
Simeon, the son of Alphaeus and the “3rd half-brother of the L-rd,” will take up an important role after his blood brother James the Less (later known as James the Just) is martyred as the first bishop of Jerusalem. Simeon becomes the City of Peace’s 2nd bishop.
Eusebius reported that the remaining apostles gathered with those left of the family of Y’Shua and they took counsel together as to who would succeed James. He wrote that Cleophas was the brother of Joseph, husband of Mariam, and thus also of Davidic lineage. Cleophas was the legal uncle of Y’Shua, and the second husband of Mariam His mother, based on Levirate Law.
We would presume Peter would have taken over the leadership of the group, but the Apostles chose Simon which shows us how important the Y’Shua family was in their thinking.
After being supernaturally warned by G-d in 66 A.D. that the destruction of Jerusalem was forthcoming, Simeon (which means “to hear” in Hebrew) followed the L-rd’s instructions and led a group of early Messianic Believers to the city of Pella in A.D. 66.
Simeon escaped death several times when the Romans decreed that all those of Hebrew origin were to be executed. Simeon was tortured and crucified by the Romans during the persecution of Believers under the reign of the evil emperor Trajan on February 18, 107 A.D. as a descendant of David, he was over one hundred years old at the time.
These records of these early Palestinian Christians during the period of the flight of Pella to the execution of Simon, of what was transpiring in those areas of Christianity to the West that had been influenced by Paul – but details of what was transpired among those who had followed the Teaching represented by His family were not preserved.

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