
Salome, the daughter of Alphaeus and half-sister of the L-rd, her name means “Peacemaker”, she followed Him and ministered to Him when He was in Galilee. Salome and another brother Joses and James were with her on the hill overlooking the crucifixion. Salome helps bring spices to anoint the body as they attended to Y’Shua’s burial rites.
Jewish tradition corpses are to be buried within twenty-four hours of death if possible. Washing and anointing the naked body of a loved one was an intimate ace of devotion.
Tradition was that first the body was washed and anointed with oils and spices and wrapped in a burial shroud. It was then placed on a stone shelf or in a niche known as a loculus carved into the bedrock wall of the tomb. The body was allowed to decompose and desiccate for as long as a year. When mostly bones were left, the remains would be gathered and placed into an ossuary or ‘bone box’ usually carved from limestone. Often the name of the deceased was carved or scratched on the side into the stone. These rectangular lidded boxes vary in size but typically they are 20 by 10 by 12 inches, long enough for the femur or thigh bone, and wide enough to hold the skull.
And Unknown names of other daughters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We both truly appreciated the Bible info you passed on