Holding Power

My holding power is much more powerful than the sinning power of your flesh. when will you grasp the reality of what has been done on the cross for you? Its work runs deeper than any force. Its power is so much greater than anything that may attempt to come against it.
When Y'Shua dies, all that hindered My presence from becoming active and available in your life was defeated. Think on that. What that means for you is the freedom to receive My life, My eternal life, and the wealth that comes to you by My presence being with you in your life forever.
When hardship comes, don't attempt to deal with it by your knowledge or ability. Apply My life to it. Wait for My presence to move. Rest in Me. See My work being done in all situations. Be free by My Spirit and you will have an abundance no matter what the outward circumstances might appear to be.
"The Angel of the L-rd encamps around those who fear Him (who revere and worship Him with awe) and each of them He delivers." Ps. 34:7.
From The Father's Heart

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