God's Church

“Teach my church that they maybe one, feed My church with the Word. My Church is weak and oppressed, many think they thrive but they know not My presence where they prostrate before Me.
Feed My poor, for many of My poor have My presence. Many of My poor know My face, yet they perish: they cry out to Me for mercy, but My church turns their face. My church does not heal; for My church has become a place of trade, a place of merchandise.
Purify My church that it may be fit for the Bridegroom, that it may be fit for the harvest.
Many of My ministers have been out of step with Me in this past church age, out of time with My Spirit. The religious spirit has so dominated the Charismatic body and left My church so complacent. Their faces are set like flint.
My church will not heed the voice of the system or the politics and manipulations of man or minister. They shall not need or require man’s favor or reward, for they are a strange and wonderful breed dedicated and holy unto Me. They are neither bribable nor corruptible. Their master is neither mammon nor fame, nor favor. But their master is the mighty Holy One of Israel. They shall come forth with a fierce countenance for they do not listen to the voice of man and they have been trained in the desert place and the wilderness. They have been raised on misunderstanding and rejection. They have walked being despised and passed over and have been measured by the judgments of man, many have been rejected by the churches, cast out and not sought after. But they will come forth and shine like gold for they can be bought by no man, no ministry, no pastor or elder.
They are Mine that were refined by fire, they hold only to Me. They speak only My words. They do only My deeds and they will raise their voices in judgment against the false systems of My church. And they shall raise their hand even as Elijah, and My signs and My judgments shall come forth. The fear and conviction of My Father shall fall upon them and they shall know that that they are His, His alone.
My hand be stayed against this disobedient generation of My church. Watch well and see this people, for I tell you that even at this hour they rise in your midst. Take care and discern correctly that you may not be found having despised these strange ones, they are the prophets of the Most High.
Western churches heed what lays ahead – the persecutions, the sufferings, the martyrdoms. You who have tended to shy away from the subject of suffering, teach the people to learn to walk equipped to endure. Only a few isolated territories of My people have suffered in My name. Their lives and the lives of their loved ones have truly been laid down for the sake of My Words. A time of suffering draws nigh unto you if you don’t change your ways. Embrace My ways. Take little stock in your reputation, but take great stock in Mine. Take little stock in your buildings, but take great stock in Mine. For My building is My people, and you have neglected My people. Yet My children are of infinite value to Me!
It is a privilege to suffer for My sake and for the sake of My Scriptures. For up until now many of you, called by Me, have paid the price for your call but now you shall learn to suffer for My Word, and it is a much higher thing to suffer than to
do great exploits. Gird yourselves up for war for what starts as satanic onslaughts in the spirit realm will swiftly cross into the realm of the natural. I tell you that where you now walk in peace and where you walk in freedom of speech, there is yet coming a time, there yet comes a season, where even to speak My name will bring such persecution that many of you - even those who are leaders - will count the cost and not endure.
Prepare your congregations as for war, for they have little endurance, they have not been taught to endure in hardship, they have not been taught to persevere. You have taught them to prosper, to eat the finest wheat and build your fine buildings, but you have fed them that which is milk, that which will not sustain them in these coming days.
Teach them to suffer hardships for My name’s sake, teach them to endure, that they might be of no reputation. They will not stand in the time to come, many of My people take stock in their possessions, in what they own, in what they posses. They will be found lacking, for I tell you, that there comes a release of wickedness, there comes a time of such darkness upon the church that all that is temporal shall in a day perish. Teach them to proclaim My name that will draw all men unto Me instead of themselves.
I weep for how far removed My church has grown from My true Word. How I weep for how far removed My church is from the message that My sent ones preached, but I tell you that a shaking comes. Many will count the cost, some shall even lose their lives for My name’s sake.
I am coming for a Body where each man and woman and son and daughter laid their life down for the proclamation of My word. Where the cost is counted and embraced that My name might be glorified, that all may be one, that to suffer for My sake is the pearl of great price.
My hand is removed from all of those who seek the signs, and wonders or the anointing. To those who alone seek only Me and not my gifts, it is to those whose lives are laid down for Me, to these beloved ones I shall pour My Spirit out upon them.
