
My mother has the beginning of beginnings of emphysema breathing problems, people who smoke plus non – smokers can get this. She has quite smoking for many years not. Treatment is Low-flow oxygen therapy may be prescribed for continual use, during exertion, or during sleep, and is typically administered through a nasal cannula. Oxygen therapy requires careful measurement by a doctor to determine the correct dosing (flow rate) because if too little is administered, the patient still experiences symptoms. However, if too much oxygen is administered, the patient can cause further, long-term damage to the lungs.
Emphysema patients are prone to lung infections, which if left untreated, can be life threatening. When respiratory infections accompany the emphysema, antibiotics may be prescribed. It is critical that the patient follow the instructions carefully to avoid becoming resistant to the antibiotic treatment.
Since emphysema patients are susceptible to frequent lung infections, it is important that they keep the lung passages from becoming mucous. Drinking sufficient fluids and occasionally using a mist inhaler can help keep mucus from accumulating in the lungs, and therefore reduce susceptibility of bacterial infections.
Pulmonary rehabilitation may be suggested to improve exercise tolerance and quality of life. However, any exercise program should be performed only under doctor supervision. This is one of the newest treatments for emphysema that have proven to be effective in slowing the progression of the disease.
I understand that smoking is an addiction; they say it is worse to quite than trying to break the strongest dope. Smokers have rights same as non-smokers, but their rights have been taken away, since you can't smoke in enclosed public areas anymore. If you are around a smoker and it offends you – move away from them; allow individual chooses by maintaining yours.I agree with everyone who's said if you want to condone someone for smoking which may damages your health, the same would have to go for anyone overweight. Anyone with a poor diet maybe even anyone without an EXCELLENT diet? Anyone who drinks too much, anyone who abuses drugs, anyone who works in dangerous jobs, and anyone who drives too fast, anyone who you know...who lives. A lot of things can end up killing you, once they said it was the red m&ms, every year they come up with different health tips revising the old theories. A lot of diseases could have been preventable through diet and lifestyle [heart disease, etc] and a lot of accidents could have been prevented through precaution etc. Essentially YOUR reaction to a situation is YOUR responsibility, and as harsh as it sounds, other people shouldn't have to spend their lives not-doing-things [like smoking, drinking, eating etc] just because of how YOU might react if it should kill them. Do you enjoy spending time with them, or harp on the subject? I personally would like the harpers not to be around, for loving me is letting me be me.
Smoking has been proven to shorten your life, and if you have kids it means they lose you earlier, it is not the time you spend together but the quality of that time. But I think this applies to drinking too much as well, because that messes up the liver and a bad diet to (because weight + diet can be inherited). The point is, a lot of things our parents do could be deemed selfish, but no one is perfect, INCLUDEING children, and friends.
There are so many ways you could look at this. What if smoking was the only thing stopping the people form having a complete mental breakdown? 'I have scars because I have a past; but they, like my past, do not define my future' In the olden days Doctors use to recommend smoking to calm their patients down.
We all reap what we sow – it is called free chooses – and death were is thy sting – grave were is thy victory?
Live and let live for we are all individuals heading to the same destination.


Anonymous said...

BRAVO ! You said it all, in a way I would have said it. People should clean up their own back yard and leave mine alone. I will do my own choosing, thank you! It is between God and me. Don't you think HE already knows what I do? Sandy and all her SMOKING, Eating and Drinking Friends.

Anonymous said...

I would want best for you and not to suffer consequences of nicotine. Perhaps I want more for you than you want. We all have choices. Mine is not to smoke.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous non-smoker.
I respect your choice, NOW, respect others and let it go!
Stop bringing the subject up all the time.
Little judgemental?
Do you feel you are better than they are because your choice is different?