The Wilderness

When the L-rd calls someone He prepares them for their purpose throughout their whole life.
The great treasures of the kingdom and the way to the great adventure is found in biblical study and researching things like His Word, church history and culture. Seeing G-d's people built together into His kingdom, and to see Him working with actual people to the glory of the L-rd in what He does through all of us personally. To see how each one is being fit together into the city of G-d.
I have found great treasures of knowledge in my own personal studies in the great adventure of following Him down the path of life, it is the most fulfilling and thrilling times of my life - spent with Him.
There is hardly anything as boring as church life that has been institutionalized, that has stopped pursuing the great sojourn that the true Christian life is meant to be, and seeing His Book as a Jewish book and where we fit in.
The Scripture says that the path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter until the full day. We'll have challenges and trials, count it all joy when we encounter various trials. If we approach each trial as the opportunity that it is, our journey will always lead to glory and victory. Each trial usually results in a much greater bonding among those with whom you experience them.
I've been through many wildernesses and found that the place where you receive a promise from G-d and the fulfillment of the promise, there is always a wilderness to go through to get to the fulfillment. Each wilderness is unique, and each one designed to prepare us to be a good steward of what we've been promised. The real work of G-d to fashion us into what we are called to be is done in the wilderness. If we appreciate the trials and embrace  and the lessons He's seeking to teach us, we will get out of the wilderness quicker to receive what has been promised.
Learning that we can all be as close to G-d as we want to be. It was in the wilderness that G-d's first dwelling place among people was built.  Where He is, is heaven, so building Him a place to dwell with us can turn any wilderness into part of heaven, bring heaven to earth.  We are here to follow Him, not just take him with us. Y'Shua will always lead us in His triumph, so let him lead rather than us trying to lead Him to where we want to go.
We are to get to know one another and seeing our purpose with one another, not destroying people or pointing fingers, but  have a family relationship for we are all members of His family. The time is running short, He must be your Teacher, Shepherd, and Leader. One of the L-rd's chief delights to share with His people the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, curiosity is a wonderful gift to have for their hunger for knowledge is contagious. We were created for adventure, life is adventures. This is where everything that has happened in our lives starts to make sense.
The L-rd did not say that we would be given a life of abundance, but rather an abundant life. Having an abundance of life does not mean that it is all good or easy, but that there is a lot of it. Life becomes focused, condensed, and everything crammed with meaning. We are being fashioned into what we are called to be or if you are choosing to remain where you are in order to take the path least resistance or lease risk, doing this more out of a lack of faith, you will be lead astray. We must make every decision based on the purposes of the kingdom, seeking the kingdom first, or we will depart from the right path. If we are still looking back, we are not ready to go forward. Even the most severe obstacles are to be seen as opportunities to win greater victories and make a grater advance towards the goal. Forgetting what lies behind, press on towards the mark of the high calling of G-d.
You will never feel adequate if you are in the place He has set you, because you will never be adequate within yourself. The L-rd has some of His best men and women making ultimate sacrifices to purse Him and to join Him in what He is building.
Enjoy the wilderness for you are only passing through! It's what you do with your time that counts.


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