Hijacked Church

Seasoned churchgoers feel at odds with praise bands, power point presentations, and mall-like meg-sanctuaries that many are dropping out. Changing to the world’s values does not always mean advancing G-d’s kingdom.
Too many modern congregations are rich in consumers who are poor on commitment and discernment. Reminding us that church isn’t a club, though it is fast turning that way; but a calling to live the godly life.
G-d hasn’t left our spiritual growth in the hands of ‘trained professional’. He uses His people – each one in need of refinement – to transfer another! Many seekers aren’t always comfortable in a church, with its unfamiliar rituals. But one on one there bottled up questions and your answers begin to flow. The informal, non-threatening get-together means the beginning of new life for attendees. Essential in doing this your need a well-rounded knowledge of Scripture! This sharpens your knowledge of G-d’s Work, while keeping you on your toes.
Since the very beginning, G-d has called His people to be ‘set apart’, different from the world. Why do we long to fit in and be accepted to the point of compromising our beliefs?
Teach your family about key Christen values based on G-d’s Word! Strengthen your family ties, practice compassion, faith and love in truth. Live your life by being a godly example! This will draw others to you to want what you already have, peace that passes all understanding.
Is the end of Christian America on the horizon?
Is Christianity becoming too ‘packaged’?
Is the leadership blocking you from moving forward?
Abortion, adultery, violence and homosexual activity seems the big sins that grab all the headlines. But what about jealousy, selfishness, greed, and ‘little’ faults we live with every day? Open your eyes to the spiritual dangers of ‘acceptable’ transgressions. Examine your life and turn away from subtle behaviors that can derail your Christian growth.
There was a time when the Bible was the most read book in the world. Now believers and non-believers alike are often ignorant of the foundational documents of the faith. There is a difference between knowing G-d and knowing about G-d. When you truly know G-d, you have energy in serving Him, boldness to share Him, and contentment in Him.
Viewed as G-d’s vessel, how would you, describe yourself? Chipped? Cracked? Broken? The Master Potter can shape and mold you into a useful servant, imperfections and all!
Search for significance. See your worth through G-d’s eyes, step off the ‘performance treadmill’. Build a closer relationship with the Father and allow Him to guide your footsteps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well done, it that's speaks volumes