The pastors and the leaders shall weep and shall wail for the omissions and the failures of My ministers; for they have done those things that they ought not to have done. And they have omitted those things that were required of them. And this they have done in My name.
I am calling for a greater degree of holiness in this hour. I am calling for the greater degree of separation and of holiness and of consecration in this hour. That My church shall come out of the world and no longer be counted with her. For too long now, My Father’s House had been contaminated by the world! Many leaders are there by their own hand by manipulation, by unsanctified ambition chose to do it thier own way, not My way. You will be held accountable for the innocent blood you have shed. You did not mete out mercy and comfort of My Spirit to My little ones, to My sheep that have been rejected and cast aside by the body they term as the church today. This is the time of reckoning, a time of examination. A time to take stock, a time to call back those you have cast out of your midst and a time of account as I prepare to rain judgment on the church.
Turn away from your works, works that build your kingdom, works that glorify not Me but the empires you cling to so avidly. Turn away from the approval of men around you, the prosperity and the trappings that you voiced to be for the Kingdom but are merely to serve your own ends. Ministers have drawn men and women to themselves and have neglected to point them to Me.
Take heed you minister whose security rests with your database, your monthly letters, your fund-raising schemes and not with the Lord of Hosts, for I will shake and examine your motives. You have ignored My sheep and fawned upon those in your congregations with power and sway, leaving them oppressed, defenseless and ignored. Examine yourself, pastor, the Spirit issues a warning for I do not put stock in your aggressive building plans while My people are left weak, despised, oppressed and passed over in your congregations. My people are My buildings and the cries of My people have risen up to Me.
You have taught your people to sit as judges of the brethren. Their conversations have risen up to me and they are as a stench in My nostrils, and I will call them to account for I will no longer tolerate this! You have criticized My people as you have judged, but your judgments have been short-sighted, and they have been shallow judgments and your judgments shall rise up against you. You have pointed a finger at those you consider unworthy and of no repute. I tell you of idle words you have proved yourself unfaithful, for even though your ways and thoughts are cleverly disguised, your measures are the measures of man.
I see you feed on idle gossip and propagate it, in the name of prayer. I see you flatter, and then I watch you despise in your heart the hurting, the oppressed, the brokenhearted and the struggling to find their way to Me. Come down from that pedestal and repent that I may grant you a heart of flesh for your heart of stone. Your measures of judgment are not My measures. My measures of My sons and My daughters is upon the motive and intent of their hearts. You see in part but I see the whole picture, judgment is to be left up to Me!
My glory shall shine through these bruised ones, through these overlooked of righteousness, did I not say those of you without sin cast the first stone, have you found yourself pure? The spirit of ‘treachery’ is that most violent of all manifest against My people. Innocent blood has dripped from your hands in My name. It is better you had no knowledge of aught to do with My name than what you have done, for I will spewed you out of My mouth. My church has been so embroiled in self-righteousness that if one of
My children has cried for help in a area of failure, may times they have been ostracized, isolated and had their confidence betrayed. But I tell you that those little ones loved us and who have hungered for Our presence who have often been the most damaged in their past – and now you have allowed satan to use you to target the damaged places in their lives. Did you not know I love them? That I am at work in their lives? Do not cause more damage to what is already applied.
I see My church caught up not in things that count for eternity but so ensnared and entangled in the temporal things of this world’s system. It is the pride of life that keeps My ministers from entering into everything destined and ordained for them. Their treasures of brick and mortar and their programs and activities of ministry, but I say My heart grieves, for their heart is based upon the things that fade away, with the things that do not come from the Father but come from the world itself. You have your business programs and you teach your men to invest and to plan, and that is good, and it is beneficial. But as I pass by the congregations, I see each man uses his faith for his own, for his house and his car, for his stocks and his shares, for the finest. Take heed minister and teach your people, for My prosperity is a prosperity to bless the poor and the lame, to feed the Third World nations, and to help those less fortunate. The same stocks and shares that caused you such rejoicing and caused such an elitist spirit shall cause you to weep. And you shall weep and wail on the day of judgment on the monetary systems of this world.”
Pieced together from the ‘Unknown Prophet’

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