Prophetic Ministry

The Nurturing and Administrations: In this fast generation, it is not a good time for a know-it-all, but rather it’s the proper time for the virtue of humility expressed in a teachable spirit. Intercession is one of the primary purposes of the prophetic ministry. The prophecies are to encourage us to stay faithful to the daily prayer meetings and to focus on a life of loving passion for Y’Shua. It’s the prophetic hope that causes our prayers for a coming great visitation of G-d to be persistent through the years and the diverse seasons of hardship. Acts 2 is example of how G-d can visit His believers: 1. Wind of the Spirit involves the release of the miracles. Heb. 1:7 relates the ministry of angels to the wind. One the day of Pentecost, those present heard the sound of a mighty rushing wind – could it be the wings of angels rushing to minister? Acts 4 states the building they were praying in shook. A great harvest of souls comes on the wind of the Spirit. 2. The fire of G-d’s will enlarge our hearts and receive a deeper understanding of G-d’s love, giving us a fiery passion for Y’Shua and compassion for people. It will bring intercession for the lost and the beginning of new souls, coming powerfully into the kingdom of G-d. 3. The wine of G-d is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring joy inexpressible and refreshment of weary, burdened souls, renewing the hearts of His people. Because of the weariness and despair that is common in the last generation, possible the order will be reversed. First, He is sending the wine of the Spirit to refresh and heal the weary believers. Then He will send the fire of the Spirit to enlarge our hearts in G-d’s. Then last, He will send the wind of the Spirit, which includes a manifestation of the ministry of angels. This demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power will bring countless numbers of new people to saving faith in Y’Shua. Joel 2 and Acts 2:17 states that G-d promised to pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh. The strongest kind of faith comes from both understanding based on the scriptures and discernment of the Spirit. This outpouring of the Spirit will cross all kinds of national, social, ethnic and cultural barriers that will have many multidimensional expressions imparting and renew deep, affectionate passion for Y’Shua. The Holy Spirit longs above all things to glorify Y’Shua in the human heart (John 16:14). He wants to impart deep holy affection for Y’Shua in the bride of the Messiah. There are prophesies though the acts of G-d in nature. The first half of Acts 2:17-18 speaks of the outpouring of the Spirit and the increase of prophetic revelation on the entire body of the Messiah. While the second half of the passage is dedicated to the great increase of the acts of G-d in nature. Signs and wonders in heaven and earth, blood, fire and smoke (Acts 2:19-21). In the last days signs and wonders will be unprecedented because it will serve to confirm and signify the last gathering of souls and all of the variety of nature signs will be a great benefit to mature believers, as well as dramatic display of power to tough the lost. Gifts of the Spirit are given based on the grace of G-d, not on the maturity, wisdom and character of the vessel. The manifestations of the Spirit are for the common good of the body. People can express valid gifts of the Spirit, yet have some pretty significant hang ups and unresolved issues in their lives. G-d’s gifting are not about our promotions and esteem. But are distributed to people who become vessels and conduits of His mercy for the benefit of others. 1 Sam. 16:7 states man looks at the outward appearance, but the L-rd looks at the heart. Prophetic people are tempted to think that their particular method and style is essential to the anointing working through their lives. But the person of the Spirit is the key to operating in the power of G-d. Elijah in 1 King 1:8 poured water on the alter. So when G-d’s power was demonstrated, the people would not glorify the prophet of G-d, but the G-d of the prophet. Power gifts do not necessarily endorse character or methodology. Neither do a prophet’s great miracles validate all his doctrine. The very nature of the prophetic ministry is to alert the church to the now-ness of the Holy Spirit. It awakens us to the will and purpose of G-d for us in the presence – what He specifically wants to do in us and through us. Every body needs balanced input to maintain stability as well as zeal and motivation within the body. We all need the high-octane prophetic people with supernatural manifestations, but we also need the dedicated theologians, compassionate pastors and all the other ministries. These last generations will be ones of deepest purification in Israel and in all the world before the Messiah comes. The testimony of Y’Shua is the Spirit of Prophesy (Rev. 19:10). You must have the Father’s heart (1 Cor. 14:23-25 before prophesying to another. hearing G-d’s voice and speaking out. There are three parts of prophesying: 1. Revelation received. 2. Interpretation sought after. 3. Application in timing. You may need to hold on to a word, pray and intercede, loving that person with the heart of LG-d, finding G-d’s timing to speak. It also works along with words of wisdom and knowledge (1 Cor. 12:8). The purpose of prophesy (1 Cor. 14:1-2): 1. Edification the building up. 2. Exhortation is strongly advising. 3. Comfort There are several levels of prophesy: 1. Simple prophetic – anyone can give a word. 2. Gifts of prophesy – impressions, dreams and visions without understanding. 3. Prophetic mantel – recognized office, commissioned, working with a tem to interpret. 4. Prophetic office – extensive training, in present with G-d, governmental office in the body; direction and correction for the body, rebuke, prediction and confirmation, revelation, dreams and visions. 100% accurate, working with an apostle, a high level of revelation predictions. G-d’s science forces us to grow in our confidence in Him as a person while we walk through the darkness, looking for a sense of direction. Learning the art of dangling. It seems as though G-d holds out to the last possible moment to reveal whether we will panic or trust Him. Now notice 1, 2 and 3 are working in growing stages of the prophetic, but only the 4th. Level has the experience, maturity and credibility to be called a PROPHET and parallels the Old Covenant prophet. To recognize one operating on this level, the prophet has supernatural giftedness that is evidenced by regularly receiving divine information. He has a godly character, showing that the Holy Spirit’s presence and sanctifying work are operating in his life, creating brokenness, a kindness, a selfishness and a compassion. This prophet diligently seeks to cultivate holiness and deep passion for Y’Shua. He has a matured and powerful wisdom of G-d that builds up the people and the purpose of G-d. There is a down side, a cost; you pay for an office job. The pain, the perplexities and the attacks upon the proper in the office are far greater than on most people. Many wrestle and struggle in their own lives and ministries. They experienced demonic attack, opposition from godly people and great perplexity in their own souls. Prophetic ministries have more disappointment with G-d than the average person because their expectations are typically higher. They are more deeply disappointed. They also have difficulties that are sometimes leadership induced, because leasers do not know how to nurture and administrate prophetic ministries. Are you willing to pay the prize? Pain and passion are inseparable linked. If there’s not pain, there will be minimal passion for G-d and others (Romans 8:22-23). Most prophetic people get in touch with their gifting long before they cultivate the corresponding wisdom, humility and character that is necessary to succeed in prophetic ministry. In the beginning, they may appear arrogant or pushy because of their zeal. As years go by, their pushiness usually comes from fear, hurt and rejection. They have had their hands slapped many times. Maybe dealt with harshly, mistreated by many people leaving deep ministry scars, shell-shocked by negative experiences with previous churches experiencing total rejection. Have you been there? I have! By the time a person reaches 40 or 50, they are often very guarded and suspicious of authority figures. Those that overcome and obtain true maturity do not look at men, nor at the temporal; they are short sighted. A true prophet will not be overly encouraged when men gather around them or discouraged when they depart. Receiving the authority from above, then no man can take away, and a prophet will not be overly concerned by either the approval or disapproval of men. Obedience brings on G-d’s authority and power.

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