Interduction to 1 Samuel

The name Samuel means ask of G-d. The Septuagint calls 1 Samuel the first book of Kings.
1 Samuel begins the 500 year period of the kings of Israel. The events in 1 Samuel cover approximately 115 years from the birth of Samuel to the death of Saul. This book is divided into three sections relating to the three main characters: Samuel, Saul and David. Four reasons Samuel was one of the most prominent Bible characters: He was a priest, last judge, first prophet, and anointed first king. Four reasons why he was called the prophet of prayer:
1 - Mother (Hanna) was a woman of prayer.
3 - A child of prayer.
7 - Prayed for victory.
12 - Concerned it a sin not to pray.
He established the School of Prophets at Ramah where he lived, which produce every major prophet. In Deut. 17:14-20, G-d promised Israel that they would have a king, but not to become independent of him. Hannah was the first person in Scripture to refer to the Messiah as the anointed one in 2:10. The sons of the Prophets, (work under Samuel, son means students of his), were established in five areas: Shilo, Gilgil, Betho, Semeria, and Romah.
Five things G-d reveals concerning His thoughts about kings of Israel: (Deut. 17:14-20).
Government by a G-dly king is pleasing to Him.
King is to be His choice.
King would have a written charter to guide him.
Appointed by Yaway.
Not pass down to their own sons.
Eight major life principles in 1 Samuel For us today:
How to treat G-d’s person.
Lose the anointing if you do not treat G-d seriously.
Fail when you resent G-d’s priest and take over.
Success comes when you are never whip on the inside.
Lack of discipline to your children.
Repent or you will despise the House of G-d.
Judgment on you for your idols.
Remind yourself G-d has helped you and thank Him (Ebenezer stone).
Two primary reasons for Saul’s backsliding and losing his kingship:
13:8-14 - intruded in the Priest’s job.
15:22 - did what he though right and not what G-d told him.
This is called the book of transition because of its moving from judges, to priests, to prophets, to kings. Judas Iscariots screwed up because he let indignation in his life. Indignation means - you thought someone else was doing your job. You think the preacher treated someone else better than you. Someone else got what you wanted. Judas thought he was better than he was. Offended over something opens the door for Satan to enter your heart.
The key words: Saul 296 times. David, Samuel, prophet, priest and king are:
Anointed used 19 times.
Prayer used 9 times.
Rejected used 8 times
Saul 296 times.
David 291 times.
Samuel 131 times.
Prophet 24 times.
Priest 33 times.
King 88 times.
The purpose of 1 Samuel is two-fold:
G-d will not accept rebellion.
Preserve a G-dly linage.
The importance of the books of Samuel lies in their recording Israel’s history, when the nation was undergoing radical socioeconomic and political changes. Once arrived in Canaan, Israel had been moving from a primarily nomadic, sheep-rearing society into a settled, agrarian society. People were now engaged in settled agricultural activities. The consequent private holding of lands with fixed territories and water resources and the employment of a market economy, coins; pims and shekels; grain measures; the ephod, all contributed to the development of a class society.
As private property developed and wealth increased, protection of the same became important. Since they are not trained in warfare and since they had to depend on the Philistines for their weapons the Israelites defense was not adequate.
At the conclusion of the book, Israel’s government had moved from G-d rules through His man to man rules to what’s right in his own eyes to G-d rules through a G-dly king with His instructions.

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