Introducton to 1 Peter

Peter was the author of 1, 2 3 Peter plus the lost Gospel of Peter. He was the Apostle of Jews. Paul was called the Apostle of faith to the Gentiles; John was called the Apostle of love.
During this time Nero was the Roman Emperor and the church was approximately 35 years old, it was the persecuted church. Peter called these persecutions fiery trials, 4:12.
Peter’s natural name was Simon which means to hear, but Y’Shua renamed him Peter which means rock solid. Peter’s wife’s name was Concordia (Matt. 8; Mk. 1:30 and 1 Cor. 9:5.

1 Peter was written from Babylon, which was a major headquarters of Jews during the first century. Precious used 5 times in 1 Peter.
1. Trials of faith is precious.
2. The blood of the Messiah 5. Promises
3. L-rd
4. Faith

Four times Peter tells them to remain faithful under pressure:
1. Be a good citizen
2. Servants
3. Wives
4. Husband

Three areas in which we must have G-d’s help: Salvation, summit ion and suffering.
1 Peter times Peter dwell on joy compared to 16 times he speaks of suffering.

Four ways to put away all evil - by putting away its roots.
1. Hatred
2. Dishonesty
3. Jealously
4. Deception

All Believers are a form of a priest.
When you feel something warring against your Soul, it is lust 2:11.
Love covers a multitude of sins. It is possible to will in G-d’s will 4:19.
Peter uses the term filthy lucre for money.
Husbands do two things that their prayers be not hindered 3:7: dwell with wife according to knowledge and give honor to his wife.

Four-fold purpose:
1. How to act during sufferings.
2. What attitudes to have in suffering.
3. Glory follows suffering.
4. Repair believers for persecution.

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