
Abba, sometimes I need to just dwell in Your presents!
Sometimes I find the peace that passes all understanding is when I rest totally in You.
Sometimes I go through trials and tribulation, all for my purification, but if I step in Your foot prints I will make it through.
Sometimes during my worshiping of You, I seem to loose myself and I get my priorities back in order.
Sometimes I hear that tiny voice and confusion flees.
Sometimes when I see through Your eyes all the judgmental criticisms disappear.
Sometimes I smell Your fragrance and all that is foul leaves my nostrils.
Sometimes my mouth is to remain shut and sometimes I am to speak out.
I ask You to set a coal to refine my tongue that I may speak blessings and not coursings.
Sometimes my mind may wonder but I recall Your saying to renew it daily in the Word.
Thank you for rerouting my thoughts.
Sometimes my eyes leak during song service for I the words go deep into my soul.
Sometimes I am to weary to carry on but then You gather me up in Your loving arms and hold me close to Your bosom.
Sometimes we study the dark sayings for hours at a time – it has developed a close intimacy with each other.
Sometimes we go sit by the lake and lesson to the sounds of Your creation.
What a privilege to spend my ‘sometimes’ with my heavenly Father!


Anonymous said...

You honor me so very much with your insights! I notice that you do give God the opportunity for change in your life. A great attitude is a gift from God. When you see yourself as a tool in His hands, humble and patient, He can do so much through you that it makes others WONDER!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome blog you have! You surly have been touched by an angle!
Your teaching will go far and wide!