Pearl Of Great Price

"The pearls of great price are those who seek Me, My presents not the signs and wonders. Ones whom holds Me more dear than their own ministries.
I will shake people like never before it is time for My conviction cross over the body. Separate from the world for you will get contaminated by it. Cleans yourself and My people, weeding out the wheat from the tier. Your tears and supplications shall rise to Me and My angels shall arise to the wars in the heavenly until My people will be called ‘the land of the Rison Son.’
A time of persecution will be coming upon you; it shall come swiftly after the season of grace and before the rule of iron has started. Persecution like you have never seen before is coming in your land! Prepare My people, for what you have whispered in secret shall be shouted out. But those who stand for Me unto death, these are the pearls of great price, laying down their own lives for My name sake.
I will find the ones who long for Me and we will manifest ourselves to them. I will grant them favor to speak and declare the Scriptures as never before. Yours is for the taking – will you step out in times of trouble for Me? Liken on to the woodpecker will you continue to peck away at the ignorance and disobedience of the people?
This is a wake up call to the stiff neck of My chosen people, and I am calling you to stand with them for My hand is still on them and the blinders will fall from their eyes. My Covenant with them is continued from generation to generation.
Michel has fought against the principles in defense of My people. My eyes are upon Israel and I call you to stand along side them.
Live as in peace but always be prepared for war, be in-season at all times. Keep inquiring of Me that I may hear your cries and prayers as I gather you into My arms like a hen gathers her chicks that I may truly be your Messiah.
Take heed and do not be found wanting.
The prophetic will bring around mercy as well as judgments, signs and wonders. Now is the time to seek great discernment as to what is spoken from Me and what was spoken from the false prophets. Whose kingdom are they serving? Look to your house and if it is found in ruin let your hands and heart be found in praise.
Look at My house is there buying and selling in My house? My heart breaks as I see what is happing that My house has been turned into a market place. Open your eyes and ears and do not be a part of it!
I am looking for the pearls of great price, ones who will not condone the system and the politics found there. How is it they have gotten strayed from the Scriptures and work for their own advantages and in their own territories?
I purge to cleans and prune that you can be found as the pearl of great price! My eyes run to and fro to those we shall reveal ourselves to. We seek worshipers in spirit and in truth. We seek those who hunger of Our fellowship. I will gather the pearls that are beyond value as a great treasure that is priceless".
Mortified from ‘The Journey of the Unknown Prophet’by Wendy Alec

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