Life Without Limits

Today’s news is filled with jarring headlines, distressing analyses, and dire predictions concerning the world’s financial future. Did the Bible prophecy predict this catastrophe? Is the monetary collapse a sign of the end times?
Are you bound in a tomb of regret, fear, or self-condemnation? Y’Shua is calling you to come forth and step into a full, vibrant life! Shed the past; stepping out of your comfort zone and triumphant in your circumstances despite your less-than-perfect past by embrace G-d’s unconditional love, and experience resurrection and renewal.
Just think what you could do with your life if you completely emptied your heart of fear – and filled it with faith instead!
Whether you’re un-easy about layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, or flare-ups in the Middle East, anxiety can make life feel like a prison.
What would it be like to be free of worry, doubt, and terror? How would it feel?
Are you experiencing anxiety be-seekers alike who are experiencing anxiety because of family issues, the economic downturn, illness, or other serious challenges?
Are you struggling to fit into society’s view of ‘perfection’? You need to accept what you can’t control and focus on what you can! Fear, worry, and life’s daily cares can obscure your outlook.
Life is hard, even for Christians. Overwhelming crises can make you feel like you’re about to drown. But just as G-d parted the Red Sea and delivered the Israelites, He’ll protect you, too! Once you realize G-d’s intent for you and acknowledging the enemy while focusing on the L-rd. Acting only on what Y’Shua calls you to be and do, set some personal boundaries and experience a healthy and balanced life.
Liberate yourself from the bondage of busyness and negative thinking, and experience
G-d’s forgiveness and freedom!
Develop an attitude of gratitude an experience the joy of the L-rd! Choose to live a life of humble thankfulness; embracing intentional gratefulness can free you from bitterness so you can serve the Master and others.
Is talking to G-d just another thing to check off on your to-do list? So you have a need to forge a deeper connection with G-d? Discover Scripture’s life-changing words well embrace the joy of the L-rd.
Praying is the only thing that can stand against the tornadoes of life. Safeguard your marriage, protect your children, and fortify your family!
You need positive role models and friends to help you achieve your dream.
When life gets tough, that’s when you really need to begin your day with Scripture – and the encouraging words of a friend!
You can have a life with out limits, discover the joy when you focus your mind on finding G-d’s purpose for your life, and move toward it!

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