Single Parenting

Life has many chooses but eternity has only two.
I hear people (straight & alternate life style) saying “We are in a ‘new generation’ from when the Good Book has written”.
Which means what? A license to life as they please because sin runs ramped and it is acceptable?
What part of ‘G-d is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow’ do they not understand?
His Words and His Laws have never been recalled just because they choose to satisfy their fleshly desires above all else.
Women particularly have choose in the last 10 years to place their own flesh and blood offspring in second place giving first place to a ‘mate’s’ attention, if we checking saticites it is a fact the children deal with depression, and suicide thoughts as a way out of their unbearable situations.
Taking in the situation of the children is this the best environment for the children, who did not ask to be born?
I have been told by many: “Well, don’t I deserve to be happy and make a life for myself?”
Many women are not learning from their mistakes, today many children are born out of wedlock, lust runs ramped.
As a mother our first responsibility is to our children, they are priority not self. Children are innocent for a short period of time and need their mother’s support and understanding and time to be there to walk them through any experience.
Many times when they are involved with significant other the child seems lost in the process.
I have seen many single parents for many years choose to put their children first, train them, educate them, support them, and walk through life with them. When they are old enough and the responsibility is release they seek a mate.
Children deserve a good happy life not to be concern by other situations growing up pier pressure is enough within itself.
Life has many choices so please count the cost and choose wisely.
We will all stand at the door of eternity so think about the choices you make.
The L-rd loves all mankind and does not want one not to spend eternity with Him.

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