Introduction to Ruth

The word “Ruth” means friend or companion. This happen during the Feast of Pentecost (Harvest). The author is usually attributed to Samuel. It covers approximately 11 years during the time of the Judges.
The key words are:
Kinsman used 14 times.
Redeem used 9 times.
Great of favored used 3 times.
There were two books in the Bible bear the name of women:
Ruth, a Gentile who married a Jew.
Esther (Hadassah), a Jewess who married a Gentile.
Boaz was the son of Rayhab, Matthew 1:5. The theme of the book of Ruth is that a Gentile bride forsook her heathen ways and became a Jewish worshipper of Jehovah with full benefits, and married into a family that produce the Messiah, 2:12. There were 13 major famines in the Old Covenant. Famines came as judgments when G-d’s people were worshiping idols. When Ruth laid at the feet of Boaz, she was making a kinsman request (marriage proposal.) The kinsman redeemer was called Goel, which meant closes relative. Job 19:25 states G-d is referred to as a Goel redeemer. There were seven basic steps to the kinsman redemption: (chapter. 4)
Two plus witness of the transaction.
Agree which man was to be kinsman redeemer.
One giving up his right as redeemer and passing it to another.
Redemption of the inheritance.
Revelation to bring up the seed to the dead husband.
Confession of the witness of seeing it all happen.
Blessing on married couples.
The purpose of the book was historical document on the linage of David being form.
This book is read by the Jews during the Feast of Harvest.
The Naomi family means:
Husband - Elimelech means my G-d is king.
Wife - Naomi means sweet or pleasant
Son - Mahlon means sick - Ruth’s first husband.
Son - Chlon means consumption - Orpan’s husband.
Ruth’s sister-in-law - Orpah means stiff neck.
Seven basic things we know about the Moabites:
It was against G-d’s Law to go to Moab.
The Moabites were descendants of Lot.
They worshipped the idol Moab, (1 Kg. 11:7, 33) and sacrificed children.
Because Moab was cursed G-d would not permit a Moabite to enter His congregation until the 10th generation, Deut. 2:9-11.
Moses was buried in Moab, Deut. 34.
The Moabites became David’s servants, 2 Sam. 8:2.
Moab will be in the fulfillment of future prophecy as modern day Jordan.
Ancient Moab was 50 miles from Bethlehem.
Several principles seen in this book:
The weak became weaker away from G-d’s people
We can return after a fall and even become stronger.
Though Naomi returned from a cursed place, her Spirit was affected.
The number of witnesses by Law for the basic transaction was two, but he had ten which was common. Note at the burial and resurrection of Y’Shua there were 12 witnesses which was six times what was needed. Six is the number of man and some see this as a witness to mankind. Ruth is the faithful one to her mother-in-law. The word in Greek for favor is the same word for great. In a Jewish wedding the man put his prayer shawl over the bride to show that he was her covering. Boaz put his quilt over Ruth when she laid at his feet.
Halitazah refused the marriage shoe, he was not rich enough to redeem old husbands land or he was too old and had many wives already. Once he makes that decision he can never change his mind. Ruth would never marry him then, nor could she marry a priest.

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