America & Lev. 26

Leviticus 26 Studying with Perry Stone, I took notes.
The attitudes of believers: think only of themselves and they're not worried about choices and how they affect everything and our prophets have lockjaw.
America’s churches have turned into touchy, feely churches not offending anyone nor preaching about the blood of Y’Shua. Trying to make everyone feel good about themselves while they live in sin. Many are preaching just to take up an offering but not preaching G-d’s Word. Why are they not teaching repentance and redemption anymore?
Judgment of G-d is standing to accountable for choices made. G-d sends a crises, a situation of life and death. Examples: 911, gay movement, 1963 allowing an atheist to take prayer and the Bible out of schools, abortion, was there a national call of repentance?
We took on the pattern of the Roman Empire and according to historians most empires last only 200 years and then start declining. Power shifts from east to west every 500 years. Since 1992 the EU has 35 countries and is still growing; the euro is worth more than the American dollar.
The kings of the east are going to be the Asians nations; the anti-christ will form his ten to form the Islamic nations taking away the solvency of the USA.
The Federal Reserve is not own by the federal government, it is a central bank that loans the money as needed. They sold the USA out to men that are global bankers, oil sheiks, men from China that we borrowed from. We give them an IOU in the form of government bond; Japan and China own most of the IOU’s. If they demanded it now we would have an instant overnight caliphs of America. Global bankers loan money to anyone to make money both ways. Wars can be created to bring the economy out! Our money is only paper, it cost 3 cents to make a 100 bill yet the government pays 100 for it. When our money is not worth the paper it is printed on, blame is passed to a scape goat. The stranger among you will rise up and destroy your government!
Our constitution was based on the Torah, Isaiah the prophet, and the four Gospels; they called themselves “Spiritual Fathers”. That means if we are based on the Word we have to live by the Word! We are not only under the Law but also under the blessings of Abraham. Our laws should be based on G-d’s Laws. California passed a law saying ‘you can not home school your children!’ That way they can teach children how to become gay, how to have an abortion and how to have safe sex.
Supreme court is debating weather an American citizen can have fire arms in their house, when the right to bear arms is the right in our documents. Bill of Rights: “When the government ceases to be the government for the people and become a dictatorship, the right of the people is go to take over the government.” Standing up and speaking out saying ‘we are not going to have it!’ Why aren’t Believers standing up?
The Roman Empire fought three different wars; we had two already so the next president will deal with another war, probably with Iran, for they have invented something to put in the water that could kill instantly. Believers need to pray for a person that follows Bible principles to get in office to guide us, for our destiny is at stake. Remember the adversary will try to miss lead you from voting for the right one.
Revival does not come by the president, but by you turning from your wicked ways. All G-d is asking you to do is get on your face and stand up for Him, don’t let your generation be lost. G-d said if you obey Him, you would win and not borrow.
Is America moving towards Lev. 26? Absolutely, you know how to live and walk and refuse to do it, prosperity became your idol, the more you have the more you want.
Lk. 19:41-44; Ecc. 1:9-10; 2 Kgs. 19; Jer. 20:9; 1 Cor. 10:20; Deut. 28; 2 Corn. 14.
Wake up America call sin, SIN!!

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