Don't Worry

Do not worry, for I have My hand on you. You shall not lack. Do not look to the things that are said by man. My hand directs the stars, My voice commands the rivers to flow. They would stop if I desired it. My desire is for you to serve me. Nothing will stop that. Draw close.
I notice the terrors of satan that bluff and talk as if they know what they are saying. They do not know what I have in store other than what I have told them. You shall go forth for I am your G-d. Not the god that can be changed by the whims of people, the G-d that is moved by faith in Me, being able to perform what I promise.
Have I not promised you? When will you realize the magnitude of My power? When will you begin to truly trust Me? Seek Me for Me; not what I can do for you, but for what I am as G-d. You have no idea what I have in store for you, but I am excited by what I see. I am pleased by My people that have said "Yes." When I am praised, all creation knows that I am G-d.
"All whom My Father gives (entrusts) to Me will come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will most certainly not cast out (I will never, no never, reject one of them who comes to Me)": John 6:37
From Our Father's Heart
Meeting my Savior released tears that I had never been able to release before, you see I stop crying when I was seven years old and at forty G-d opened the ducks and must have forgot to close them again. So many years of being bottled up I can't cry like 'normal' people, tears just flow making so caged animal sounds. Memories of rejection and abandonment  wrack my whole frame. Anger melted in the light of love; rejection was washed in the love of acceptance; loneliness was erased by the Spirit of Adoption as this lost, wayward lamb was gently led home to warmth and safety in His arms, transformation of death to life takes place, a heat so long held captive and being freed.
Nobody has loved me like He does, can His Word be true? Do I have a purpose?
Do not give up for I know He has your name written in a book, you. too. have  a purpose!


Anonymous said...

You are reading my thoughts, and giving me more for the article I have in process. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I remember the caged animal sounds of rejection and abandonment