2 Chronicles Interduction

Covers approximately 400 years from the reign of Solomon until the decree of Sirius of Jerusalem and the Temple.

Note 12 prophets in the Northern Kingdom of Israel:
1. Ahijah 7. Elisha
2. Man of G-d. 8. Micaiah
3. Old prophet 9. Jonah
4. Iddo the seer. 10. Amos
5. Jehu. 11. Hosah
6. Elijah. 12. Obed

Elijah is the strongest name of the prophets and is listed in nine different books of the Bible.
There were four schools of the prophets during Elijah and Elisha’s day that had influence for 500 years.

Eight things that the Babylonian Captivity changed 586 B.E.:
1. School till 1050 A.D.
2. Synagogues.
3. Cities.
4. Denominations (29) Jewish.
5. Sanhedrin - 71 members of court.
6. Greek and Pagan ideas.
7. Merchandizing - get rich.
8. Cured of idolatry.

Joses wept at Elisha’s death.
Jeroboam reigned 41 years, the longest of any king in Israel.
Menasha was the last king of Israel and only reigned nine years.
In 721 B.E. King Hoshea (9 yr.) of Assyria took captive Northern Israel.
The Assyrians took 27,290.00 people to Nineveh captive.
In what two ways did Sargon make Samaria better in his eyes:
Bible and Synagogues only 500 left - intermarry in their own family

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