Election Day

I was with a person at the lake and we were journaling as we heard from the
L-rd, then read what we got to each other. Now this person rarely shares unless feels led to. As we were leaving, were impressed that G-d said to know the meaning of the date. That afternoon when I started to study, I felt impress to look up the meaning since I was the researcher; here are my results:

11 Stands for judgment Matt. 13:25; 14:1-31
Eleven judgments upon Egyptians Ex. 7:14
Eleven days journey in the wilderness Deut. 1:2
Dinah was the eleventh child born to Jacob and name means judgment
Gen. 30:21
Eleven things John saw Rev. 20:11-15

4 Reference to the earthly creation;
four regions ( north, south, east, west),
four seasons ( winter, spring, summer, fall)
four horns on the altar
four winds. Matt. 24:31; Rev. 7:1
four world empires Dan. 2
8 Represents resurrection and tells of a new beginning, fullness or abundance.
Circumcision on the eighth day. Col. 2:11
Eight souls passed through the flood
Eighth dispensations (millennium)
All equal up to;
23 Death

There is a change in the atmosphere!
Freedom as we know - will change
Life will take a change – for the good or the bad
Bottom line is to speak no evil about anyone – you do not want your words to go into the atmosphere for the advisory to use. We are told to pray for our leaders.
Know G-d is in control and His word says “His people will not beg for bread”; but it also says “It rains on the just and injust”.
Look up your redemption draweth nigh!
My interpretation: "Judgment will come on the people from the north, south, east and west in fullness or abundance. Spiritual and physical death, many will be taken home."
I even toke it a step farther to: 2 represents witnesses and 3 is the G-d head.
"Thinking we're closer to the last days when the two witnesses are proclaiming G-d, even onto their death." Do you get anything different?


Anonymous said...

I think your word is accurate and I beleive this nation is getting what it wants, I remember Paul Keith Davis said that 2009 is the lowest the flag of the US is going to fly, and after that the next 3 years will be rebuilding ,we are in for a wild ride but God is still in control. Bob Jones gave my husband a word that he was going to need great faith, he told him that 3 times. My soul bares witness to that and we do need to pray for the leaders God has appointed whether we're in agreement or not. May God help us all and may we continue to pray without ceasing.

Anonymous said...

Your right on!!