Unbalanced World

Motivated from the Gather Homecoming magazine, I sliced and diced pieces that spoke to me, and added my own thoughts.
We have our home lives, work life, community life, and our civic responsibilities as citizens and hopefully, some personal time for our own bodies, minds and spirits.
Most days do you feel like a walk on a balance beam?
My son, Rich needs a routine schedule, so he taught me it is easier to balance everything when our schedule is consistent. However, when we get busier than usual, life gets very hectic and out of balance. We love spending quality time together, but we also love our own individual private times of doing what we each want to do. His is making music for other people and mine is studying the Scriptures and journaling thoughts from G-d.
A balanced life is something we all strive for but achieving it can be tricky, being engulfed by your problems in the rat race of life. There are no free passes, no free lunches. The people who work hard, who have goals and are focused achievers are the ones who succeed.
Y’Shua is the key ingredient to juggling faith, family, career, and friendships.
Don’t you sometimes feel the pressure of ‘too much on your plate’?
Y’Shua was the best model, and discipline that we all need is important, but we all don’t like to acknowledge it. Our human nature is to take care of ourselves, to look out for ourselves, to want a little bit more, want everything for ourselves, and we’ve gotta get back, in this country, to G-d’s principles and sayings, “This is how G-d would want us to do things: to look out for others before your-self, to honor other people, honor your parents, but honor others as well!”
Our human nature is to selfish, to see what we can get out of things; but when you trust G-d and you feel that G-d is in control of your life, you don’t really have to worry about what you’re going to get. You can worry about how you can be a blessing to others and what you can do for other people, putting others before your needs and wants!
Do you feel like your losing your balance?
Maybe you need to say ‘NO’ to the things that rob you of what is truly important.
There is no such thing as multitasking! When you are performing multiple tasks at once, you are not giving one hundred percent of yourself to each specific task. You are simply giving a percentage of yourself to each. When I was younger I could do four things at one time, it was good concentration for the brain. But as I got into my ‘Golden years’, I found I can not even do two things at one time, now all my concentration if focused on one project, if Rich comes to talk to me, I must stop what I am doing.
It’s easy to get burned out on the monotony of life. But when I chose to put G-d first, family and friends are second, work third, balance somehow found its way into my life.
Monotony only comes when one does not have enough imagination to create their own atmosphere. It is also important to have a day of rest every week, that why G-d said to ‘honor the Sabbath’, I say you also need a ‘chill out day’ or at least one hour or so, for yourself to refresh your personal walk with the Father.
My only hope, my only steadfastness, is the Father and His Word. Without that fellowship divine, my life is shallow and shaken at best! I cling to Him, for without Him in me, I fail at everything that is important to Him and me!
When you get home at the end of the day, try turning off your cell phone so you do not beg distracted, separating work from home time is important.
Wisdom understands that life is tragedy and comedy, humor and pathos. Every moment contains the capacity for joy or for heartbreak.
Trying to walk through life without balancing life’s many demands can be risky. More and more, people today are having a difficult time finding balance in their lives. Because of the bad economic situation, many have to overwork and find it difficult to balance work with their family life, which robs children of their childhood. The demands that technology is placing on us and our need for peace and tranquility is becoming increasingly difficult. In our modern go-go-go digital world we are spending less time in prayer than ever!
In the midst of the worst times, we can know that world events are not tangled, confused, or perplexing to G-d. He said, “I am G-d, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning”, in Isa. 46:9-10. He is never caught off guard. He governs nature and the storms of our daily life. He cares about you so much that He has numbered the hairs on your head.
He is our balance; He holds the scales of life! His time is perfectly in order, no matter how imbalanced and stormy it may seem to us.

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