Tower of Babel

Babel means ‘gate of go’ and each layer had gates to the idols of their god. Balelled means ‘confusion.’ G-d balelled the people, but the tower’s name was Babel. Seven layers to their idols, each layer a different color; and the top layer was a chapel. 1. Was black and called Saturn. Saturn is the most beautiful planet through a telescope and it is the 6th planet from the earth, number 6 is the number of man. A combination of 6’s represents satan. On this layer they worship chiefly the idol called Rephan which the Hebrews called a abomination. They were to carry small images on their journeys and into war with the idol. 2. Was orange and called Jupiter represented the light of the sky, worshiping Zeus that was represented as a thunder bolt. Garlands of flowers were placed on the horns of animals used for sacrifices. Jupiter’s father was Saturn, which he overthrow and his sons were Pluto and Neptune. His family was known as Olympics, he was handsome, bearded man that was accompanied by an eagle. In Acts 14:12-13 they thought Barabbas was Jupiter coming to pay them a visit, because he was a large, aged, bearded man. 3. Was red and called Mars which was represented by war. 4. Was golden and called the Sun this is where Marduk was worshiped who was a form of the sun-god who carried people to heaven. The main festival for him was the new year. 5. Was yellow and called Venus which was known as the morning star because they worship the stars and astrology. 6. Was dark blue and called Mercury who was the son of Jupiter and father of pan. He wore a wing cap and winged sandals, known as the swift messenger, carrying a short sword. His interest was the purse, merchandize. They thought Paul was Mercury because he was a small, young man with eloquent speech like Mercury. 7. Was silver and called Moon that worship deity was Ishtar who was also known as Astarte to the Greek, Ashtoreth to the Jews, Isis to the Egyptians, Aphrodite to the Grecians, and Venus to the Romans. Ishtar was a goddess of war as well as love, and was connected to both prostitutes and mothers. She was represented as a bearded bi-sexual deity, and at other times a nude female. Her worshippers called her ‘the virgin,’ and ‘virgin mother,’ not because she was pure, but simply meaning she was free from wedlock. The top layer held the chapel that was for cult prostitution. There was a shrine containing a golden image 40 feet high accompanied by a golden table 40 feet long and 15 feet wide with 2 smaller images at its side. Every woman in the country must take her seat in the shrine once in her life to have sex with a stranger…and only when she has been with him and done her service to the idol is she allowed to go home, if you were ugly you may had to wait your turn 3-4 years. Offerings were divided among the prostitutes and the temple. The earliest Mosaic Laws protected the Israelites against this practice by destroying the high places used for idolatry, and requiring the sacrifices to be made only at he door of the Tabernacle. Babylon exercised greater influence upon religion ideas than Canaan or Egypt. The city of Babylon was laid out in the form of a square occupying both sides of the Euphrates River. It was surrounded by an astonishing brick wall 300 feet high, 85 feet wide, and 40-60 miles long. This wall included 200 square miles of territory and had ran along its outside. The mud from the moat was used to make the many brick used in the building program. This wall was guarded by 250 towers and was broad enough to allow four horse chariots to turn around on top of it. With a fortress this complete it is not hard to understand why the L-rd sent the Medes and Persian under the city through the dried water tunnels to capture the city from within without and outward attack in Dan. 5-6. A wall ran along each side of the Euphrates River with 25 brass gates on each wall totaling 100 in all. Wharfs were built from the gates to the water and ferry boats crossed the river from wharf to wharf. A roofed bridge of masonry crossed the Euphrates and stone piers and joined the center parts of the city. Babylon was defended by a royal palace at each end. The westernmost wall appeared to rise directly out of the Euphrates and provided both a defense against invading armies, and formed a water break to protect the city against floods. Above this western wall soared the Tower of Babel, and below it was one of the world’s oldest masonry bridges some 400 feet long providing access to the river’s opposite bank. The hanging gardens of Babylon were considered one of the ancient wonders of the world. They had trees and flowers planted on terraces, one upon the other some 150 feet high. There was a special device built just for the purpose of watering these elevated gardens. During the time of the excavations, the only structure that was even partially standing was the immense ceremonial gateway which guarded the main entrance to the city of