Be all you can be

I am having the greatest influence in the development of my grandchildren, friends and strangers. I am the chief coordinator of a major social institution called ‘G-d’s family’; I am a person who is effetely changed in the world by standing on my beliefs and speaking out. These things are getting accomplished a day at a time.
What seems basic and simple and ordinary, even simplistic is actually a way changes can be made. Sharing conversations, attending to daily needs, developing new skills and interests yet taking time to smell the roses.
I find myself changing from the ‘does’ to being a teacher, friend and companion. I have received much more than I have given. I have been a guardian, companion, caregiver and staff all in resulting to become the student.


Anonymous said...

Your giftins are:
good with children
prophetic - seer
concise - to the point
charitable - giving
observant - watcher

Anonymous said...

You are a strong person and God is definetly with you.