Get house in order

Get thy house in order!
I feel inspired to write to you today, it all came on when I was riding around with people the other night and they commented on a bank. I found myself saying out loud: “I now have my funeral paid for and an annuity for my old age.” The response was – and this means what? This reminds me words have many different meanings, and when a lot is left unsaid it bringing on various precepts of what the words spoken meant.
Get thy house in order! Now that can be taken many ways and be rather scary! Back in the 70’s, when Preachers preached straight from the Father’s Word, not worrying about stepping on toes or trying to tickle people’s ears that was the message that rain in my ears. Being a new baby Believer, I was naive in to thinking people meant what they said and said what they meant.
So if the Father wanted us to get our house in order then that is what I must do, I did so what to please Him. I am not one to enjoy house work, so I keep the service clean, He must have meant He could have seen behind the service. So for a year straight I got my house in order, every cupboard, closet, crook and cranny. I now clean as if it was His house, which made it more enjoyable. Feeling He now must be very proud of me for being so obedient.
But the next year we would get the same message – now what did He expect of me? Maybe getting your house in order meant also getting your children on the right path and flying straight. So I plunge myself into accomplishing this task. Not only guiding my children but I took on foster children to guide for I learn that the Father loved children. Surly now I met the requirement of getting my house in order.
But the following year - - - yes your right - - I got the same message. Getting very confused – it would just be much easier if He would send me a telegram to let me know just what it all meant for I was trying so hard to please and after all I was just a youth in the L-rd, and couldn’t ask anyone else to let them know I did not understand and was ignorant. Ok now I got it – all your paper work in order incase something happen to you like the so called rapture. So I started working on this and made out a will, but when it comes to putting money aside – well that was just imposable when you have children to rise and living hand to mouth. So told Him I would do what I could but in the mean time I got to thinking maybe He meant to get your spiritual house in order – now how was I going to accomplish this?
I was told your body was a temple that He dwelled in (some had bigger temples some have smaller ones), so I needed to sweep out the cob webs, clean the rooms and refill them. Now I had learned how to clean but this was not going to be a fun task in any means! What to fill them with???? I have quite an imagination so I started picturing and naming the rooms which help me decided what to put in the room that would please Him.
The biggest room was for my library, and I filled it with as much knowledge of Him I could find, oh how I love this room! We spent hours and hours there together, but once in a while He would guide me to the other rooms to work on, one was a very small room for friends which I did not want to enlarge but would redecorate as needed. He talked to me about a room for forgiveness – I agreed to a drawer that not needed to open.
One closet room was where I keep love – did not need a very big room for this and only I had the key to the bolt lock. The bathroom was were things got flush, one by one. I told Him I would not give up anything – and He responded with “I will not take anything away, for I love you.” But then I found things just flush themselves down as interest changed. How very clever of Him, He works in mysterious ways! I do hold on to one bondage that has been a long childhood friend, we agreed to leave that for the last to go – all in His timing.
Now this spiritual cleaning takes years of work, not only getting it sort of the way you want it but also to maintain it. There just seems to always be work to do – surly this is what was meant in getting your house in order.
But now I am in my “golden years”, and haven’t put and money aside towards my retirement – never thought I would see the day – for surly He would have beam me out long before this. Now death seems more near, and to make it easier on my family I arranged and paid for my funeral perpetrations. Nothing exuberant for my room of friends stayed very tiny indeed, but needed to get through the ordeal for the children’s benefit. But what if I do see retirement? The children do not take care of their elders now a days – nor would we want them too. I needed a back up plan, a little late but as they say better late than never - - so I just finish a annuity plan, small but will see me for a short distance. Surly I have just finish getting my house in order!?
It was driving pass the banks were I had completed the plan that brought this all about and I blunted out: “I now have my funeral paid for and an annuity for my old age.”
I knew what I was saying - an accomplishment started many years ago – finally met the goal! Or had I?
Is my house now in order, Father? I have strived so long to please, to fit in, performing became a way of life. Being different is not always a bad thing! Some times you are set aside for a purpose or for protection. I can tell you one thing – you do not have to strive nor perform for Him because He loves you and created you just the way you are!!
Thank G-d, that He understands you and has the patience to see you through this race of life unto a home He has prepared just for you. “No more tears, no more pain” surly that is what heaven is to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your get house in order post. There is some words of wisdom in there for me. This is an area I have struggled with since the day I married. I am at a point fnally where I realize how important it is to have your house in order, and I struggle daily with it because I didnt start soon enough. You are a very wise lady. Thank you so much for doing the Lords work here.