Messianic Promises

The Scriptures and the Word bear one tremendous name. The Living and the Written Word, in all things are same. Let us look at promises that are relative to the Messiah. Everywhere they are hidden Messianic intonations, which are not clearly visible on the surface of the verse. Many verses imply references, types, and symbols, displaying His glory and grace; all of these Messianic references are sparkling with diamond rays upon sacred pages. After G-d's first promise of Messiah as "the seed of the woman" (Gen. 3:15), He is never lost sight of in the Old Covenant as the Promised One. In all of its 39 books, there is the air of expectancy. Someone is coming! Hundreds of years before the Messiah came, G-d graciously unveiled Him. The prophesies; references to Messiah in Old Covenant Scriptures, which are expressly cited in the New Covenant, either as predictions fulfilled in Him, or as provisions applied to Him, number not less than 333. Therefore the Messiah dominates the old Covenant, and is before us as the One who is the Substance of its messages and the goal of its hope. All its avenues lead to Him. He is the Golden Thread binding the diverse books together, giving them an amazing unity. The New Covenant is but an extension of the Old. They go hand in hand - one does not cancel out the other. We have our L-rd's own authority for the fact that He is the key to Old Covenant promises, profiles and pictures. (Heb. 10:7; Lk: 27, 44) In our quest for truth, whether we deal with facts or figures, prophesies or promises, let us realize that the secret of interpretation is to find the Man Y’Shua on the back, because all scripture exists to reveal Him. It brings sustenance to our souls when we discover how Messiah and the Scriptures are similarly presented. The Old Covenant - The Messiah of Prophesy. The Gospels - The Messiah of History. The Acts and the Epistles - The Messiah of Experience. The Revelation - The Messiah of Glory. The Old Covenant prophesies of Messiah prove that "the Incarnate Word was in the Prophetic Word" which is the perpetual witness to His divine origin and character. Prophecies are actually promises. Any divine prophecy is a promise that at G-d will perform all that the prophecy presents. Generally speaking, these Messianic promises set forth these aspects of the Promised Person; His royal and human pedigree, His deity and uniqueness, His redemptive and governmental program. James 1:22-25 says "a hearer of the like unto a man holding his natural face in a glass." A mirror reveals and reflects. A mirror never lies. The promise of a perfect revelation, both of G-d and ourselves, is ours when we accept the Bible as the divine mirror. People shrink from the word of G-d because it tells them the truth about their sin and reveals to them not what they think they are, but what G-d declares them to be - "guilty before Him". (Rom. 3:19) Yet there is no need to fear the revelation of G-d's mirror for what the light reveals, the blood can cleanse. Messiah is the Living Word, and the Bible, the Written Word. The Bible and Messiah, through the Bible, both reveal and express the mind and purpose of G-d. Having and knowing the mind of G-d, Messiah was able to disclose in language men could not fail to understand the deep things of G-d. G-d stamped His name and sovereignty upon the very forehead of His Book, G-d First! This is surely the keynote of the initial book of the Bible. G-d first in everything - in creation; in redemption; in providence; in personal experience. We may not know the hidden cares, trials and responsibilities, but He does! G-d first in every phase of our life begets the assurance that our need that may arise will receive His close attention.

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