People are like Bobbers

We are seeing scary times this year, hurricanes, Cyclones, droughts, earthquakes and forest fires in divers’ places.
Mass murders are happening without reasoning.
Our president wants to ‘print’ more money to bury our nation into even deeper bondage. Threatening to take away money and benefits from the poor and helpless, those who have already paid into Social Security, the disabled, right down to those who are serving in the military.
Our offspring are loosing respect for their parents’ standers and parents are making excuses for their children’s’ chooses. Some parents ignore the truth and some enable them.
Sin has gone rapped; we now have six states that have accepted ‘same sex’ marriages. We are definitely living as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah! How long do you think we will last before we are called into accountability?
All this points to Scripture of what must come down before the Second Coming.
Many Believers are keeping their eyes on the world events and fear has gripped their hearts. Bottom line is people don’t panic until it threatens to hit their own pocket book.
Have we forgotten who our Provider is? It was never meant to be the government.
Who are we to trust in!
People have become like bobbers that are snagged and can only float so far before getting pulled under by the roaring sea and every now and then servicing to catch a fresh breath of air. Who will wade into the deep waters to free up G-d’s people?
They have gotten snagged because morals are decaying all around them and they have let their guard down.
When ‘evil is called good’ it eventually become natural ‘acceptance’; like Lot we are in the environment, what has rubbed off on us?
As judgment fell in the days of Noah when G-d closed the door to the Ark, the cries of the un-repented were too late. Be forewarned judgment is close at hand once again.
Scripture says to think on things that are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Think on those things, which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in the Father, do: and the G-d of peace shall be with you.
We have to keep our eyes fixed on our Savior!
For Believers true goal and destination is to be with the Father once again in peace and harmony. But in the mean time walk in great discernment in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, covering yourselves with the blood of Y’Shua HaMashiach. Then you will not be caught snagged and bobbing around going no where.

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