
I call you to holiness, but you are too busy to spend time with Me. I call you to a crucified life, but you cannot die to yourself. I call you to present My Son to those who are dead that they might receive His life, but you curse them in My presence.
Can you not see how cold you really are? Can you not see how far you've strayed from My purpose for your life? Who are you saving by your actions? What are the purposes of your comings and goings? Whose agenda are you following, and what is its end?
Wake up. The harvest is white and the workers are few. Pray to the L-rd of the harvest. What are His purposes? What is His agenda? Pray for wisdom that you might see with His eyes and move with His heart. The time is short and much is to be done.
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of G-d and not of us." 2 Cor. 4:7
From Our Father's Heart
Simple walks become spiritual journeys as the L-rd led the hurting, the empty 'in the lap of luxury' and 'the hardened by life' to  His trusted child, who is always available and obedient to share new life.  When I worked with a autistic person,  each encounter seemed to give me new life or somehow imparted to me the joy I had missed, myself as a child. I played with my new found autistic friend as she played and as she loved and as I prayed; in absolute fullness, total abandon, and childlike endeavor. There was no reason other than G-d's reason, no encounter other than G-d's appointment, no situation other than G-d's desire to show Himself to those involved as far as I was concerned.  I do not follow the 'rules' or guide lines on staff and client for I walk to the beat of a different drummer, nor do I report it …. the results in the client is always amazing as they teach me I am teaching them …. somehow.


Anonymous said...

I missed your teachings, thank you

Anonymous said...

Good word, thank you