Caught Away

Y’Shua meets the believers in the air. (1 Thess. 4:15-17). This "catching up" of believers is known as the "Rapture". The word comes from the Latin "rapio" (Greek - harpazo) which means to seize, take by force, to catch up. There are only two precedents in the Old Testament of people being taken up to heaven alive. These are: 1. Enoch, the gentile (Gen 5:24) who foreshadowed the rapture, 2. Elijah, the Jew (2 Kings 2:11) who symbolized the catching up of the male progeny, the 144,000 "fruits" of Israel. In the first century A.D., Paul and John both reported being taken up to heaven temporarily (2 Cor 12; Rev. 4:1). We are instructed that three different groups will be withdrawn before G-d begins His wrath upon earth. 1. The bride of Y’Shua (1 Thess. 4:17) 2. The Jewish male progeny (144,000). 3. The two witnesses (Rev 11:12) The first two groups listed, the Bride of Y’Shua and the 144,000 Jewish are the only groups called "first fruits" in the New Covenant. Y’Shua is called "the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep" (died) (1 Cor. 15:20, 23). His Church (Jewish and Gentile believers) are called "a kind of first fruits of all he created: (James 1:18). The 144,000 Jewish "servants of our G-d" are "offered as first fruits to G-d and the Lamb" (Rev. 14:4). Luke 12:56 stated there is no way to know the day or hour of the removal from the earth of those who believe in Y’Shua, the Jewish Messiah (Matt 24:36-41: Mk 13:32; Matt. 24:40-42). Once the rapture had happened, a person's eternal spirit can still be saved, but he will have no physical way to escape the evil conditions on earth. In the last three-and-a-half years of the King's regime, people will get beheaded for their belief in Y’Shua. (Rev. 20:4, 6, 9). Masses will still come into G-d's kingdom but they will endure terrible tribulation. Death will be their only form of releases. (Dan. 7:21; Rev. 20:4) The "two witnesses" may be on earth simultaneously at the start of reign of Israel's ruler. Since both Israel and the Church embrace the Old Covenant, the two men will be welcome by both. G-d will send two of Israel's greatest spiritual leaders to earth to bring revival. The two witnesses will come forth the same day that the leader confirms the covenant with Israel, because they will testify to the truth of G-d's Word for 1,260 days (Rev. 11:3). Their 1,260 days on earth will be the first half of the seven transitional years. Immediately after these two men are called up to heaven. (Rev 11:14) G-d's two witnesses will start their powerful ministry on the day Israel signs the covenant with hr impressive leaders. If this is on Yom Kippur, Tishri 10, the two men will finish their 1,260 days on Nisan 10, 4 days before Passover. The two men are dressed in "sackcloth" (Rev. 11:3). This garb signifies mourning, wailing, and crying out to the L-rd (Joel 1:13). They are introduced as "witnesses" because their primary job is to testify to the fact that Messiah has already come, not to prophesy about the future, as they did when they originally lived on earth. Temple worship is again taking place at some point during their 1,260 days of ministry, because they "measure the Temple of G-d and the altar" (Rev 11:1). These were the same powers given to Moses in Egypt. And Elijah caused there to be not rain for three-and-a-half years during the time of King Ahab (1 Kings 17:1; 18:1; Luke 4:25; James 5:17). It was Moses and Elijah who were chosen to appear and speak to Y’Shua at His glorious transfiguration in appearance before Y’Shua's departure (Matt 17:3). Some believe they will be the ones to represent Him before His return. I personally believe it will be Elijah and Enoch because they have never died here on earth where Moses had (2 Kings 2:11; Deut 34:5). During the time of their assignment, anyone who tries to harm these two servants of the L-rd will die. Many in Israel will be brought back to their G-d through them. These two witnesses will be killed after 1,260 days. Jewish people will bring forth strong male progeny. These Jewish scions will probably come forth about 280 days (40 weeks - gestation period) after Israel confirms a covenant with a leader. Israel will NO longer "be abandoned" by G-d. (Micah 5:3) These men are sealed, protected, and empowered by the Holy Spirit (Rev. 7:3). In the midst of all manner of corruption and pressure, these 144,000 are not defiled. (Rev. 14:5; 2 Thess 2:11). The Lamb's name and the Father's name are written on their foreheads (Rev. 14:1). They will go forth preaching that people must repent and believe in the Messiah, who is coming at the end of the seven-year period. They will teach Israel that Y’Shua the Messiah fulfilled the Law and prophesies and is the unblemished Lamb of G-d, sacrificed for mankind. The Holy Spirit will confirm their ministry with miracles, sign and wonders. Many Jews will believe, repent and be saved. G-d guided the Israelites by signs and wonders long ago and He will do so again. According to G-d's original design, these men came from all the tribes (Ex. 19:6; Is. 61:6); the tribe of Dan will be replaced by his nephew Manasseh. Jewish servant brings an untold multitude of "every nation, tribe, people and language" (Rev 7:9). The bodies of the two witnesses lie on the street in Jerusalem and are refused burial. Jews consider this to be the greatest dishonor. It was one of the curses for disobedience to G-d's law. (Deut 28:26) Their bodies will be viewed by the entire world. Thus, even in death, the two will draw attention to their Messiah. The Jews taught that by the fourth day, the soul took its leave beyond recall from the body. Victory should come at dawn on Nisan 14, which is Passover. G-d's breath of life enters the two dead witnesses after three-and-a-half days! (Rev 11:11). These two witnesses will be the last believers to go up to heaven alive. The resurrection of G-d's two prophets on Nisan 14 would underscore the protection-from-death aspect if Passover. Nisan 10 was also the day Y’Shua, the unblemished (sinless) Lamb of G-d presented Himself as King Messiah of Israel. He was focused upon until His crucifixion on the Nisan 14. G-d will not designate any believers to remain on earth as His agents once His wrath starts. Three angels, flying in mid-air. One will proclaim the eternal gospel: "Fear G-d and give Him glory." Even at that final hour, G-d will still be giving all people the chance to repent and come to Him. The second angel will announce that Babylon, the unbelieving harlot church, has fallen (Rev. 14:8; 18:2). The third angel will warn people not to worship the beast and his image (Rev. 14:6-12). They will constitute the last phase of the harvest, the "gleanings" (Lev. 23:22). The "gleanings" will be the post-Rapture believers that are not harvested and removed but remain in the field (the earth). Though these post-Rapture believers will become "priest of G-d and of the Messiah and will reign with Him (Rev 20:6) they are not described as being a part of the "Bride of Messiah." The Bride loved Messiah and looked for His appearing. The "gleanings," come to life at the beginning of the 1,000 years (Rev. 20:5). Whether the rapture is before the great tribulation, half way through, or at the very end – point being is to keep looking upward for your redemption draweth nigh. I personally think we will be going though a good part of the tribulation, maybe up to the time of G-d’s Wrath.

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