Bucket List

Bucket List 2007; a bucket list is something you would like to do
or have done before you kick the bucket. Example:

1. Go to Israel and hear from G-d in each place.
2. Swim with the dolphins.
3. Be debt free.
4. Truly be blessed and highly favored, with not only G-d but also mankind.
5. Have great health and strength.
6. Loving people and seeing them through G-d’s eyes.
7. Preach a dynamic, anointed sermon that will be remembered.
8. Having great discernment, and seeing in the spiritual realm.
9. Fine tuned ears to hear G-d’s voice and acting upon it.
10. Having a highly controlled mind and a disciplined mouth.
11. Seeing all my family serving G-d 100%.
12. See my family reading and researching G-d’s word.
13. Restoration in my family; all at peace with one another.
14. Recalling each Word I have read and studied.
15. Making wise decisions and fewer mistakes.
16. Walk my talk.
17. Teach G-d’s Word and Laws diligently and thoroughly.
18. Feeling at home in a body of believers.
19. Be truly honest, rightness and upright.
20. Laugh and smile in exceeding joy, being really happy and content.
21. Live to see all that the cankerworm has eaten is restored.
22. Bondage free.
23. Reaching full maturity and walking in my calling.
24. Being prosperous and being able to bless others.
25. My house and land being a sanctuary that glorifies G-d.
26. Being a vessel of G-d’s power in signs and wonders.
27. To be able to send rainbows to others and giving them hope and promises.
28. Live for nothing but die for something.
29. Closing my eyes in sleep and opening them in His presents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great ideas, I'll start one too.