Healthy Life

"Healthy life comes from pure seed. The purest seed has fallen willingly to the ground and died. It is My Son, Y'Shua. I have raised Him up and glorified Him for all eternity.
Should you not follow the example of My Son? Why do you hang on to rotting seed when I AM the source of a life that is untouchable by the death and decay of this world? Hold on to those things that bring true Life, not those things that are perishing. I have shown you the way, now walk in it. Do not look to the left or to the right, but only to Me for I AM with you. But you must trust Me and Me alone. Your only safety is in the life of My Son, Y'Shua. That means a complete death to your ways of doing things. It will cost you everything. But it is My way for your best life.  
"…Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you and persecute you." Matt. 5:44
I was known for my fast, outrageous and daring lifestyle by my friends, and my stuffed temper (I don't get mad but I do get even), and when I had enough, a sharp-tongued vengeance by my enemies. This is a man's world and I was going to beat them at their own game so I spent a time of my life in endless circles of parties, social events, clubs.
I lived on purpose with an enthusiasm that would lead to burnout speed, I wanted out of this world. The alcohol, sex, and especially the emptiness I felt deep inside that made me pursue some unseen, unattainable goal, finally caught up. I ask the Father to take me out, there wasn't anything left in this world to see, when He spoke: He said "you have not experienced love yet." That did not help, I will be the last person on earth if I wait for that. "You need to know that Y'Shua paid the price for all of your sins. Even those you won't admit to right now. He hasn't turned His back on you and He would like you to know it wasn't your doing and that you're forgiven by Him. He loves You!" So I got love but I am still here, now I am asking to be taken out by the time I am seventy-seven (that is double completion), I want to go Home to were I am loved and He lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your emails