His presence.
When we mature we will want to help prepare the way for the L-rd by helping to prepare His people for Him. No person is capable of doing what they are called to do without
G-d's help. That is why we were given the Helper. Feeling constantly inadequate makes one learn to lean on and trust in the L-rd, to constantly seek Him. As a leader your successes are multiplied, but so are your failures. Some failures can make you lose faith, but that only proves it was a false faith in ourselves instead of faith in G-d.
Those who may be uncomfortable speaking to large groups can be comfortable in small groups. It is a different gift. A leader can not think too highly of self or want to have people's attention on them, in the presence of the Lamb even the twenty-four elders cast their crowns at His feet.
We studied the great ones in history and in Scripture. We have a long way to go yet to measure up to those who have gone before us, but soon some of the greatest of all will emerge n the full maturity of all those who have gone before them. Remember the L-rd had saves the best wine for last, for the end of this age.
A leader must build everything in fellowship on truth, the leaders goal is to be successful at the job given, and that job is to prepare for the King's service to follow Him.  There is no higher calling than this - to prepare the way for the L-rd and lead His people to Him. There is no greater joy or fulfillment than this. One may at times chaff under the pressure that comes with always being a in a place beyond their ability. But if G-d puts him or her there, He will supply what is needed. A leaders identity and value is not in the position before mankind, but in their position in Him.  Teaching G-d's Word (the whole book) is not a rush job, the leader must go at the level of their congregation.  They will draw on the  living water.  Call ones will rise up and take their place as watchmen for the body.

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