Babylon. This gateway was built so solidly that it even survived the destruction of the city by the Persians in the sixth century. This gate was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar and consisted of two portals, one behind the other, each flanked by massive towers that were built with bricks and cemented with pitch. These bricks were covered with beautiful rock hard outer shell of enameled brick that was embellished with brilliant colored artwork of bulls and dragons. The broadway leading up to the Ishtar Gate was used for processions in the honor of the idol Marduk. This broadway was nearly 80 feet wide and was paved with slabs of limestone and pink marble. It ran between the two wall decorated with the colorful enameled figures of lions. Because the temperatures in Babylon sometimes reach 130 degrees during the hot summer days, Nebuchadnezzar’s throne room was insulated against the heat by an elaborate frontage built 10 feet thick. Its three arched entrances faced the north so the direct sunlight rarely penetrated the white washing interior that was faced with a creamy-white plaster and colorful friezes of enameled brick. The Tower of Babel, which was considered by some to have been the greatest architectural wonder of its day, was a huge many leveled ziggurat with a chapel on top, each store of the tower was slightly smaller than the one below creating a step like appearance. It was thought to have soared at least 300 feet above the countryside and rested on a courtyard a quarter of a mile square that was enclosed by storehouses and apartments for the priest. The original Tower of Babel, mentioned in Genesis, was built hundreds of years before the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, though the centuries it was destroyed and rebuilt several times. Remember this was a curse city that was to be destroyed and never again be rebuilt according to Jer. 50. there is much discussion among different scholars where this last rebuilding has already taken place or is the future. Babylon appears to be a literal city that will not be standing in the millennium (Rev. 14:8, 16:19, 18:1-24). Babylon will deceive all nations at the end of time. It will be destroyed by G-d’s supernatural intervention, including an earthquake with some reference to the method He used at Sodom, and it will be destroyed in one hour. Whenever the final destruction happens, it is to NEVER be inhabited again, not even by the Arabs or the shepherds. Today there is a city called Hillah of well over 300,000 population built just south of the old site of ancient Babylon. The soil in the area is still quite rich and engineers estimate that the Euphrates and Tigris rivers could irrigate more than 7,000,000 acres in the winter and 3,000, 000 in the summer to provide for a commercial city of Babylon again with the whole area rich in oil and other minerals. Alexander the Great, who occupied the area of Babylon in 331 B.E. planned to rebuilt it as a monument to his success, but estimated that the cost would be too great. He calculated it would take 10,000 men 2 months just to clear the debris. In 1987 from September 22 to October 22 Saddam Hussein held a Babylon International Festival featuring the similarities between Saddam Hussein and King Nebuchadnezzar. For this festival Saddam rebuilt the walls of the Procession Street leading to the Ishtar Gate. He also erected a half size reconstruction of the Ishtar Gate, rebuilt the southern palace of King Nebuchadnezzar, had his soldiers march on Procession Street as Nebuchadnezzar’s warriors did in authentic Babylonian costume. Saddam reconstructed the Ninmach Temple, rebuilt the Greek Theater sitting 4,000 people, located his Saddam Hussein Guest House in the center of Babylon, and requested that the rock singer ‘Madonna’ be the Queen of the Festival. In ancient times Nimrod’s wife held the title ‘My Lady’ in Latin, which in Italian is the well known ‘Madonna.’ The music festival in 1987 was also held in accordance with the ancient musicians that prophecy predicts will one day ‘be heard no more in Babylon’ (Rev. 18:22). The streets of Babylon were named after various idols. There was a Marduk Street and a Zababa Street on the left bank of the river. One inscription reads, ‘there were 53 temples to the chief idols, 55 chapels to Marduk, 300 chapels for earthly deities, 600 chapels for heavenly deities, 180 altars for the goddess Ishtar, 180 altars for the idols Negal and Adad and 12 other altars to different idols. The king of Babylon was limited in power by the law and by the priest. The king was really not king until he was invested with the royal authority of the priest or as they put it ‘took the hands of Baal.’ Taxation was in the name of the idols and the money went into the temple treasuries. And official census of the idols of Babylon was taken in the 9th century before the Messiah and the count was 6500.

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