Macintosh Woods

As I stood on the banks with a heart so heavy, jus watching ships roll by. I remembered being bite by a turtle well swimming in the water and unspeakable things along the wooded paths.
“Dear L-rd, have mercy on me” I cried. “Please don’t leave me down here carrying these old burdens any longer. You can take all the pain from me.”
As I stood on the banks of the glories sun setting, I could feel my heart getting lighter as the waves went rushing by. I have gotten my ticket to Glory Land, freedom from excess baggage that was carries oh so long. I cross the bridge of troubled waters with a new leap in my heart. A new song in my heart as my soul sours higher and higher. I was trapped – bound by chains but now I am being set free!
There was no shelter for me before, no hopes nor dreams. But the Master controls the raging sea and spoke “Peace be still” as the storms of life were toss into the sea. Peace, peace, wonderful peace; whenever our Savior says there will be peace all elements of life must obey.
So pick up your hearts oh brokenhearted for all earth will join in your praise! Your deliverance has come by the power of the Son. We are in the army of the L-rd, washed in His blood as we have been restored. All prisoners are to be set free!! Nothing can stop this mighty moving of force.


Anonymous said...

This is a good lesson, I must come back here and read it over and over.

Anonymous said...

want to encourage you that God uses what the devil meant for evil and promises to turn it to good.